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IRC log for #openknot, 2020-03-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
11:36 prologic lol
11:36 prologic no I don't think we should necessarily per se
11:36 prologic I'm just say'n :)
12:21 pdurbin fine
12:22 pdurbin prologic: now there's graphviz code to remix that "never finish" meme:
12:22 prologic hahaha
15:10 dotplus I'm not opposed to renaming. Although I'm not sure that it's necessary; do we really need to ensure that the name is globally unique? otoh, it's been years since we've made any progress on this idea and the world of messaging has changed a lot since then. On the 3rd hand, I would not like to lose this and communication with you (although of course we could maintain that elsewhere, notably #crimsonfu/sour
15:10 dotplus cefu
18:27 pdurbin dotplus: I guess that's the 4th hand (this is getting weird)... consolidating into a single community. What binds us?
18:51 dotplus ah, now there's a hard question. a history of shared interactions in the areas that many of us consider interesting/fun/important, (not comprehensively) including: communication in/with/for tech: software, protocols, process, style), (computing) systems & services/servers/infra, various different aspects/implementations of the ideas of [Open, community, ...]
18:51 pdurbin actually, I already collected the data
18:51 * pdurbin searches

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