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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-13

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Time S Nick Message
00:19 pdurbin whartung: I'd be happy to hear you elaborate on "my mistake earlier was conflating the servlet async capability with what node.js does, and it's not the same at all"
00:20 whartung node.js is a single threaded server.
00:20 pdurbin yep
00:20 whartung so, pretty much EVERYTHING has to be non-blocking.
00:20 pdurbin right
00:20 whartung a servlet container, however, is not.
00:20 whartung it's multi threaded
00:21 whartung and remains multi-threaded even if you leverage the async support
00:21 whartung the async support is handled internally by the NIO based frameworks in the containers
00:21 whartung but it's still multi-threaded
00:21 whartung so my question
00:21 whartung was within a process servicing an async context
00:21 whartung notably where it's just streaming results down the socket
00:22 whartung how did this not block?
00:22 whartung and the answer is… it DOES block
00:22 whartung an async sservlet is not under the same constraints as something in node.
00:22 whartung I have not used node
00:23 whartung but if you want to send anything down the socket, you will hand off what you want to send to the container, and IT will send it down the socket for you, with a call back when it's done.
00:23 whartung so, in a servlet
00:23 whartung you'd do: for(String line: lines) { out.println(line); }
00:24 whartung in node, you'd either send the entire payload all at once (i.e. [in java] StringWriter sw = …; for(String line : lines) { sw.println(line); } sendToSocket(sw.toString());
00:25 whartung something like that
00:25 whartung so, that means that an async jee server is "not quite" as efficient as node, but at the same time, it's not as tyrannical as node is.
00:26 whartung in terms of mandating programming gmodel
00:26 whartung in the end, you will need a number of threads that you wish to SERVICE at once time (i.e. send output + processing), but not necessarily as many threads as you want to ACCEPT requests from.
00:27 whartung so you can use far fewer threads in the server for a similar workload by using a little bit of async and lightweight message passing in your application using the jEE model
00:28 pdurbin sounds like a nice feature, generally. async in java ee
00:29 whartung well I though about how to do this long ago, notably , how do you convert a nominally sync request in to async system.
00:29 whartung and the trick was to store a monitor in to a queue, send off the request (from the servlet), then Object.wait() on the monitor.
00:30 whartung in the back ground something else would do processing via JMS queues or whatever, and then when done, and it all returned to the servlet container
00:30 whartung it would Object.notify() the monitor, thus freeing the servlet to move on
00:30 whartung this makes that easier to do, and unbinds the request form the thread
00:30 whartung so, it's certainly much more versatile.
00:30 whartung and I must be off, follow up tomorrow, we can talk about it some more.
00:30 pdurbin o/
00:31 * pdurbin checks out the article whartung linked to earlier:
00:31 huhlig_ joined ##javaee
00:32 QshelTier joined ##javaee
00:35 acuzio joined ##javaee
00:44 pdurbin very nice article. I should try this out
01:42 drspockbr joined ##javaee
02:33 gandalfpimp joined ##javaee
04:26 cem__ joined ##javaee
04:26 cem__ recurssively failing on integrating bootstrap with jsf
06:41 Mahi_ joined ##javaee
06:48 Mahi_ left ##javaee
07:19 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:13 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:17 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:28 fabioportieri o/
08:35 ramsrib joined ##javaee
09:16 AlexCzar hi!
09:17 AlexCzar I've just installed jrebel 5.5.1 in IDEA, strange thing, it works, but there is a shitload of messages in the log saying that reloading failed. I'm testing it on a spring webapp in tomcat
09:19 AlexCzar says "Probable cause: Remoting is not turned on in the server." And still works :) Any ideas?
11:36 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:07 cem__ hi sajjadg
12:10 pdurbin cem__: for a bit we used but we switched to native bootstrap
12:13 cem__ i feel hibernate quite interesting compared to spring
12:14 cem__ Y
12:14 cem__ both are frameworks :?/
12:15 cem__ pdurbin: using bootstrap+primeface
12:16 sajjadg cem__, both are framework but they are different frameworks doing different things
12:16 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:17 sajjadg cem__, Hi. sorry I got Disconnected
12:17 cem__ Hibernate : Is making almost all as bidirectional Entity in hibernate is it good  ?
12:17 cem__ k sajjadg
12:17 sajjadg anyone told you about hibernate and spring?
12:17 sajjadg they are different. and they are not alternatives.
12:17 cem__ sajjadg: using both
12:18 sajjadg good.
12:18 sajjadg you can compare spring to ejb and hibernate to eclipselink
12:20 cem__ it will take lot of time to learn these frameworks :)
12:20 cem__ lot of frameworks and lot of tools :/
12:21 sajjadg yeah. you'll waste large amount of time learning those
12:22 sajjadg and sometimes in this way you may think about going for another easier and cooler language/framework like python/django and ruby on rails
12:23 sajjadg those morons in schools/university taught us Pascal then C/C++ and we then went for Java
12:23 sajjadg but I wish I learned Python at first
12:23 sajjadg I suffered a lot for learning Java...
12:24 pdurbin sajjadg: life is still suffering
12:24 cem__ some of my friends learnt java and started bidding prj on java in freelance < they only know java>
12:24 sajjadg maybe knowing/having python in your mind could be better ...
