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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-04-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
21:30 atz1 joined #sourcefu
21:34 aditsu any takers on the 100 prisoners problem?
21:39 pdurbin man, I'm so preoccupied with the lockdown in Boston:
21:39 pdurbin aditsu: you already have a solution?
21:40 aditsu sure
21:41 aditsu pdurbin: oh, you're in the Boston area!
21:43 aditsu pdurbin: has your home been affected by the search?
21:46 aditsu huh, I had no idea.. we were chatting yesterday like nothing happened
22:01 aditsu pdurbin -- Harvard -- Boston, I didn't make the connection :|
22:07 aditsu I really hope there won't be any more deaths.. and that you and your loved ones are fine
22:15 pdurbin aditsu: we're fine. I'll be happier when my wife is home. she's been gone all week. the kids are asking why we haven't gone outside all day
22:21 aditsu I wonder if Dzhokhar is really guilty or he just tagged along
22:24 pdurbin I keep seeing on Twitter he ran over his brother as he escaped
22:24 pdurbin but I have no idea
22:25 aditsu he'd better surrender.. don't think he can hide much longer
22:26 aditsu heh, I keep remembering the movie Shooter for some reason :p
22:27 pdurbin hmm. haven't seen it
22:31 aditsu an innocent guy is framed and hunted by the authorities.. he manages to escape and solve the situation
22:32 aditsu kinda like a modern Rambo
22:39 aditsu hmm, "police lift order to stay indoors"
23:02 pdurbin finally

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