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IRC log for #rest, 2015-09-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:13 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
01:31 baweaver joined #rest
03:27 fumanchu joined #rest
03:43 talios joined #rest
04:32 talios joined #rest
05:21 itscaleb joined #rest
05:27 itscaleb joined #rest
05:28 itscaleb joined #rest
05:40 jackeroo_marc joined #rest
06:03 itscaleb left #rest
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06:38 rosstuck joined #rest
07:13 timg___ joined #rest
07:29 azr joined #rest
08:19 timg___ joined #rest
08:28 chthon joined #rest
08:39 interop_madness joined #rest
08:40 azr joined #rest
08:56 azr joined #rest
10:12 azr joined #rest
10:32 timg___ joined #rest
10:53 mezod joined #rest
11:27 azr joined #rest
11:28 timg___ joined #rest
11:28 _ollie joined #rest
11:58 timg___ joined #rest
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13:10 dEPy joined #rest
13:22 _ollie joined #rest
13:30 azr joined #rest
13:43 chthon joined #rest
14:13 pokEarl joined #rest
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14:14 pokEarl joined #rest
14:27 _ollie joined #rest
14:57 anth0ny_ joined #rest
14:59 anth0ny_ Design question: I'm having a conversation w/ a coworker about how to design interactions with objects on our API. Let's say we have /cameras, each representing a real-world ip-camera. If we want to take a picture from that camera, would it make more sense to GET /cameras/{i}/take_picture or POST /images/?action=take_picture&id={i} ?
15:00 anth0ny_ one of us is saying that POST makes more sense because you're creating a resource on the DB (take_picture) saves the image, the other says taht GET makes sense because it's an action on a camera and you're requesting to retrieve an image
15:05 asdf` "GET makes sense because it's an action on a camera" <-- that's why GET doesn't make sense, actually ;)
15:07 asdf` it'd be a GET that isn't idempotent so you can't really mash f5 on it; it's also not cacheable
15:09 anth0ny_ asdf`: is idempotency a requirement for GET? If I wanted to get the reading off of a temperature sensor behind a rest api, wouldn't it be the most natural to GET that reading?
15:09 trygvis you're not changing the state of the resource if you GET /temperature
15:10 sfisque i would argue that this is outside REST because it's actually an RPC and not an operation on a resource
15:10 anth0ny_ but, if I told you that the /temperature reading stored its value in the DB at every request, would that then no longer make sense to be a GET?
15:10 timg___ joined #rest
15:11 sfisque asking a resource to perform an operation does not sound "rest-ish"
15:11 asdf` it kinda depends; if each request were to create a "
15:11 asdf` it kinda depends; if each request were to create a "temperature reading resource", then that's not a good idea for GET; like, if you later wanted to retrieve /readings/42
15:12 * asdf` misplaced quotes above: "temperature reading" resource
15:12 anth0ny_ asdf`: my hangup with POST is that I typically think of POST creating the resource from the data provided within the POST, not as an instruction to get the data elswhare
15:13 sfisque anth0ny_ that is why i'm saying it's outside of REST.  what you describe is RPC
15:13 asdf` yep, that's also what sfisque says
15:14 sfisque you have to keep in mind that REST does not solve everything nor is it "ubiquitous".  it is "just another tool in the toolbox" for solving design questions
15:14 sfisque there is no heresy if you have RPC and REST side by side in your fabric
15:14 anth0ny_ sfisque: do you have any advice regarding meshing RPC with REST?
15:15 sfisque basically common sense.  if you're exposing "functionaliity" make it RPC.  if you're exposing resources that can be "acted on", make them REST
15:16 sfisque e.g.  "start the background workflow processes" == RPC , "update my account with this metadata fragment" == REST
15:17 sfisque gotta bounce.  ttyl
15:17 anth0ny_ sfisque: thanks for your opinion
15:23 rosstuck joined #rest
15:24 fumanchu in REST terms, you're advancing the state of your client's application by taking another picture. The question is, what state do you transfer to accomplish that?
15:25 fumanchu a common pattern for this is to have an images/ collection which acts as a sink and several cameras/{i}/ resources which are sources
15:25 anth0ny_ fumanchu: in that regard, yes it's an Image resource
15:26 anth0ny_ fumanchu: i don't quite understand the 'sink' and 'sources' terminology
15:26 fumanchu you have a target and several sources
15:26 fumanchu the operation is to get a Thing from a source and add it as an item to the target collection
15:27 anth0ny_ right, so the source is Camera and the target collection is Images, right?
15:27 fumanchu right
15:27 fumanchu think of images/ as a collection that can receive images from could POST a GIF from your hard drive to it
15:27 fumanchu classic REST
15:28 anth0ny_ absolutely, that part is clear
15:28 fumanchu all you're doing is short-circuiting that a bit by saying, "actually, I don't want to GET the image myself and then POST it to you, you do that, and here's it's URL"
15:28 anth0ny_ just stumbling about how to cleanly create resource B from source A
15:29 anth0ny_ fumanchu: so what are you actually saying regarding whicih design is more clean?
