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IRC log for #rest, 2018-01-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:07 vjacob joined #rest
08:10 wsieroci joined #rest
12:04 Haudegen joined #rest
12:06 interop_home joined #rest
12:06 interop_home joined #rest
14:50 radialneon joined #rest
14:50 radialneon Hello, I'm new to REST. What is a Connector in the context of REST?
14:50 radialneon "REST is an architectural style constituted of a set of architectural prescriptions applied to components, connectors and data elements within a distributed hypermedia system."
15:35 philbot joined #rest
15:35 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
15:36 pdurbin joined #rest
15:38 pdurbin good question
15:41 radialneon :D
15:41 pdurbin nothing at
15:46 radialneon "Connectors" occurs twice in that page
15:46 radialneon "Reliability is the resistance to failure at the system level in the presence of failures within components, connectors, or data"
15:47 radialneon And "REST's client–server separation of concerns simplifies component implementation, reduces the complexity of connector semantics, improves the effectiveness of performance tuning, and increases the scalability of pure server components."
15:48 radialneon What they mean in their context is unknown to me, though
15:54 asdf radialneon,
15:55 asdf aiui that'd be your http server and client impl
15:56 radialneon asdf, Thanks for that great resource
15:57 asdf that's Fielding's original REST paper; people usually only refer to chapter 5
15:57 asdf but chapter 1 has definitions ;)
16:10 pdurbin Ah, "A connector is an abstract mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation among components." Thanks, asdf
16:14 radialneon So in a RESTful API the client would have to send his authentication details in every request
16:15 radialneon Because the server is not allowed to maintain the authentication state for the client
16:17 asdf yes, and indeed, in practice this is commonly done using the Authorization header
16:19 asdf browser-facing webpages use cookies for a weird version of this, but even with them, server programmers will eg. fetch the user from the database on every request, instead of having an in-memory session for that user
17:34 radialneon asdf, you mean with session tokens stored in cookies?
19:11 wsieroci joined #rest
19:17 Haudegen joined #rest
20:20 radialneon joined #rest
23:33 vjacob_ joined #rest

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