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IRC log for #rest, 2018-06-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:50 wsieroci joined #rest
06:44 Haudegen joined #rest
10:38 Haudegen joined #rest
12:55 wsiqueir joined #rest
14:40 saml joined #rest
14:40 saml in http, if client got 3xx, and it follows the Location, does client add Referer header or something?
14:40 * saml reads manual
17:01 whartung “it should”, but it’s not required, necessarily
17:01 whartung but some apps distinguish things that are refered and that aren’t
19:15 wsieroci joined #rest
19:57 saml joined #rest
20:05 saml_ joined #rest
20:05 saml_ what should be Content-Type  of 301 response?
20:52 whartung text/plain
21:11 saml_ hrm interesting.
21:11 saml_ nginx has setting to populate Content-Type based on file extension. So, for GET /a.jpg ,  and if I redirect that,  Content-Type: image/jpeg
21:14 ModusPwnens joined #rest
21:14 ModusPwnens I have a service that masters data. It should never, ever lose data and there's no way that other entities can delete data. In this case, if data is not found for a request, does it make more sense to return a 404 or a 500?
21:15 ModusPwnens From a certain lens, there was a service failure at some point if that data could not be found.
21:21 whartung well, sure saml_ — arguably the mime type is moot, since there’s “no content”.
21:22 whartung but how can you distinguish between a error on the server, and a bad request?
21:22 whartung get /service/alsdkjfa;lsdkja;lsd​kjga;lskjg;ldkfjgsldkfjgsdf
21:22 whartung taht should be a 500? or a 404?
21:22 saml_ hrm i see
21:23 saml_ i think it should be 404
21:23 whartung the client if if gets a 404, could then report something being wrong. But the server won’t know any different
21:24 saml_ if resource isn't found, 404
21:24 whartung plus, the 5xx class is “the server hated this transaction and spit up blood” vs “at some point in the past, an operator fat fingered a command and deleted data accidently”
21:24 saml_ if resource should never be not found... i 'd go back to drawing board
21:26 ModusPwnens why? What's wrong with having a service that should never lose its resources?
21:26 ModusPwnens but i think i generally agree with using 404 vs 500
21:27 ModusPwnens Additionally, if the data wasn't found, then it's not a problem with the CURRENT request, but rather it suggests that a problem occurred elsewhere. So from that perspective, a 500 also may not be appropriate
21:40 whartung correct
21:41 whartung I mean, you can certainly assert that if you can’t find something “it’s the servers problem”, but that does suggest a very well behaved client never lying to the server.
21:41 whartung (all clients lie…)

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