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IRC log for #rest, 2016-11-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:41 tbsf joined #rest
00:43 tbsf_ joined #rest
03:38 bluezone joined #rest
03:50 sp1rs joined #rest
04:46 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
05:04 markd joined #rest
05:57 sp1rs joined #rest
06:31 sp1rs joined #rest
06:41 wsieroci joined #rest
07:06 markd joined #rest
07:09 wsieroci joined #rest
07:18 sp1rs joined #rest
07:33 wsieroci joined #rest
07:38 wsieroci joined #rest
08:07 sp1rs joined #rest
09:05 meduolis joined #rest
09:15 wsieroci joined #rest
09:37 sp1rs joined #rest
09:37 Tomatosoup- joined #rest
09:59 bluezone joined #rest
10:17 meduolis hello
10:18 meduolis anybody home ?
10:58 sp1rs joined #rest
11:01 wsieroci joined #rest
11:44 sp1rs joined #rest
12:06 pdurbin what's up meduolis
12:58 wsieroci joined #rest
13:06 sp1rs joined #rest
13:20 wsieroci joined #rest
13:32 sp1rs joined #rest
13:34 sp1rs joined #rest
13:45 wsieroci joined #rest
13:58 tilerendering joined #rest
13:58 tilerendering hi
13:58 tilerendering anybodey in hypermedia in here?
14:01 pdurbin tilerendering: well, there's and
15:56 duelle joined #rest
16:04 sp1rs joined #rest
16:57 wsieroci joined #rest
17:23 wsieroci joined #rest
17:33 wsieroci joined #rest
17:57 sp1rs joined #rest
19:45 ghostlight joined #rest
19:47 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
19:58 duelle left #rest
22:10 bluezone joined #rest

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