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IRC log for #rest, 2015-12-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:29 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
01:26 Ivan97 joined #rest
01:26 Ivan97 left #rest
01:29 lemur joined #rest
02:37 fumanchu_ joined #rest
03:30 baweaver joined #rest
03:46 baweaver joined #rest
03:55 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
05:57 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
06:56 huckleberry78 joined #rest
07:58 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
08:15 timg___ joined #rest
08:24 baweaver joined #rest
08:28 _ollie joined #rest
09:11 chthon joined #rest
09:50 baweaver joined #rest
09:59 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
10:05 graste joined #rest
12:00 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
12:35 rosstuck joined #rest
13:23 anth0ny_ joined #rest
13:53 baweaver joined #rest
14:18 mezod joined #rest
14:49 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
15:54 baweaver joined #rest
16:48 baweaver joined #rest
16:50 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
17:57 mezod joined #rest
18:37 Macaveli joined #rest
18:47 timg___ joined #rest
18:51 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
18:59 lemur joined #rest
20:14 _ollie1 joined #rest
20:37 Crippy88 joined #rest
20:39 Crippy88 joined #rest
20:46 lemur joined #rest
20:52 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
21:04 sfisque joined #rest
21:17 timg___ joined #rest
21:35 timg___ joined #rest
22:22 AbuDhar joined #rest
22:22 AbuDhar hey
22:22 AbuDhar what should I call my validate resource when validating a user? what should my route be?
22:22 AbuDhar /validate
22:22 AbuDhar or /user
22:27 whartung what does "valiate" mean?
22:27 whartung validate
22:27 AbuDhar validate user when he logs in
22:28 AbuDhar or attempts to
22:28 whartung you should be passing in credentials along with the Authorization Header
22:29 AbuDhar eeeh
22:29 AbuDhar not sure what you mean but I am making an API in Silex.. how would I do that?
22:30 whartung I have no idea what Silex is
22:30 whartung You typically do not "log in" in a REST architecutre
22:30 AbuDhar What do you do then?
22:30 whartung you pass in your credentials with the authorization header
22:31 pdurbin we still need to fill out the page at :)
22:31 AbuDhar whartung: can you give me an example please?
22:32 sfisque AbuDhar every request is a complete conversation.  there is no "session" beyond the request.  because of that, you need to pass credentials (whether direct or via some token) with every reqeust
22:32 AbuDhar that sounds like oAuth?
22:32 pdurbin AbuDhar: an example: curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/api/access/datafile/12
22:35 sfisque oAuth would be one example of a credential passing mechanism
22:35 sfisque another is Basic
22:36 AbuDhar sfisque: please I need an example
22:37 sfisque searchbot google rest http authentication implementation list
22:37 AbuDhar on how I can make it work with this framework
22:37 searchbot sfisque: rest - RESTful Authentication - Stack Overflow: <>; RESTful Services HTTP basic Authentication - Java Tutorial Blog: <>; Authentication - Django REST framework: <>; HTTP Status Codes - REST API (2 more messages)
22:38 pdurbin to update that wiki page: :)
22:52 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:03 spaceone what is so hard about understanding REST? i don't get why people are always associating completely different things with it
23:11 whartung because everyone conflate REST with HTTP and web sites as if they're the same thing
23:19 fumanchu_ REST is an abstraction (style) over how to make abstractions (architectures) over actual implementations. It takes more effort to move further away from the concrete and therefore the number of people at each level of abstraction naturally gets smaller and smaller.
23:22 sfisque i think its more basic than that.  there are many people (around the world) run through "dev mills" who learn a few things, and then get thrown into the deep end and now have to figure out what it all means (all the acronyms, abstractions, frameworks, anti/patterns, etc.).  and we get to make fun of them…  JK ( a little )
23:23 _ollie1 tbh, if people really build rest services more like websites, we wouldn't have to deal with that many misunderstandings ;)
23:24 sfisque _ollie1 i think we would all build those services "the right way" if there was no push from business to a) get it yesterday b) below budget and c) bug free
23:25 whartung doing it "the right way" is quite a bit of work and not really justified in most cases.
23:25 sfisque it is a fine art of where to draw the line
23:25 sfisque how much is "good enough" versus perfection
23:38 pdurbin the perfect is the enemy of the good
23:39 whartung most folks just stick with POST and JSON (i.e. "poor mans CORBA")
23:42 pdurbin yeah
23:42 pdurbin time will tell if any of my users complain that our APIs aren't RESTful enough
23:44 fumanchu_ the existence of HTTP/2 is a strong argument that "the right way" was apparently more work than creating an entirely new industry standard
23:44 whartung you're conflating REST and HTTP again
23:45 fumanchu_ no, just using the latter as an example of the former
23:54 whartung shark was jumped long ago when they punted to websockets

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