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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:09 jieryn joined ##javaee
00:09 jieryn joined ##javaee
00:43 sajjadg joined ##javaee
02:42 pdurbin sajjadg: life is suffering
02:59 sfisque black is white.  night is day.  jefferson was the anti-christ
03:29 aspire hi
03:29 aspire ##javaee-offtopic is empty?
03:46 pdurbin aspire: you know, Quest put that in the /topic... I deleted it once but he put it back in
03:47 aspire pdurbin well remove it because its very misleading
03:47 aspire i joined only to find chanserv and i in there
03:50 Topic for ##javaee is now Java Enterprise Edition | | logs at
03:51 pdurbin aspire: there you go, since you asked so nice ;)
03:51 aspire thank you : )
03:52 aspire so whats this channel all about? i hear a lot of nasty things about this channel in particular
03:52 pdurbin aspire:
03:53 pdurbin (hence the name)
03:53 aspire ah yes i fear i havent used java ee
03:56 sfisque aspire : that is because we are old curmudgeonly enterprise devs who eat babies and smack the elderly
03:57 * sfisque smirks michievously
03:57 * sfisque looks around for a spelling dictionary
03:58 pdurbin I thought some of us are *among* the elderly
03:58 aspire sounds like a pretty badass community
03:58 aspire very scary though
03:58 pdurbin we tolerate each other
04:02 aspire good : )
04:02 aspire at what point should i learn java ee
04:02 sajjadg joined ##javaee
04:03 pdurbin when you get a new job and they use java ee
04:04 sfisque amen pdurbin
04:05 pdurbin they're starting to use scala at work. for map reduce stuff. I might try to look over some shoulders
04:05 sfisque from a hobbyist standpoint, anytime is good, once you get the fundamentals (learn, java.util, java.lang.reflect, and threading work
04:06 sfisque once you have those basics in place, start adding some of the EE mechanisms (servlets, jdbc, jndi, messaging, etc.)
04:06 sfisque javaeebot lucky scala java
04:06 javaeebot sfisque:
04:08 sfisque what i thought, scala is a hosted language on the jvm
04:08 sfisque like clojure
04:08 sfisque and jython
04:08 pdurbin sfisque: have you tried clojure?
04:08 sfisque i have not
04:09 pdurbin ok. I'm kind of curious about it
04:09 cem__ joined ##javaee
04:09 sfisque javaeebot lucky clojure description
04:09 javaeebot sfisque:
04:09 pdurbin it's a lisp, basically
04:09 sfisque gotcha
04:09 pdurbin built for concurrency
04:10 cem__ integrating 3 modules :/ dont know how far this works
04:11 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky clojure
04:11 javaeebot pdurbin:
04:12 aspire omg pdurbin ive been using scala for like a couple of weeks i like it
04:12 aspire do i have an equal chance of getting highered with knowing scala as opposed to knowing javaee
04:12 aspire or are they just really incomparable
04:12 tjsnell no
04:13 tjsnell scala is still very very minor compared to java as far as jobs go
04:14 pdurbin yeah. used by a couple big companies like twitter and netflix though
04:14 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky twitter scala school
04:14 javaeebot pdurbin:
04:14 tjsnell OK, so out of the fortune 500 a couple may do scala
04:14 aspire o.. i see
04:14 tjsnell and the number of scala jobs posted is minuscule in comparison.
04:16 aspire i kind of want to learn java ee because i see it often like on the internet and sht but im just not sure what kind of applications it would be used for
04:17 pdurbin I wonder what some big java ee apps are. ours is pretty small
04:19 cem__ which is small and which is big ?? java ee app ?
04:19 pdurbin oh I dunno
04:19 aspire what are yours
04:19 pdurbin I mean, wal-mart just moved their api stuff to node.js. that seems pretty big
04:21 pdurbin aspire: I work on an app called dataverse
04:21 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky dataverse
04:21 javaeebot pdurbin:
04:21 aspire o..
