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IRC log for #rest, 2017-01-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:31 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
02:54 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
04:47 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
08:34 wsieroci joined #rest
10:26 wsieroci joined #rest
13:48 wsieroci joined #rest
14:46 wsieroci joined #rest
15:12 sp1rs joined #rest
16:21 InvaderZim joined #rest
16:26 InvaderZim__ When I have an object A containing some flat properties and a List of a complex object type B where the number of elements could be high. What would I return with REST?
16:29 sp1rs joined #rest
17:25 pdurbin InvaderZim__: are you concerned that the number of elements will be so high that you wouldn't want to return them all?
18:43 InvaderZim__ yes
18:47 pdurbin InvaderZim__: maybe you should support pagination. That's what I do for a search API I worked.
19:13 InvaderZim__ pdurbin: How do you do that for nested stuff?
19:21 pdurbin I thought we were talking about a list, such as a list of search results.
19:23 InvaderZim__ the list is a nested element in the main response object
19:24 pdurbin InvaderZim__: can you put an example in a pastebin?
19:28 InvaderZim__ now what do I do when I want to request a specific project but only the most recent n builds
19:32 InvaderZim_ joined #rest
19:32 InvaderZim_ Sorry, my connection dropped
19:52 pdurbin you could have a query parameter such as "limit=5" or whatever
19:54 pdurbin you may or may not find this example I worked on helpful:
19:54 pdurbin I'm basically just passing query parameters to "start" (a cursor) and "limit" in Solr's REST API.
19:58 InvaderZim_ but the query is for a project, 'limit' doesn't make sense in that context. But limit=Builds(5) would I think.
19:59 pdurbin sure, that's fine
20:02 InvaderZim__ joined #rest
20:03 InvaderZim__ Thank you pdurbin.
20:03 InvaderZim__ I'm off now, bye.
20:04 pdurbin you're welcome
20:10 wsieroci joined #rest

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