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IRC log for #rest, 2018-06-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:27 whartung joined #rest
07:04 interop_madness joined #rest
07:38 Haudegen joined #rest
12:29 Haudegen joined #rest
12:34 donofrio joined #rest
13:54 Haudegen joined #rest
17:17 ModusPwnens joined #rest
17:17 ModusPwnens What is the RESTful API convention for doing something to 'close' or 'finalize' a resource?
17:18 ModusPwnens It doesn't seem to map up to any nice HTTP verbs and i'm having trouble coming up with something in the spirit of REST. Is there a way I could change my thinking around this to come up with a better API design?
18:28 wsieroci joined #rest
19:27 Guest16961 joined #rest
19:45 wsieroci joined #rest
22:55 Haudegen joined #rest
23:01 Haudegen joined #rest

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