12:24 sajjadg pdurbin, Java makes it worse :P
12:24 cem__ i know js
12:24 cem__ :)
12:24 pdurbin heh
12:25 pdurbin i guess. i was doing some refactoring yesterday and thinking that java is kinda nice :)
12:25 sajjadg I was just searching about easiest and hardest language (human langs) :)
12:25 cem__ i dont have time to learn haskell :'(
12:25 sajjadg pdurbin, it's my favorite ;) but I hate it too :P
12:25 sajjadg
12:26 sajjadg check that inforgraphic
12:26 cem__ sajjadg: doing binary search in brain fuck
12:26 sajjadg it's cool :P we should've something like that for computer languages
12:26 sajjadg cem__, what??!!
12:26 cem__
12:27 cem__ 1 of the fav language
12:28 cem__ there is no clients for this language in freelance <expected> :D
12:29 sajjadg one of the worse way of designing an interface: worse
12:29 sajjadg ^
12:46 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:11 cem__ i'm leaving
13:11 cem__ :/ bye all
13:13 tjsnell jews not welcome here anyway
13:13 tjsnell damn, I though you were ron
13:13 tjsnell haha
13:13 tjsnell same color
13:13 tjsnell that's a joke with Ron (who is jewish) and knows I'm being silly
13:14 tjsnell though Ilhami would agree and not be joking
13:15 sajjadg tjsnell, why? what's wromg with jews?
13:16 sajjadg Ron is Jewish...ok i got it
13:17 pdurbin tjsnell: but ron isn't here. and it's not very funny
13:31 Naros joined ##javaee
13:33 fabioportieri argh.. fuck ie
13:34 sajjadg yeah fuck it
13:36 tjsnell pdurbin:  as I said, I got the channel wrong
13:37 tjsnell and ron would've thought it was funny and that's all it was intended for
13:37 tjsnell so I felt bad that here it's be misunderstood :)
13:42 tjsnell s/it's/it'd/
14:43 fabioportieri_ joined ##javaee
15:02 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
15:07 aspire joined ##javaee
15:25 rektide joined ##javaee
15:54 unix-markow joined ##javaee
15:55 unix-markow left ##javaee
16:16 semiosis tjsnell: what the hell is wrong with you?
16:17 semiosis send a PM if you want to joke with "Ron" and keep your off color jokes out of public channels
16:28 whartung anyone done much with encryption?
16:29 tjsnell semiosis:  grow up
16:29 tjsnell that wasn't off color
16:30 tjsnell and I apologized
16:35 semiosis you half heartedly apologized for people not getting it, not for saying something hurtful & exclusionary.  doesnt matter who might or might not find it funny.
16:35 tjsnell I really don't care
16:35 semiosis whartung: plenty.  don't ask to ask, just ask
16:35 cem joined ##javaee
16:35 tjsnell and you can shove you PC crap up your tight ass
16:36 whartung how do you deal with keys that are shorter than what are required by the algorithms?
16:37 acuzio ooh a real question
16:37 whartung 3DES requires a 24 byte key and an 8 byte Initialization Vector, while AES needs a 128 or 256 bit key.
16:37 tjsnell s/needs/requires/
16:37 whartung but if that "password" is "too short", what's best practice here?
16:38 semiosis whartung: simple solution would be to use a hash function, which always gives a constant lenght output for all inputs
16:38 semiosis whartung: there's probably more sophisticated solutions in the literature
16:38 whartung or, use a key generator from the password (which is effectively the same thing, but  think they use different techniques)
16:39 acuzio whartung: The hash technique is pretty standard
16:39 whartung I was considering using the password as a random seed and populating the rest of the key with random bytes, but I was just curious if that was just false hope.
16:39 whartung I'll look in to hashing
16:40 whartung thx
16:41 acuzio FWIW , Skiena's book mentions hashing as "the" solution for a similar problem
16:41 semiosis whartung: see also HMAC, which is a keyed-hash.  you use a constant secret and the provided input to get a hash value.  this should make the resulting hash secure against rainbow table attacks (reverse lookups) which would be important if you're saving the values in a DB
16:42 whartung yea, we do that normally
16:43 whartung have you used any of those hardware key store things?
16:43 semiosis nope
16:43 tjsnell only to access corporate vpns
16:43 tjsnell never coded to one
16:43 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:50 whartung java has this already, PBEKeySpec, PBKDF2
17:06 raival joined ##javaee
17:31 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:36 idasilva joined ##javaee
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17:55 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
17:56 aspire joined ##javaee
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18:22 whiteracoon joined ##javaee
18:38 sajjadg joined ##javaee
18:41 waschmittel joined ##javaee
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19:02 aspire_ joined ##javaee
19:04 balo left ##javaee
19:08 arkadi joined ##javaee
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19:27 ramsrib joined ##javaee
20:04 bvn13 joined ##javaee
20:05 bvn13 hi!
20:09 bvn13 Is there the other ways to get current focused system window, than ?
20:26 Voyage joined ##javaee
20:26 Voyage searched a lot but cant find the jar that contains org.jboss.proxy.ejb.SecurityContextInterceptor. Any one has and ideas?
20:27 bvn13 - ?
20:28 Voyage bvn13,  yes i guess but I need a complete jar
20:29 bvn13 maybe ?
20:29 bvn13 Voyage, I saw there Download button
20:30 Voyage ya but thats a .java file only. I need a .jar that contains it and others dependancies for it. then I can include the jar in my libs
20:31 bvn13 is it here?
20:31 bvn13 a lot of jars
20:33 Voyage no i gues
20:52 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:52 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
21:48 koperix joined ##javaee
22:03 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
22:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
23:35 SEx2 joined ##javaee
23:36 aspire_ joined ##javaee

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