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IRC log for #rest, 2014-06-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:21 m0ltar joined #rest
02:38 m0ltar joined #rest
06:03 chovy tmoore: probably a few predefined filters is enough as long as i could add more.
06:38 rosstuck joined #rest
07:23 vlakarados joined #rest
07:39 adaro joined #rest
07:58 jzsprague joined #rest
08:09 fumanchu_ joined #rest
08:56 fumanchu joined #rest
09:01 martinfilliau joined #rest
09:11 Left_Turn joined #rest
10:08 _ollie joined #rest
10:10 pdurbin joined #rest
11:01 vlakarados What are the possible ways when getting not evident instances? I have to make my resource accept several instance descriptions, then, after finding corresponding ones, make a response containing them all
11:02 vlakarados this is similar to searching, but not quite
11:28 igitoor joined #rest
11:32 dEPy joined #rest
11:43 igitoor joined #rest
12:04 dEPy joined #rest
12:17 adaro joined #rest
13:09 Andy1991 joined #rest
13:33 seantallen joined #rest
13:44 saml joined #rest
13:49 Andy1991 left #rest
14:01 rincewind whats the general opinion about posting a resource containing two lists of another type of resource to a rest api?
14:03 m0ltar joined #rest
14:03 saml what it would return?
14:03 saml Location: resource1,resource2 ?
14:26 rincewind yes
14:26 rincewind is it ok to split stuff in the location header?
14:27 rincewind since im posting a new resource, but at the same time creating two additional other resources
14:28 rincewind or should i only give the location ref to the containing resource
14:29 rincewind and when someone request that resource they either get the contained resources in expanded or as links in the object
14:29 rincewind or does the whole thing stink?
14:38 danizord joined #rest
14:42 fumanchu no, it's not ok to split stuff in the location header
14:43 fumanchu either use 303 Multiple Choices, or return 201 with the URI of one of the resources and have a GET on it include a link to the other
14:43 fumanchu the latter is preferred
14:59 rincewind ok, thx
15:14 _ollie joined #rest
16:16 Left_Turn joined #rest
16:17 _ollie joined #rest
16:22 adaro joined #rest
16:29 wilmoore joined #rest
19:17 KarlHungus joined #rest
19:17 KarlHungus joined #rest
19:20 brainproxy joined #rest
19:20 brainproxy joined #rest
19:22 Davey joined #rest
19:41 m0ltar joined #rest
19:51 _ollie joined #rest
19:56 igitoor joined #rest
20:08 wilmoore joined #rest
20:14 igitoor joined #rest
21:13 dEPy joined #rest

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