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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2012-12-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:31 rruma1 joined #sourcefu
13:27 rruma1 left #sourcefu
13:27 rruma1 joined #sourcefu
13:38 rruma joined #sourcefu
15:55 spilth joined #sourcefu
16:15 raprasad joined #sourcefu
16:24 raprasad Nice essay:  "On System Design" under "Sample Publications":
16:28 pdurbin raprasad: thanks. what was your take away from it?
16:29 raprasad Find someone good at system design and learn from him/her--apprentice
16:29 raprasad As an alternative, be more involved with open source
16:30 pdurbin sounds like good advice
16:30 raprasad It's worth reading through.  Perhaps controversial:
16:30 raprasad The point, I believe, is that good design is a capability that some people have, and others simply do not. Whether this is an innate skill that people are born with, or one that is cultivated over time in ways that we don’t understand, is a question far too deep for me to address here. I neither know nor care. But by the time someone is designing a computer system, whatever it takes to be a good designer is either there or it is not. When
16:30 raprasad is there, it can be developed and honed. It can also be degraded or warped. But when it is not there, there is no technique or process that can make up the deficit.
16:32 raprasad Very interesting anecdote:
16:32 raprasad There was a period when I would ask, “who did you do your design apprenticeship with?” without supplying any other context. I expected some to be confused by the question, but I found that everyone to whom I asked the question not only understood it, but was able to answer without thinking. Even more interesting, the names that were given were often the same. Whether they knew it or not, a relatively small number of master craftsmen wer
16:32 raprasad credited with training a much larger number of system designers.
16:34 pdurbin software is still a relatively young field
16:34 spilth raprasad: I just started reading Apprenticeship Patterns ( which, obviously, discusses this sort of thing.
16:44 raprasad thanks spilth
16:59 pdurbin wow, my $data = Text::CSV::Slurp->load( string => $content ) ... ftw :)
17:08 agoddard_ joined #sourcefu
17:09 agoddard_ joined #sourcefu
17:14 spilth Reminds me of some Perl I wrote long ago that now seems a bit offensive
17:49 raprasad joined #sourcefu
18:58 semiosis when i first encountered maven i thought it was insane & horrible, but since then every time i encounter dependency management in any other language i gain more respect for maven
19:14 spilth Bundler does a pretty good for Ruby
19:16 spilth pretty good job
19:17 pdurbin semiosis: you've seen the maven/raven video?
19:17 semiosis pdurbin: yep, but i don't like poe
19:17 semiosis hehe
19:23 spilth semiosis: what other languages and dependency tools have you encountered?
19:34 semiosis cpan (nightmare)... rubygems (meh)... pip (ok)... php/pear (nice)... maven (real nice)...
19:47 raprasad joined #sourcefu
20:02 pdurbin semiosis: i switched to cpanm this week. it's great. very easy
20:04 pdurbin all you do is...
20:05 pdurbin cpan App::cpanminus
20:05 pdurbin to install cpanm
20:05 pdurbin and then
20:05 pdurbin cpanm Some::Module
20:05 pdurbin per
20:05 pdurbin ironcamel: ^^
20:11 ironcamel pdurbin: finally using cpanm :) i have been telling you to for years!
20:11 pdurbin :)
20:11 pdurbin with local::lib, of course :)
20:12 ironcamel but no, "i must create an rpm for every single thing i install, blah blah blah "
20:12 pdurbin well, i'm on a mac now :)
20:41 larsks_ joined #sourcefu
20:44 ironcamel pdurbin--
20:45 ironcamel so much for "Open source by default"
20:46 ironcamel "When in doubt, but it from apple"
20:46 ironcamel *buy
20:47 pdurbin :)
21:26 semiosis looking forward to trying gradle one of these days
21:47 pdurbin crimsonfubot: lucky gradle dependency
21:47 crimsonfubot pdurbin:
21:48 pdurbin ah. java thing looks like
22:24 pdurbin ironcamel: it hasn't even been a whole year: :)
22:27 pdurbin i can't find if i ever said that i don't use RPMs for everything. i'm fine with installing via CPAN for stuff on my workstation. i just never use CPAN on a server. preferring always the package manager
22:27 ironcamel it feels like years
22:27 pdurbin we must be having fun :)
22:30 semiosis php has no integer division, float results must be cast to int
22:33 ironcamel hmm, what scripting language has integer division?
22:33 ironcamel python -c 'print 3/2'
22:33 ironcamel 1
22:33 ironcamel python -c 'print 3/2.0'
22:33 ironcamel 1.5
22:34 ironcamel didn't expect that
22:35 semiosis if i divide an int by an int i expect int div... but if either operands are floats i expect a float
22:35 semiosis probably b/c i've been in java land so long
22:35 ironcamel yeah, i expect that in java/c/c++ etc
23:23 pdurbin ironcamel: "MacOS X (our default development OS)" -- ... i like sticking with defaults :) ... and at least it's mac ... i didn't know until today that once upon a time the dev environment was windows

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