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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-04-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:22 spilth joined #sourcefu
02:22 spilth left #sourcefu
11:18 ironcame1 joined #sourcefu
11:25 codex joined #sourcefu
12:51 pdurbin "pdurbin: here is what I used on a project some time ago. Worked fine: " -- ... seems interesting
13:12 pdurbin aditsu: yeah, that's what I'm planning. tweak the query itself, adding an AND, and re-searching. so I get facets
13:14 pdurbin I have this other tricky problem related to faceted search. It narrows the results too much in certain cases
15:53 atz joined #sourcefu
17:16 atz1 joined #sourcefu
19:56 pdurbin what? I've never linked to before? useful to have an mp3 of pink noise to download in a noisy office. or... that page claims you can make your own with this: sox -t sl -r 44100 -c 2 /dev/zero   -r 44100 -c 2 -w  whitenoise.wav synth 10:00 whitenoise vol 0.6 fade q 10 10:00 10
20:03 aditsu dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/dsp :p
20:10 pdurbin :)
21:06 ben_e_ joined #sourcefu
21:17 pdurbin joined #sourcefu
21:34 atz joined #sourcefu
22:12 semiosis switch/case in java is rarely useful.  today it was useful.
22:12 * semiosis celebrates
22:33 philbot joined #sourcefu
22:33 Topic for #sourcefu is now | logs at
22:37 crimsonfubot joined #sourcefu
22:39 pdurbin joined #sourcefu
22:41 sivoais joined #sourcefu
22:51 sivoais joined #sourcefu
23:01 sivoais joined #sourcefu
23:11 sivoais joined #sourcefu
23:28 aditsu pdurbin: what do you need noise for anyway?
23:28 pdurbin noise to drown out noise
23:28 aditsu :o
23:28 aditsu I prefer music
23:29 pdurbin with vocals or not? or it doesn't matter? lyrics distract me
23:30 aditsu doesn't matter for me, but I guess it depends on the person
23:30 pdurbin for non-lyrics I like proton radio
23:30 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky proton radio
23:30 crimsonfubot pdurbin:
23:31 aditsu especially if I've already listened to a song 100 times, I barely even notice it anymore
23:31 pdurbin heh
23:31 aditsu (I don't mean in a loop)
23:34 aditsu sometimes I listen to stuff like this:
23:36 pdurbin when you need a nap? :)
23:36 aditsu not only :)
23:38 pdurbin :)

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