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IRC log for #rest, 2015-07-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:04 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
01:09 fumanchu_ joined #rest
02:45 baweaver joined #rest
03:09 fumanchu joined #rest
03:28 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
03:56 fumanchu_ joined #rest
06:31 baweaver joined #rest
07:18 Left_Turn joined #rest
07:48 graste joined #rest
09:17 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:21 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:36 interop_madness joined #rest
10:39 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:43 Coldblackice_ joined #rest
12:04 prologic joined #rest
12:05 Guest8032 joined #rest
12:27 prologic joined #rest
13:23 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:07 GutPunch joined #rest
14:08 GutPunch when would I use a pagination section in my return, over asking a client to send me a "since_id" and "count" parameter when they want older data ?
14:11 trygvis getting your client to follow the "next" rel would be the most restful
14:14 GutPunch Best in practice? I'm quite new to the more nitty gritty of REST, I had a look over Twitter's API docs and they use the parameter way
14:15 GutPunch well, best in practice is subjective, most commonly encountered I suppose is a better question?
14:16 trygvis the last time I looked at the twitter API it wasn't much restful at all so I wouldn't compare stuff that tries to follow the rest style to twitter's api
14:17 asdf` (i'm not sure i'd say 'RESTful' is 'commonly encountered')
14:17 asdf` (but yeah following links is the gist of it)
14:18 trygvis this is #rest and we pretend that the world is restful :)
14:18 trygvis media types like atom, hal and collection+json all support link relations so with them it would be very natural to use "next"
14:18 pdurbin the github api has "next" rel links
14:19 GutPunch Okay, I should get a grip on coding around rel links either way I suppose
14:19 GutPunch thanks all
15:07 foist joined #rest
16:45 fumanchu joined #rest
16:52 baweaver joined #rest
17:24 whartung anyone have any opinions on etag vs last-modified?
17:24 whartung we need to do some optimistic locking, and I was going to just go with Etags.
17:26 fumanchu prefer etags if you can. the code is simpler on both sides.
17:27 whartung that's what I was thinking
17:31 whartung so, what do you think about optimistic locking. Do you thinkit's worth the effort to fetch a resrouce, then change it, and then just shove it back hoping the etags match, or do you think it's at all worth while to do a HEAD on the resource to see if the etag check might fail before shipping up the entire thing?
17:31 whartung there's still a race condition with the HEAD, but it might save some traffic on a slow moving resource. .. I dunno
17:32 whartung we're mostly using etags for the locking aspect, not for caching. (but we can use it for caching)
17:34 fumanchu it's never worthwhile to look before you leap since you end up having to code the failure mode anyway *plus* your LBYL code
17:34 whartung yea
17:34 whartung ok
17:34 whartung sounds good to me
17:39 whartung just trying to come up with some standards for implementing OL.
18:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
19:12 wsiqueir joined #rest
20:20 sfisque whartung : i would just mimic what jpa does, let the client just submit and the server can respond with either success or report back to the client that they have a stale version.  they can then handle however they want to merge "what they have" with "what the server has"
20:21 sfisque though, i'm curious what return code would be "standard" or "expected" for a OL failure
20:21 whartung yea, that's what I would do -- need to look up the proper result code, but essentially: PUT /thing ETag: 123 {thing}
20:22 whartung 409 Conflict maybe
20:22 whartung taht's more specific than a generic:  412 Precondition Failed
20:23 sfisque yah, i think we use 409 for things like that
20:23 whartung how does etag interwork with range requests? do you etag the master resource?
20:24 whartung I ask that since mnay folks just hash to get the etag.
20:24 whartung bah…brb
20:28 trygvis etags should work fine when doing a GET, but you always POST the entire resource
20:35 whartung yea that's why I'm insisting on it, because we do post the entire resource
20:36 whartung the resoruces aren't fast movng, but big enough where the possibility of stomping on something is not zero.
21:15 Coldblackice_ joined #rest
21:15 metasansana joined #rest
21:31 Coldblackice joined #rest
22:21 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
22:58 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:52 quimrstorres joined #rest

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