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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-01-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
15:28 pdurbin Are You a Human - The Ultimate Captcha Alternative -
15:40 spilth joined #sourcefu
15:52 pdurbin would be great if it were open source
15:59 pdurbin heh. seen in ##java: "java is to javascript as ham is to hamster"
16:00 spilth Mmm, I love my mom's Christmas Hamster.
16:03 pdurbin honey glazed hamster
16:04 spilth java is to javascript as ruby is to Ruby Tuesday?
16:04 spilth I'll just stop now
16:12 pdurbin my svn to git conversion process is fully documented now:
16:14 spilth nice
16:15 spilth I have one on using git to access an svn repository -
16:16 spilth I do this at work where we have projects in Subversion but I want to use Git locally
16:16 pdurbin thankfully, my new group wants to move to git
16:18 spilth We just set up git internally, so people have the option to move to that now. But plenty of legacy stuff in subversion. I know that my boss found/created a transition tool as well.
16:20 pdurbin i'm hoping the conversion i've done is good enough. i'm not capturing any branching but it seems like most recent development has been on trunk
16:21 pdurbin i'm looking forward to feedback from others in my group, as i mentioned in my latest update:
16:22 spilth oops, we were going from subversion at one place to subversion at another. not subversion to git. Sorry
16:23 pdurbin since then i made because we're in a dev freeze following a release
16:23 pdurbin and i wanted to capture the latest commits
16:25 spilth I wonder if you could also just use git-svn and then push the git repo somewhere
16:26 pdurbin i'm sure you could
16:27 spilth
16:29 pdurbin hmm, "A *complete* guide to git-svn conversions" ... i don't think i've seen this. thanks
16:31 pdurbin hmm, and he wrote some helper scripts: via
16:56 pdurbin it seems much more thorough. timing it
17:11 pdurbin is affected by this as it's hosted by GitHub Pages: GitHub Pages updated to Jekyll 0.12.0 ยท GitHub Blog -
17:36 pdurbin that's... odd.. that ran for over 45 minutes and said "conversion complete" but when i do i `git log` i only see a single commit... "Convert svn:ignore properties to .gitignore." by Author: git-svn-migrate <>
19:18 pdurbin here's the last bit of output:
19:18 pdurbin anyway, i'll stick to which seems to work fine
20:08 pdurbin was just pointed out to me. seems nice
20:09 semiosis there's also
20:18 pdurbin semiosis: thanks
20:19 semiosis yw
20:26 pdurbin interesting: "Hmm, that's a shame for your project. Not wanting to go for Maven for a Java package is like distributing a Linux program in a tar.gz. People just won't use it." --
20:31 semiosis pdurbin: that's the voice of a whiner... i use java projects that aren't in maven central
20:31 semiosis and it's easy
20:32 semiosis use sonatype nexus to host your own maven repo, you set your development environment to go to nexus, which acts as a caching proxy to maven central & any other remote repos, and you can store your own artifacts in it
20:32 pdurbin sounds fancy
20:32 pdurbin :)
20:33 semiosis only missing thing is a POM in that yaml library, which it looks like the author will accept from the community...
20:34 semiosis then everybody's happy
20:36 pdurbin gotcha
21:27 spilth "That I can't figure out how to do this in more than a few minutes speaks volumes about Maven, IMO."
21:29 semiosis maven tends to move the burden of things toward initial setup, but once you get over that initial hurdle the project runs pretty smooth
21:29 pdurbin sounds like perl
21:34 spilth almost makes me want to describe and compare building and publishing projects across several languages (ruby, java, perl, python, php)
21:36 pdurbin spilth: i enjoyed
21:36 pdurbin huh. this is new! i knew he was getting into haskell. will have to read this later:
21:37 spilth I meant something serious and informative :-)
21:38 pdurbin joeyh is awesome. wrote ikiwiki and
21:38 pdurbin "I hear of many people who enjoy learning lots of programming languages, one after the other. A new one every month, or year. I suspect this is a fairly shallow learning. I like to dive deep."
21:38 spilth Ah, I funded git-annex but have yet to use it.
21:39 pdurbin ironcamel: "It took me probably 6 years to fully explore every depth of perl. And I never saw a reason to do the same with python or ruby or their ilk; they're too similar to perl for it to seem worth the bother."
21:40 pdurbin should read this
21:42 ironcamel pdurbin: nice
21:42 ironcamel pdurbin: check this out. will wolf is my coworker. he built
21:42 ironcamel
22:26 spilth Does anybody care about slashdot anymore?
22:28 spilth I find it comes down to the person's attitude. If they don't wanna change, they ain't gonna change.

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