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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-10-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
12:51 pdurbin that's funny, I'm used to `git branch -a` showing all remote branches but I'm finding I have to use `git ls-remote --heads` to see them. this was helpful:
13:02 pdurbin weird. I had to do `git fetch origin remote_branch_name:local_branch_name` to pull the remote branch down per
13:03 * pdurbin votes it up
14:09 pdurbin hmm, during `git rebase develop` ... " warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files... warning: you may want to set your diff.renamelimit variable to at least 927 and retry the command."
14:10 sivoais O_o
14:10 sivoais I've never seen that
14:14 pdurbin sivoais: how reassuring :)
14:14 pdurbin now I get that warning when I do `git log --name-status`
14:16 sivoais it's explained in the "Rename handling in git" section of <>
14:16 sivoais "When trying to detect renames git distinguishes between exact and inexact renames with the former being a rename without changing the content of the file and the latter a rename that might include changes to the content of the file (e.g. renaming/moving a Java Class). This distinction is important because the algorithm for detecting exact renames is linear and will always be executed while the algorithm for inexact rename detection is quadratic ( O(
14:20 pdurbin ok, so this seems to have nothing to do with the rebase... we *did* do a big rename in a feature branch and I can replicate that warning with that `git log` command on a fresh clone
14:26 pdurbin sivoais: I see their example is also Java. lots of file
14:26 pdurbin bah! `git log path/to/file` doesn't work... I have to add --follow :(
14:30 pdurbin and from github the history button doesn't work: ... we only one commit... the one where we moved files around
14:37 * pdurbin votes up
14:38 pdurbin I feel like I'm trying to cater a bit to the GitHub web interface...
14:38 pdurbin I see I was already active on this question:
17:30 pdurbin ironcamel: uh oh... I see IRONCAMEL under "100 Latest Failing Dists" ;)
17:31 pdurbin I'm thinking about kwalitee in terms of data curation...
17:31 pdurbin how we can encourage people who upload data to follow good practices
17:33 pdurbin i.e.
17:42 sivoais *nods*, that's a huge problem. At the reading group I was at, someone from economics noted that work like <> wasn't working for them because each researcher had their own things that they did with the data. And collaboration was not yet as huge as it was in the sciences. That's how Open Science Framework came up.
17:42 sivoais I came across this book this weekend <>. I should pick it up from the library.
17:44 sivoais "Bad Data Handbook: Mapping the World of Data Problems" By Q. Ethan McCallum
18:10 pdurbin heh. great title

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