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IRC log for #rest, 2014-09-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:05 tr3online joined #rest
05:29 adaro joined #rest
06:22 proteusguy joined #rest
06:25 adaro joined #rest
06:40 rosstuck joined #rest
06:53 adaro joined #rest
07:03 _ollie left #rest
07:35 proteusguy joined #rest
07:57 interop_madness joined #rest
08:00 tr3online joined #rest
08:11 martinfilliau joined #rest
08:22 graste joined #rest
08:51 _ollie joined #rest
09:07 _ollie1 joined #rest
09:34 Left_Turn joined #rest
10:21 tr3online joined #rest
10:25 shrink0r joined #rest
11:21 tr3online joined #rest
12:23 tr3online joined #rest
13:07 Guest11066 joined #rest
13:07 Guest11066 joined #rest
13:25 foist joined #rest
14:03 tr3online joined #rest
14:09 boedy joined #rest
14:09 saml joined #rest
14:34 fumanchu_ joined #rest
15:09 foist If I make a POST request, and cancel it on my end before receiving the response, there's a chance that the server I sent the request to could still create the record, right?
15:14 ironChicken foist: what does cancelling a POST request mean?
15:15 foist ironChicken: I haven't received a response, and I kill the process that's waiting for one. Is this not a valid action?
15:16 ironChicken so it's something like client closes connection before sending complete request body?
15:17 foist No, before recieving the response body
15:18 ironChicken that's going to depend on how your http server works, and what it does
15:19 ironChicken if it executes some procedure that results in something getting stored somewhere, and the closure of a socket by a client doesn't have any impact on that procedure, then yes, you "record" will still get "created"
15:24 pezra joined #rest
15:24 proteusguy joined #rest
15:32 tr3online joined #rest
15:36 fumanchu_ all sane servers will go ahead and finish the processing of the POST. That's nearly always better than killing the handler and ending up with a half-created record, or worse.
15:43 Mxyzpltk joined #rest
16:07 Mxyzpltk joined #rest
16:11 Mxyzpltk joined #rest
16:36 Andre-B joined #rest
16:50 Mxyzpltk joined #rest
17:14 DrCode joined #rest
17:21 DrCode joined #rest
17:52 foist joined #rest
17:52 nkoza joined #rest
18:04 tr3online joined #rest
18:05 brainproxy left #rest
18:27 adaro joined #rest
18:33 foist joined #rest
18:36 Andre-B following the HATEOAS + HAL track right now and asking myself how I am supposed to inform the client about other available HTTP methods, such as POST, PUT, DELETE that might require additional query parameters. anything to read on this topic?
18:38 graste1 joined #rest
18:40 Andre-B should those available methods be in the section from HAL?
18:52 begriffs joined #rest
19:19 begriffs joined #rest
19:50 graste1 joined #rest
20:34 Andre-B joined #rest
20:47 begriffs joined #rest
21:36 tr3online joined #rest
21:42 talios joined #rest
22:34 talios joined #rest
23:23 pdurbin talios: you're our HAL guy
23:24 * talios looks up
23:24 talios what have I done wrong?
23:24 talios I wish we were _actually_ using HAL at work.  we have I think - ONE resource thats been switched :(   heh  - damn competing priorities
23:24 talios whats up?
23:25 begriffs joined #rest
23:25 pdurbin "following the HATEOAS + HAL track right now and asking myself how I am supposed to inform the client about other available HTTP methods, such as POST, PUT, DELETE that might require additional query parameters. anything to read on this topic? should those available methods be in the section from HAL?" (from Andre-B)
23:26 talios ahh you're at a conference somewhere?
23:26 Andre-B ah nice, I am not alone :D
23:26 Andre-B no I wish I were
23:27 Andre-B just searched for conferences happening this year because I missed the api 360 summit..
23:27 Andre-B but I have to build a REST api anyways, level 2 at all costs, investigating on level 3 now, which is probably the way to go
23:28 talios hmmm - thats one I'm struggling with myself. The HAL party line is "all thats documented in the documentation for the rel". which feels like a cop out.  the client still needs to have knowledge of how to handle/follow a given rel/link, the discoverability is just about "can I do it in this state" really.
23:28 Andre-B hm-json  and siren provide actions as far as I can tell now, that’s more than HAL provides (or I missed something there)
23:28 Andre-B hm-jason looks really nice
23:28 talios I actually prefer siren simply because it contains actions  out of the box.
23:29 Andre-B siren seems to not have had much movement lately
23:29 talios hm-jason?  don't think I know that one.
23:29 Andre-B *json
23:29 Andre-B hm-json
23:29 pdurbin Andre-B: mamund mentioned a conference recently
23:30 Andre-B there is something in US, but that’s just for a weekend, and is too far away / too expensive to visit from europe
23:30 Andre-B rest fest 2014
23:31 Andre-B starts in two days, but flight is about 12-20 hours + >1k cost in flight tickets :D
23:31 talios pdurbin - I think, from what I've been reading/following etc.  it almost makes sence to have rel's that are query specific.  i.e. if ther query parameters might be uniqie, for say differnet operations maybe that should be different rels
23:31 talios Andre-B - try coming from New Zealand then :)
23:32 Andre-B maybe Ill meet someone in the API business on drupalcon next week - though they dont have anything in schedule around APIs right now
23:32 Andre-B but some companies/ people who went to api 360 are at the drupalcon as well
23:32 pdurbin lots of api stuff at javaone next week. i'm giving a talk but only barely about APIs
23:33 talios javaone's next week?  wow - so little hype this year
23:33 fumanchu people still use java?
23:34 talios plenty
23:35 pdurbin the hipsters are using java again. so retro
23:35 talios or the JVM at least
23:36 talios more jvm languages than ever these days - I see Gosu just got a new release
23:36 talios no - golo I mean
23:36 talios
23:37 Andre-B what about siren, is that still in use?
23:39 talios not sure - I guess those that use it, use it - all of these formats seem very limited use currently.  HAL seems to be getting more awareless, JSON-LD - not sure on that one.
23:39 talios I wish a definitive answer on the death of HAL-XML would be made tho
23:40 Andre-B what’s wrong with HAL-XML?
23:43 Andre-B what do you think of uber hypermedia format?
23:47 Andre-B talios:
23:48 talios Andre-B - its largely been abandoned - ever since the IETFing of the JSON format. it's pretty much a second class citazen.
23:48 talios mm, havn't really looked at uber yet
23:48 Andre-B talios: would you recommend dropping xml support completely?
23:49 Andre-B from API responses? and only offer one format to consume?
23:52 talios Andre-B - i dunno, personally I think the XML syntax is way way more human readable - it's all the javascript weeners who can't deal with XML in the browser "as easily as they can JSON" ;p
23:59 Andre-B talios: does siren come with a field specification as well, something like date formatting, integers, etc? or can/ do I have to find that somewhere else as well?

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