15:29 fumanchu POST images/ HTTP/1.1
15:29 fumanchu {"source": "cameras/3/current_view"}
15:29 anth0ny_ hmm... interesting
15:30 fumanchu that then allows you to extend "POST to images/" with other URL's or media types in the future
15:30 anth0ny_ that's a pretty fun idea
15:31 anth0ny_ and I can still do /cameras/3/current_view
15:31 azr joined #rest
15:31 anth0ny_ just to see what's up
15:31 fumanchu right
15:31 fumanchu (it also properly invalidates cached copies of the images/ collection so a subsequent GET would include a link to the new image)
15:32 anth0ny_ fumanchu: can you expand what you mean by "properly invalidates cached copies"? what is properly/improperly?
15:33 fumanchu if you added a new image to the collection by "GET cameras/3/current_view", then caches between your client and the server might still serve a stale copy of the images/ resource
15:33 fumanchu it's easy to run into problems there where you add the image but then your client won't show it to you
15:33 anth0ny_ okay, but a POST to /images tells a browser that its cache is stale?
15:33 fumanchu because you're looking at a stale copy of the catalog of images
15:34 fumanchu any POST to a URL tells caches to drop their stored copies
15:34 anth0ny_ interesting, I didn't know that
15:35 anth0ny_ cool, i think you've set us in the right direction fumanchu, thanks a lot
15:35 fumanchu np
15:35 anth0ny_ do you have any recommended resources regarding API design?
15:35 anth0ny_ or is this just sage fumanchu wisdom here?
15:35 fumanchu I wish I did :/ just hard-won experience
15:36 fumanchu I have encapsulated a lot of it into a media type:
15:36 anth0ny_ woah, awesome, will take a look
15:40 fumanchu I would probably make images/ a Shoji Catalog. One idea would be to have it collect images rather than contain them, so rather than have links to e.g. images/23974928362/, it would link to cameras/3/2015-06-03T15:13:12.3982746/
15:40 anth0ny_ fumanchu: actually, one more question regarding caching, if we're doing GET /cameras/3/current_view, don't I run the risk of that being cached? Is that something I should just specify with the response header (tell browser not to cache it)?
15:40 fumanchu correct, include no-cache response headers
15:41 anth0ny_ fumanchu: is Shoji something that you came up with?  I'm not familiar with it
15:41 fumanchu (although at really high load you might want a 1-minute cache lifetime or what-have-you)
15:41 fumanchu yes, it's my own. used it at a few companies now
15:45 fumanchu some example API docs with Shoji:
16:32 azr joined #rest
16:42 rosstuck joined #rest
17:49 itscaleb joined #rest
17:56 anth0ny joined #rest
18:02 azr joined #rest
18:06 Voyage joined #rest
18:06 Voyage Hi
18:06 Voyage Can rest return multiple objects like string, numbers, images?
18:09 sfisque Voyage if it makes sense (aka return an "object" that has attributes of multiple types)
18:09 sfisque { name : "blah", age : "12", image : "[some binhex data]" }
18:12 Voyage sfisque,  bin /ex data or base 64 wont be effecient.
18:12 Voyage to tell you the real story. I am passing  list of objects from server to mobile app.  Each object has one string, integer, image and video.
18:14 whartung I'd return a MIME payload, myself if you're sending back images and video
18:15 sfisque Voyage you asked a question and i answered it.  you made no mention of efficiency.  the answer is "yes".  efficiency is left as an exercise for the reader :-D
18:16 Voyage whartung,  please explain?
18:16 Voyage sfisque,  so whats the solution? base64 is not efficient
18:17 Voyage sfisque,  i cant just send images and videos or other files like .exe in json
18:18 sfisque depends on the problem.  if your images are small, base64, compressed base64, or some other bin-text conversion is fine.  if you're talking huge video or images, you might want to include links to them (separate linked resources) or as whartung points out, use a multi-part return
18:18 whartung Multupart MIME is a standard encoding that lets you return multiple parts (thus the "multipart" part). Each of those parts have their own mime type and can include binary data
18:18 Voyage hm
18:19 Voyage lets say, I have a java object in a class that has a string, int, image, video.  I understood that I can send it as zip formate but how the other party (mobile) will read it and expand it to those objects back again?
18:19 whartung who cares how they do it?
18:19 sfisque ^^^ truth
18:19 whartung it can be done...
