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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:47 jieryn joined ##javaee
00:48 jieryn joined ##javaee
03:03 aspire sfisque someone suggested that i design my own language
03:12 kobain joined ##javaee
03:35 sfisque aye.  you dont need to manipulate byte code for that.  you can just build an environment (interpreter or parser/compiler or some hybrid)
03:35 sfisque javacc
03:36 sfisque flex / cup
03:36 sfisque sablecc
03:46 kobain joined ##javaee
04:35 ramsrib joined ##javaee
05:31 Bombe joined ##javaee
06:40 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
07:01 sajjadg joined ##javaee
07:22 sfisque joined ##javaee
07:23 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:40 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
07:51 fabioportieri o/
08:40 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
12:12 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:37 jieryn joined ##javaee
12:37 jieryn joined ##javaee
12:58 Naros joined ##javaee
14:25 sheenobu joined ##javaee
14:31 sheenobu joined ##javaee
14:44 Naros left ##javaee
16:37 aspire joined ##javaee
16:42 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:42 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:28 kobain joined ##javaee
17:54 pdurbin is there a type safe way to reference a class from a JSF page?
18:01 sfisque the only way i know is via code completion.  nb will only complete if the references are valid
18:01 sfisque and it will highlight if the reference is questionable
18:02 sfisque problem is scope.  the facelet isnt compiled until runtime so you have the "late binding" issue
18:02 pdurbin hmm
18:02 pdurbin well, here's an example: rendered="#{permissionServiceBean.on(​SearchIncludeFragment.dataverse).canI​ssueCommand('DatasetCreateCommand')}"
18:02 pdurbin DatasetCreateCommand is the name of a class
18:03 pdurbin and if we refactor and rename that class we'll get a ClassNotFoundException but only a runtime, when you hit the xhtml page with that render
18:03 pdurbin feels brittle
18:06 pdurbin having the name of a class in the xhtml
18:06 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:07 sfisque not really.  NB refactor will update facelet references
18:07 sfisque if you use the refactor tool and not "by hand"
18:07 pdurbin sfisque: even though that's just a string? 'DatasetCreateCommand' in single quotes like that?
18:07 sfisque oh
18:08 sfisque that might not get caught then
18:08 pdurbin :(
18:08 sfisque begs the question though
18:08 sfisque why are you embedding business logic that high up?
18:08 pdurbin excellent question. I'm raising red flags about it
18:08 sfisque expose the reference via a accessor/mutator
18:08 sfisque that way it follows the "bean" semantics
18:09 pdurbin yeah, an accessor in the backing bean, you mean, right?
18:09 pdurbin the backing bean for that page
18:09 sfisque yes
18:10 sfisque or proxy the reference in a "side" bean that is @Named
18:10 pdurbin ok. that's what I was planning to do on this page away
18:12 pdurbin the accessor thing
18:12 sfisque aye
19:23 pdurbin ok, committed a fix
19:23 pdurbin sfisque: thanks
19:23 pdurbin sfisque: not sure what you mean about a proxy side bean thing, but that's ok :)
19:24 sfisque instead of exposing it directly in the pages controller, have a separate @Named been that is in scope (View, Convo, Session, etc.) that handles that particular detail.  especially if it's somethign that is pervasive and not tied to a single page
19:25 pdurbin hmm. permissions are pretty pervasive
19:28 sfisque aye so having a separate "permission controller bean" that remains in scope for the session might be the way to go, and then you can reference it in any pages that need it, that way it's not tied to several controllers
19:44 pdurbin sounds like something we should consider
19:44 onphoto joined ##javaee
19:55 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:15 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:16 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:58 Voyage joined ##javaee
20:58 sess_ joined ##javaee
20:58 Voyage I discovered that I am having some SOAP webservice issue that is not relevant to an IDE. The issue is similar to the mentioned link at last. I see terminated status with not warning, nor any of my code is executed . e.g no System.out.println("hello world");   any help?
21:02 sess joined ##javaee
21:04 neuro_sys Voyage: What does it have to do with soap?
21:04 neuro_sys Also does it print System.err?
21:05 neuro_sys also, what about when you run it via command line, and not an IDE?
21:11 Voyage let me see  and do System.err("test");  ?
21:11 Voyage neuro_sys how to run it by cmd
21:27 thefullmonty joined ##javaee
21:37 balo joined ##javaee
21:38 acuzio joined ##javaee
21:40 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
21:40 drspockbr joined ##javaee
21:40 rektide joined ##javaee
21:40 Fubar^ joined ##javaee
21:40 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
21:43 kobain joined ##javaee
21:44 semiosis joined ##javaee
22:02 sajjadg joined ##javaee
22:13 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
23:03 pdurbin [jsr344-experts] Discussion: Action Oriented framework in Java EE -
23:04 pdurbin "there have been rumblings of varying sizes on the topic of an action oriented web framework in Java EE 8"
23:06 sfisque do they mean "like struts" or is this some new type of beast
23:07 pdurbin "I'd like to see us extract Facelets from JSF, make it a first class citizen of a JAX-RS MVC, *and* provide an Action Oriented lifecycle as an alternative to the standard JSF lifecycle." -- Ed Burns
23:08 sfisque WOO
23:08 sfisque in so many words… yes, like struts/tiles
23:08 sfisque maybe now we'll get "the best of both worlds".  view based AND component based woven into one framework
23:08 sfisque about time
23:09 * sfisque crosses fingers
23:13 pdurbin sfisque: edburns is talking about it now: (would link to the line if I could)
23:17 aspire joined ##javaee
23:17 pdurbin sfisque: thanks for jumping in ##jsf
23:17 sfisque :-)
23:17 sajjadg joined ##javaee
23:17 pdurbin to be honest, I don't know the difference between JSF and Struts. I've only used the former.
23:19 sfisque in one sentence:   struts ==    action/url -> view      /  JSF  ==  component -> activity -> response
23:19 sfisque very different paradigm but both powerful and answer different problems
23:19 tjsnell yawn and yawn yawn
23:19 sfisque afk for a bit
23:28 pdurbin so struts is more oriented around URLs, it sounds like. maybe more like django in that way, which is all about routes

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