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IRC log for #rest, 2016-03-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:01 tbsf joined #rest
01:14 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
02:25 tbsf joined #rest
03:05 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
03:24 eschmidbauer joined #rest
03:27 tbsf joined #rest
05:08 tbsf joined #rest
05:17 tbsf joined #rest
06:19 tbsf joined #rest
06:44 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
07:15 gigo1980 joined #rest
07:19 tbsf joined #rest
07:34 timg___ joined #rest
07:46 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
08:48 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
08:49 Macaveli joined #rest
09:11 nesselbosch joined #rest
09:11 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:22 tbsf joined #rest
09:48 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
10:49 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
11:23 tbsf joined #rest
11:31 philbot joined #rest
11:31 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
11:31 searchbot joined #rest
11:36 pdurbin joined #rest
11:50 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
12:51 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
13:23 interop_madness joined #rest
13:51 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
14:21 tbsf joined #rest
14:25 interop_madness joined #rest
14:44 pdurbin "A self-contained, runnable example that shows exactly how to (securely!) do TOTP in java"
14:51 tbsf joined #rest
15:05 eschmidbauer left #rest
15:25 dEPy joined #rest
15:26 quimrstorres joined #rest
15:27 crystal77 joined #rest
15:43 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:16 saml joined #rest
16:22 _ollie joined #rest
16:25 quimrsto_ joined #rest
16:30 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:39 tbsf joined #rest
16:42 timg___ joined #rest
16:43 quimrsto_ joined #rest
16:49 Macaveli joined #rest
17:23 crystal77 joined #rest
17:32 tbsf joined #rest
17:33 tbsf_ joined #rest
17:53 fumanchu joined #rest
18:25 tbsf joined #rest
18:29 tbsf joined #rest
18:32 dudeji joined #rest
18:33 dudeji Any suggestion for this question :
19:26 fumanchu joined #rest
19:32 fumanchu_ joined #rest
19:43 timg___ joined #rest
20:05 fumanchu joined #rest
20:37 tbsf joined #rest
20:39 cvander joined #rest
21:10 _ollie joined #rest
21:59 Left_Turn joined #rest
22:04 fumanchu joined #rest
22:11 fumanchu joined #rest
23:21 fumanchu joined #rest

| Channels | #rest index | Today | | Search | Google Search | Plain-Text | plain, newest first | summary