18:19 Voyage whartung,  I got it. so like we post multi part, we can also receive multipart
18:19 whartung of course
18:19 sfisque analagous to parsing an email with attachments.  same process
18:19 whartung I mean, a ZIP file is perfectly valid -- it's essentially the same thing with "free" compression
18:19 Voyage how will the mobile app be able to parse it? if its zipped java object
18:20 sfisque you get to decide
18:20 whartung they implement the "unzip" algorithms and parse the stream
18:20 sfisque java can serialize to any format you want (it's pluggable)
18:20 whartung yea, Ideally you're not sending down a serialized java object using java's internal serialization format.
18:20 Voyage but a serialized java object can only be read by a java app
18:20 sfisque negative
18:21 sfisque java can serialize to xml off the shelf, and you can plug in any impl you want
18:21 Voyage hm
18:21 sfisque you can serialize to json, your own proprietary format, whatever
18:21 whartung or you can force the poor suckers reading this to implement Javas internal serialization format.
18:21 sfisque ROFL
18:21 sfisque here's my api… suck it!!!
18:21 sfisque :P
18:22 Voyage serialization is just convering java ojbect into string/text or any other formate. I guess the inteface 'serializable' if implemented, implicitily converts to some text fomrat?
18:22 sfisque Externalizable
18:22 sfisque searchbot google javadoc Externalizable
18:22 searchbot sfisque: Externalizable (Java Platform SE 7 ) - Oracle Documentation: <>; Externalizable (Codename One API): <>; SparkFlumeEvent (Spark 1.4.0 JavaDoc): <>; LockOutFlag (3 more messages)
18:22 Voyage sfisque,  ok, If I serialize image to json via Java serialization, will that be effecient in contrast to base 64 encoding)?
18:23 sfisque irrational question.  if you're serializing to json you still have to rationalize the binary data to some "text" format
18:23 whartung you should do the work and find an "appropriate" format for both you and your client.
18:23 sfisque "12" != 12
18:24 Voyage sfisque,  and still it will introduce inefficency?
18:24 sfisque don't care
18:24 sfisque it's not my api.  you gotta figure out that part
18:24 Voyage dont care? mobile apps do care about network usage
18:24 sfisque i wasn't clear.  "I" don't care.  you care, and you need to solve that
18:24 Voyage sfisque,  ya sure, just asking the pros and cons. I surely will be the one who will code it
18:24 Voyage sfisque,  thanks for the help at this far.
18:25 whartung you should be sending binary payloads for your large objects
18:25 sfisque searchbot google image string encoding format efficient java
18:25 whartung and mobile cares more about latency than bandwidth
18:25 Voyage whartung,  hm
18:25 searchbot sfisque: How efficient is the encoding/decoding algorithm of BASE64 class in ...: <>; Binary Data in JSON String. Something better than Base64 - Stack ...: <>; What is the fastest Java library (3 more messages)
18:26 whartung because images and videos are ALREADY compressed using standard algorithms (png, mpeg, etc.) so they're "as efficient as they're going to get"
18:26 whartung (I assume the videos are properly codec'd already...)
18:26 whartung if you send 4K video to my iphone 4S, I'll have paid assasins hunt you down
18:27 sfisque i still have my grandfathered unlimited plan, so you can send them to me, for the time being… as long as they're good :P
18:27 whartung they still throttle you
18:27 whartung I have that too...
18:27 sfisque yah, i know… i know...
18:27 Voyage whartung,  hm.
18:27 whartung plus I have wifi turned off on my phone -- I pretty much always use the network
18:29 Voyage whartung,  what are your views for this (too many requests). If I include urls of images and videos and send them separately (each). and just send json text data in bulk (having those links and other strings). Will that introudce tooooo many request issue in a mobile device ?     vs one data zip file having it all?
18:32 Voyage hm generally speaking. Too man requests kills the mobile and its network?  introduce latency issues etc?
18:32 whartung yes
18:33 Voyage If its not a big issue, I would go with the url based image resource
18:33 Voyage oh
18:33 Voyage but I guess a mobile device wont be able to see too many images at the same time in a screen. So will load async on scrolling of screen
18:34 Voyage will use url for each image
18:34 Voyage will store file path for each image in the database
18:34 sfisque or offer both in your api.  let them either "get it all" or "get anemic and fluff as needed"
18:34 Voyage will use rest server to do the math, get correct path of file from db and sent the file to user via API
18:35 Voyage sfisque,  well, i am making the mobile app AND the REST server
18:35 Voyage :)
18:35 Voyage there is no 'them'
18:35 sfisque so a tablet on wifi can do a "fat fetch" and let constrained clients do "anemic fetch"
18:35 Voyage hm
18:35 Voyage too much coding for small task. but i see it inevitable
18:35 sfisque something to consider.  worse case, stub it out and back fill as needed
18:36 Voyage ok. thanks for being informative
18:36 Voyage sfisque,  whartung  ^
18:36 Voyage left #rest
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22:24 talios joined #rest
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23:09 azr joined #rest
23:29 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
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