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IRC log for #rest, 2015-07-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:05 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
00:20 fenjamin joined #rest
01:07 wsiqueir joined #rest
03:10 baweaver joined #rest
03:25 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
04:29 fenjamin joined #rest
04:31 baweaver joined #rest
06:46 mamund joined #rest
07:15 rosstuck joined #rest
07:53 graste joined #rest
08:12 fumanchu joined #rest
08:15 Coldblackice joined #rest
08:39 _ollie joined #rest
08:52 fumanchu_ joined #rest
08:53 _ollie1 joined #rest
08:57 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:09 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:36 quimrstorres joined #rest
12:56 wsiqueir joined #rest
13:29 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:16 Coldblackice joined #rest
15:04 StatelessCat joined #rest
15:18 wsiqueir joined #rest
15:31 locks joined #rest
15:57 _ollie joined #rest
16:06 ChrisAnn joined #rest
16:16 baweaver joined #rest
16:30 travelr joined #rest
16:30 travelr Are there good resources about transactions between services
16:30 _ollie the best resource is the sentence "not a good idea" :)
16:31 _ollie
16:31 travelr _ollie: doesn't solve the problem though
16:31 _ollie right, but might make you look into other options.
16:32 travelr _ollie: I'll check the link, thanks.
16:32 _ollie you were not asking about solutions to a problem but evaluation of a solution btw.
16:32 travelr _ollie:  I'm unsure if there are other solutions per se
16:32 fenjamin joined #rest
16:32 travelr _ollie:  payment service, order service, balance service.. I want if the payment goes through, that the order enters the system and this is reflected in the balance records.
16:33 travelr _ollie: without tx,
16:33 travelr With SQL it's simple.
16:33 _ollie I can't follow…
16:33 travelr Open transaction, do things, commit
16:34 _ollie I guess generally speaking, the solutions are usually around: embrace eventual consistency, use compensating actions.
16:34 travelr _ollie: eventuall consistency in this case would imply, I suppose, some sort of queue?
16:35 _ollie You're jumping topics and technology like crazy, not sure this is leading anywhere…
16:37 travelr I'm not jumping, you're suggesting eventual consistency...
16:39 _ollie1 joined #rest
16:39 angular_mike_ joined #rest
16:40 sfisque travelr you are discovering one of the issues with "rest everywhere" which seems like this decades epidemic
16:41 sfisque if you are envisioning some form of XA process, rest is probably NOT the solution to the specific problem you are facing
16:41 travelr sfisque: the problem is general to service orientation in general
16:41 sfisque not really.  if you need some form of XA, then SOA is not a good solution
16:41 travelr sfisque: and I can't avoid it in full because, say, I don't process payments locally
16:41 sfisque what i'm saying is, fragment the problem, use rest where it makes good sense, use something else where appropriate
16:42 travelr sfisque: ok, so something else...
16:42 travelr I'm talking about transactions.
16:42 travelr That's my specific problem.
16:43 fumanchu_ is a great overview of how to live without transactions
16:43 sfisque aye, i'm fully aware.  and i've yet to see an SOA solution that provides good Tx boundary handling (especially in a n-stage commit/rollback context)
16:43 sfisque i will have to read that
16:44 travelr fumanchu_: thanks
17:07 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:11 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:24 baweaver joined #rest
17:29 fenjamin joined #rest
17:38 sfisque anyone know if there is a restlet channel here on freenode.  i tried #restlet but it came up empty
17:56 pdurbin searchbot: lucky restlet
17:56 searchbot pdurbin:
17:58 sfisque aye, i was looking for a possible channel here in freenode
17:59 sfisque it seems they created one about 7 years ago, and it must have fizzled
17:59 pdurbin a channel fizzled? that's unpossible
18:23 pdurbin sfisque: so is restlet any good? I've never heard of it.
18:32 rickharrison_ joined #rest
18:34 ChrisAnn joined #rest
18:37 sfisque dunno.  i'm just having to fix something that exists in production.  i've never used it before
18:37 sfisque it might be total crap for all i know
18:44 pdurbin heh. hopefully not
18:44 pdurbin they have a nice website at least :)
19:28 upasana joined #rest
19:41 fenjamin joined #rest
21:04 whartung_ joined #rest
21:21 _ollie joined #rest
22:35 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:01 fuzzyhorns joined #rest

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