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IRC log for #rest, 2016-05-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:20 PTY joined #rest
00:23 PTY anyone use the c++ rest sdk with nuget? I am getting a build error that appeared suddenly without reason
00:54 quimrstorres joined #rest
01:15 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
02:28 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
05:41 Macaveli joined #rest
06:40 _ollie joined #rest
06:42 anth0ny joined #rest
07:04 HermanToothrot joined #rest
07:06 nesselbosch joined #rest
07:10 quimrstorres joined #rest
07:28 anth0ny joined #rest
07:40 adaro joined #rest
07:44 timg___ joined #rest
09:07 _ollie joined #rest
11:32 interop_madness joined #rest
12:37 wsieroci_ joined #rest
13:22 DevAntoine joined #rest
13:22 DevAntoine hi
13:22 DevAntoine what's the right approach in rest to handle file upload with metadata? Send all the mateadata in json, api returns a endpoint url where to upload the image with the right content-type (image/gif)?
13:28 pdurbin DevAntoine: Content-Type: multipart/mixed perhaps: ... include the binary and the metadata
13:38 trygvis there is no one right way, there are many ways to do it
13:39 DevAntoine I guess I'll go for the easy one :D
13:39 trygvis multipart/mixed is one way, another way is to first upload the blob, get a link to the blob and create a new resource with the blob url
13:40 trygvis so basically first upload image, then create the new resource by posting the metadata
15:18 itscaleb_ joined #rest
15:26 fsvehla joined #rest
16:02 tbsf joined #rest
16:25 fsvehla joined #rest
16:31 interop_home joined #rest
16:31 interop_home joined #rest
17:07 tbsf joined #rest
17:11 fsvehla joined #rest
17:27 wsieroci_ joined #rest
17:57 wsieroc__ joined #rest
18:02 tbsf joined #rest
18:34 timg___ joined #rest
18:40 Devastator_ joined #rest
18:47 Devastator_ joined #rest
19:12 quimrstorres joined #rest
19:31 adaro joined #rest
20:29 saml_ joined #rest
20:38 tbsf joined #rest
21:05 tbsf joined #rest
21:08 fumanchu_ joined #rest
21:17 quimrsto_ joined #rest
22:17 tbsf joined #rest
22:17 tbsf joined #rest
23:00 levensailor joined #rest
23:10 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:20 bluezone joined #rest

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