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IRC log for #rest, 2016-07-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:58 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
00:58 mamund you might want to look at a pattern Fielding talked about several years ago dealing with properties of a single resource.
00:59 mamund illustrated here as "Fielding Property Maps"
00:59 mamund
01:00 mamund uses the GET/PUT pattern you mention in a very easy to grok way
01:00 mamund the example is in HTML but can be applied to any format.
01:17 wsieroci joined #rest
01:50 tbsf joined #rest
02:19 vanHoesel joined #rest
04:05 _ollie joined #rest
04:08 vanHoesel joined #rest
05:57 wsieroci joined #rest
06:02 Macaveli joined #rest
06:29 firemark joined #rest
07:16 graste joined #rest
07:19 Coldblackice joined #rest
07:21 shodan` joined #rest
07:30 Tomatosoup1 joined #rest
08:39 standardguy joined #rest
09:40 vanHoesel joined #rest
09:43 timg__ joined #rest
10:18 firemark joined #rest
12:25 timg__ joined #rest
12:41 interop_madness joined #rest
14:25 tbsf joined #rest
14:26 shodan` joined #rest
15:08 tbsf joined #rest
15:50 Macaveli joined #rest
15:54 tbsf joined #rest
15:57 tbsf joined #rest
16:00 saml joined #rest
16:04 timg___ joined #rest
16:22 timg__ joined #rest
16:28 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
16:31 wsieroci joined #rest
17:13 k_j joined #rest
17:13 k_j hi
17:14 whartung o/
17:14 k_j there is one thing i do not understand from the server  point of view
17:15 k_j suppose a client does a POST to create a session . ok.    now the say server requires time to create a session, what does it have to answer?
17:15 k_j how can the client know when the session is created? with long polls?
17:22 graste joined #rest
17:48 Coldblackice joined #rest
17:51 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
17:55 whartung how much time? It can simpy block the client while the session creates
18:34 k_j joined #rest
19:19 k_j joined #rest
19:53 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
20:53 Tomatosoup1 joined #rest
20:59 k_j can an entry point be /my/entry/point , where verbs are defined for "point" only?
20:59 k_j is it intuitive? basically /my/entry is just descriptive
20:59 k_j and maybe useful for future point2
21:02 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
22:13 tbsf joined #rest
22:28 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:43 bluezone joined #rest

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