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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-03-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:22 pdurbin | Online IDE & Debugging Tool >> C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, Perl and 40+ compilers and interpreters -
02:26 pdurbin "codepad is an online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool. Paste your code below, and codepad will run it and give you a short URL you can use to share it in chat or email." --
04:00 pdurbin my six year old's first Scratch program: The Boo Boo Story - :)
20:12 pdurbin_m joined #sourcefu
21:59 rindolf joined #sourcefu
21:59 rindolf Hi a..
21:59 rindolf Hi all.
21:59 rindolf pdurbin: hi.
21:59 pdurbin rindolf: hi!
22:00 pdurbin rindolf: this is you, right?
22:01 rindolf pdurbin: well, that link is a language I contemplated to create based on Perl 5.
22:01 pdurbin yeah, I've definitely seen you in Perl circles
22:01 rindolf pdurbin:
22:02 pdurbin ironcamel: maybe you've heard of rindolf here :)
22:02 pdurbin heh. "i hate it when people call me fish"
22:02 pdurbin "mr. fish is ok though" :)
22:03 rindolf pdurbin: some people who don't speak Hebrew have a problem saying my name - "Shlomi Fish" - or my nickname - "shlomif", so I allow them to call me "Rindolf" or "Rin" or whatever.
22:03 rindolf pdurbin: I met ironcamel.
22:03 pdurbin anyway, I hadn't heard of ##programming until you mentioned it in the ikiwiki channel. looks like you've got a nice FAQ:
22:04 rindolf pdurbin: yes.
22:04 rindolf pdurbin: well, the FAQ is underused.
22:04 pdurbin underread? ;)
22:05 rindolf pdurbin: unreal didn't want to put it in the /topic and we also don't have any infobots yet.
22:05 rindolf pdurbin: yes, underread too.
22:05 pdurbin i run a couple bots. they're fun
22:05 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky shlomi fish
22:05 crimsonfubot pdurbin:
22:07 rindolf pdurbin: ah, Google's "I'm feeling Lucky"?
22:07 rindolf crimsonfubot: lucky flickr shlomif
22:07 crimsonfubot rindolf:
22:08 pdurbin yeah, here's the bot's config:
22:08 pdurbin supybot.plugins.Google: True
22:09 pdurbin anyway, I like the idea of channels that aren't too narrow. maybe I'll try out ##programming but as I mentioned in #ikiwiki I prefer channels that are logged:
22:10 pdurbin i mean, we're all programmers. we use similar tools
22:10 pdurbin sometimes discussion is appropriate for a wider audience than just a specific language
22:21 pdurbin speaking of Perl... something has been bothering me for a while. some pretty harsh criticism I heard on a podcast about how unfriendly the perl-beginners mailing list is
22:21 pdurbin I'm 90% sure this was the podcast I'm thinking of... hence the title: 5by5 | In Beta #35: Hammers of the Beards -
22:22 pdurbin the "beards" being the perl neckbeards who are angry toward newbies on the list... in theory anyway. this hasn't been my experience
22:22 pdurbin or maybe i'm just not sensitive enough :)
22:23 pdurbin anyway, it felt like the Perl community was being painted in a bad light, perhaps unfairly
22:23 pdurbin or maybe not, I wasn't there
22:26 pdurbin oh, cool, there was a follow up blog post to the "And my code is so bad it makes people’s eyes bleed. So of course I start sobbing." post they were discussing ...
22:26 rindolf pdurbin: good night.
22:27 pdurbin rindolf: bye!
22:44 pdurbin heh. the /topic of ##programming includes "Etiquette is requiring an overhaul, starting now. The big brother state is in full effect. Be civil. Repeated derogatory outbursts will be dealt with."
23:01 pdurbin man, that's a long faq. not a bad read though

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