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IRC log for #rest, 2015-04-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:00 navls joined #rest
00:00 navls Why does it seem like every API is on /v2/? Does that not indicate the version?
00:13 pdurbin it does
00:59 daxim_ joined #rest
06:48 trygvis pdurbin: 'so' as in no? :)
07:39 Left_Turn joined #rest
07:41 trygvis pdurbin: something is looking messed up with the footer. I guess I'm missing some kind of plugin
08:49 sfisque1 joined #rest
08:53 sfisque joined #rest
08:55 sfisque2 joined #rest
09:46 pdurbin trygvis: heh. right, so as in no. :) no ssl/cert errors and the footer looks fine to me
09:47 trygvis yeah, I figured out the plugins
09:49 pdurbin sweet
09:50 pdurbin speaking of auth: Matthew Flint on Twitter: "Heh, I can see my @PayPal password being sent from the iOS app. And my WiFi SSID. Actually WTF? #MondayNightHackery" -
09:52 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:54 trygvis boo!
10:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
10:01 pdurbin trygvis: the wiki is looking great. one thing I do is have a link to the git history for the page in the footer of every page. picking a page at random... if you click "updated" at ... it goes to;a=history;f=irc.mdwn
10:02 pdurbin (I could also link to since I push the same repo to github as a backup)
10:02 trygvis is that something from a custom template or a plugin?
10:03 pdurbin trygvis: it's "historyurl" in your setup:
10:04 trygvis I don't have that in my template setup
10:06 pdurbin oh, right, I have HISTORYURL at
10:07 pdurbin I did all this so long ago I don't even remember what I changed from the default.
10:08 trygvis so do I in my template, but I guess I have to enable something to make that template variable available when creating the html
10:10 trygvis done!
10:10 trygvis just needed to add the value. it shows up as "History" in the header
10:11 trygvis I used this as a theme:
10:11 pdurbin sure enough!
10:11 trygvis it can certainly be improved, but it is better than the default
10:11 pdurbin huh. yeah, I should switch to that
10:11 pdurbin I'm not sure bootstrap existed when I started mine :)
10:12 trygvis all I did was a clone of the BS repo and pointed templatedir: to the clone
10:13 pdurbin nice
10:14 pdurbin trygvis: you got me all fired up to install ikiwiki on this laptop running ubuntu 14.10 so I grabbed it with apt-get. but all the commands result in "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" :(
10:15 pdurbin trygvis: is that the version of ubuntu you're using?
10:15 pdurbin "Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) Server at Port 443"
10:15 pdurbin I guess not :)
10:16 quimrstorres joined #rest
10:17 pdurbin trygvis: I'm going to guess you're using an older version of ikiwiki. I'm using 3.20140227ubuntu1
10:18 trygvis 3.20141016.2
10:19 trygvis I'm on debian unstable
10:20 pdurbin ok, so your version of ikiwiki is actually newer. hmm. dunno what's up with this ubuntu package
10:20 trygvis segfault is a bit strange since this is mostly perl
10:20 pdurbin no kidding
10:22 pdurbin anyway, I swear it's good stuff. usually :)
10:25 trygvis is there a way that my web user can use my full name and email when creating changes?
10:25 pdurbin trygvis: hmm, I'm not sure but people in #ikiwiki have been very helpful
10:27 sfisque joined #rest
10:31 pdurbin trygvis: oh, I think they're on though
10:52 mezod joined #rest
10:55 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:20 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:33 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:37 pdurbin trygvis: I put a link to the wiki at the top of
11:37 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:42 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:54 trygvis cool
11:55 pdurbin now to figure out what to write about auth :)
11:59 pdurbin trygvis: I'm actually glad I can just send you a pull request so you can sanity check anything I'd write :)
11:59 trygvis hehe, good. I'll check in later, I have to get AFK a bit
12:00 pdurbin no worries, I'm not planning on writing anything now
12:00 pdurbin actually, hmm, we could use to record stuff we want to write
12:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
12:00 pdurbin this whole thing could be pretty awesome
12:00 pdurbin trygvis: thanks for setting it up!
12:06 quimrsto_ joined #rest
12:22 sfisque1 joined #rest
12:45 quimrstorres joined #rest
12:46 quimrsto_ joined #rest
13:00 arbelos joined #rest
13:04 co-arbelos joined #rest
16:01 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:22 Left_Turn joined #rest
16:24 fumanchu_ you could even use to serve the content...
16:28 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:41 Left_Turn joined #rest
16:51 trygvis fumanchu_: yes, that's true. but I was hoping for something that could foster more interactive discussions
17:01 Turn_Left joined #rest
17:14 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:35 Left_Turn joined #rest
18:15 quimrstorres joined #rest
19:02 quimrstorres joined #rest
20:02 quimrstorres joined #rest
20:05 shrink0r joined #rest
20:08 pdurbin trygvis: do you think that wiki will be interactive enough? if not, decent interaction in this channel already.
20:10 trygvis dunno. the idea was to have a tool for this channel for answer FAQs
20:12 pdurbin yeah. about auth or whatever
20:12 pdurbin let's see how it goes
20:12 trygvis exactly
20:13 pdurbin should be fairly easy for people to contribute. it's just a markdown file on github
20:28 pdurbin trygvis: how do you feel about people opening an issue when they feel like it's time to write an answer to a frequently asked question?
20:29 trygvis dunno .. the alternative is to have a page for people to ask questions
20:29 trygvis I guess the active people here are the ones that would create such an issue
20:29 pdurbin yeah
20:30 trygvis I think perhaps they would just start writing down the Q and then "someone" can fill in the A later
20:30 pdurbin that makes sense
20:33 trygvis I think we want a as low bar as possible, at least in the beginning
20:38 pdurbin yeah
21:03 quimrstorres joined #rest
22:04 quimrstorres joined #rest
22:08 quimrstorres joined #rest
22:13 cigarshark joined #rest
23:05 shrink0r_ joined #rest
23:07 shrink0r joined #rest
23:44 sfisque joined #rest
23:54 quimrstorres joined #rest

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