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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-05-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:30 pdurbin man, both our ticket tracking server and our coffee machine is down :(
13:30 larsks Time to take a coffee walk!
13:32 pdurbin holy crap! now they're both up again. \o/
13:32 pdurbin sorry for the noise :)
13:36 pdurbin this "Eclipse Persistence Services" thing preventing deploy is absolutely killing me right now... I keep having to restart glassfish:
13:36 pdurbin aditsu: any ideas?
13:36 pdurbin semiosis: you're a java guy
13:36 pdurbin org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa​.metadata.accessors.mappings.OneToMa​nyAccessor.processOneToManyMapping
13:37 pdurbin buh?
13:41 pdurbin the really weird thing is that to fix it I'm doing the same thing multiple times... restarting glassfish twice, running clean and build, restarting glassfish a couple more times. and then it works and I'm able to deploy. it's crazy
13:42 pdurbin it's the definition of insanity!
13:42 pdurbin
14:12 mhep joined #sourcefu
14:13 pdurbin mhep: welcome!
14:13 mhep pdurbin: Re: "Eclipse Persistence Services" failed deploys...
14:15 mhep I've had successful deployed builds when I am not running Glassfish. I am pretty sure I am 2 for 2. Maybe there was a failure in there yesterday, but it's been the most consistent strategy of deploying thus far.
14:21 pdurbin mhep: you're saying I should try stopping glassfish first. then try a deploy
14:24 pdurbin I tried that. Even closed Netbeans entirely and ran `jps` to make sure glassfish wasn't running. then opened netbeans (which starts glassfish) and did a deploy. but I still got the error. until I do do similar stuff a few more times and then it works
14:24 mhep Correct. This problem as persisted for the last 2-3 days for me, and each time I've started everything up in the AM, with a Clean + Build, and then a Deploy, without manually starting Glassfish, I've had successful builds.
14:25 mhep Each time I've tried deploying in the middle of the day, with Glassfish already running, they've failed.
14:25 pdurbin hmm
14:26 mhep I'll run a little test now. 1) Shut down Glassfish 2) Clean + Build 3) Deploy 4) Hold breath...
14:26 pdurbin mhep: I think I need to deploy more often that you do since I'm changing Java and you're working more often on xhtml and css
14:27 mhep Yes, that is true. Lucky me.
14:28 * pdurbin shakes fist
14:31 mhep Don't be mad, bro.
14:31 mhep run-deploy: BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 minute 34 seconds)
14:31 mhep \o/
14:31 aditsu pdurbin: sorry, I don't use persistence services nor glassfish
14:32 pdurbin mhep: at least you partially feel my pain :)
14:32 mhep Shutdown Glassfish. Clean + Build. Deploy. Succeed.
14:32 pdurbin mhep: for every deploy?!?
14:33 mhep I'm 3 for 3, as far as I can recall.
14:33 pdurbin it ain't right. I'm glad there's a ticket
14:33 pdurbin anyway, it's annoying enough I'm sure someone will fix it
14:34 mhep I am adding my work around to the ticket. Maybe that clues in to where the problem lies.
14:34 pdurbin good idea
14:34 pdurbin aditsu: what good are you
14:35 aditsu pdurbin: wrong question, what good are those things? :)
14:37 pdurbin touche
16:45 semiosis pdurbin: a java guy yes, but where you use glassfish & eclipselink, I use tomcat & hibernate, so i'm not going to be much help there
18:00 pdurbin booo
18:00 larsks
23:11 pdurbin so I think... if I just deploy over and over ("run" in netbeans) it eventually works. not sure I actually need to keep restarting glassfish
23:25 pdurbin hmm, had to restart glassfish again. sigh

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