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IRC log for #openknot, 2017-02-19

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Time S Nick Message
07:15 IRCFrEAK joined #openknot
07:15 IRCFrEAK left #openknot
16:38 pdurbin Hmm. So I tweeted this: Philip Durbin on Twitter: "@vmbrasseur I just watched your "Cutting Some Slack: Decoding IRC" talk at and really enjoyed it. Thanks!" -
16:38 pdurbin And right away I just got this reply: VM Brasseur on Twitter: "@philipdurbin You're very welcome! Do you have suggestions for how I can make it better?" -
16:39 pdurbin So I guess I should write down some suggestions while they're still top of mind.
16:39 pdurbin First, a bit too many f bombs for my taste. :)
16:41 pdurbin Second, I completely understand why she chose to emphasize early on the need to register your nick... slide 26 of
16:43 pdurbin ... but I think this may bog people down a bit. Then she has to explain how to identify with nickserv. I think of registering your nick as an advanced topic.
16:44 pdurbin My boss has been using IRC successfully for months and only recently did I encourage him to register his nick so that he can change the topic if he wants to:
16:45 pdurbin I mean, all this stuff should certainly be covered, but I would defer it until later in the talk.
16:46 pdurbin I like how she emphasized that the culture of IRC differs per channel.
16:48 pdurbin Oh, slide 11 about the popularity of freenode was interesting. I guess it peaked around 2014 or so? I thought it was still on the upswing, but I guess my information was stale. I'm thinking of from
16:53 pdurbin Here, I just uploaded the chart she's looking at. is what you see today at from "Complete measured history" at
16:53 pdurbin And at the end she says she's never heard of any group moving from Slack to IRC.
16:54 pdurbin I'm glad she mentions logging. I maintain a list of IRC logging services at
16:55 pdurbin (And logging is the reason why I like Gitter.)
16:56 pdurbin I'm a big believer in this post:
16:57 pdurbin Anyway, overall the talk was a great introduction to IRC. There's even a text version of her slides:
17:02 pdurbin Ok, I linked her back here: Philip Durbin on Twitter: "@vmbrasseur it's a great talk, but here are some nitpicks and other thoughts: Jump in #openknot on freenode for more" -
17:02 pdurbin Does anyone else have any thoughts on all of this?
19:53 dotplus joined #openknot

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