04:22 aspire are you the only 1 who works on it
04:23 aspire woah what is this affiliation with harvard about :O
04:28 sfisque pdurbin - healthcare.  HL7 is huge
04:29 sfisque banking also.  anywhere you have to stitch legacy and new together, java is generally the glue (JMS + SOAP/REST + transactional EJBs)
04:35 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky hl7
04:35 javaeebot pdurbin:
04:37 pdurbin sure. makes sense
04:38 aspire joined ##javaee
04:38 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
04:53 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
04:54 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
04:56 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
05:03 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
05:55 cem__ from where did annotation came into picture
06:22 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
06:25 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
06:26 sfisque do you mean what version?   annotations appeared in 1.0 (javadoc).  as a programmatic tool, 1.5, iirc
07:17 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:19 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:36 cem__ how to handle exception in jsf
07:36 cem__ lol it acts in weird way
07:37 cem__ It doesnt support   <error-page>   <exception-type>java.lang.​Throwable</exception-type>   <location>/pages/error.jsf</location>   </error-page>
07:37 cem__ it gives me just warning
07:56 cem__ got it we need to handle custom exception
08:49 cem__ joined ##javaee
09:10 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:12 whartung joined ##javaee
09:22 ramsrib joined ##javaee
09:25 whartung joined ##javaee
09:25 sajjadg pdurbin: albeit it is.
09:26 whartung__ joined ##javaee
09:28 whartung___ joined ##javaee
12:54 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
12:56 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:14 rwb joined ##javaee
13:25 CJ_ joined ##javaee
13:34 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
13:47 kobain joined ##javaee
14:05 Guest1256 TCP is like two women talking. UDP is like a woman taking to a man.
14:08 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:40 miller-v3 joined ##javaee
14:42 miller-v3 left ##javaee
15:11 prakash_ joined ##javaee
15:13 Guest26128 joined ##javaee
15:13 Guest26128 :/
15:29 jieryn joined ##javaee
15:29 jieryn joined ##javaee
16:19 ramsrib joined ##javaee
16:44 pdurbin names are hard:
16:44 pdurbin
16:52 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:30 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:30 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:41 whartung yea they are pdurbin
17:42 pdurbin yeah
17:42 pdurbin
17:42 pdurbin
17:45 QshelTier joined ##javaee
17:48 acuzio Add Kanji characters or Multiple names to it .,  and wallah - now you have a problem
18:10 mikee joined ##javaee
18:10 sfisque has anyone had the issue where an ee project in NB builds fine on unix, but the same proj on windows the build skips the metamodel build phase causing the build to fail (the Class_ files are not found)
18:11 whartung "metamodel build phase"?
18:12 sfisque the boilerplate build has a phase wehre it builds the metamodel classes for the ORM entities
18:13 sfisque for some reason my co-worker (on windows) the build is skipping that phase
18:14 whartung it does? I"m still not familiar with this phase. what classes is it generating? Is this a Hibernate thing vs a Eclipselink thing?
18:14 sfisque jpa
18:15 whartung I mean, been doing this for a while, and I'm simply not familiar with this. JPA doesn't create any artifacts on our builds. Are you "weaving" at compile time?
18:15 sfisque your build does not produce any Entity_ files?
18:15 sfisque are u using jpa2
18:15 sfisque ?
18:16 whartung no, I've never seen those. And afaik, we're using JPA2 in our GF3 projects
18:17 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:20 sfisque found it.  had a broken lib ref pointing to the hibernate processor lib
18:22 whartung I just created a new NB JEE project, set it for JEE 6, created an entity, built it, and I don't see any Entity_ classes
18:27 sfisque you probably do not reference any
18:28 sfisque do you have any queries that use Entity_.attribute in building the query?
18:28 sfisque also, look in the build dir.  there will probably be a "generated-sources" dir
18:29 sfisque if you dont reference them, they wont get bundled in your war/ear
18:29 whartung we pretty much never use queries, we use the expression buulder
18:31 sfisque no criteriaQueries?
18:32 sfisque CriteriaBuilder
18:32 sfisque or are you building PQL directly?
18:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
18:33 whartung Eclipselink specific ExpressionBuilder, we never converted to Criteria
18:33 whartung would have been too much of a rewrite, and portability isn't a crushing issue right now.
18:50 acuzio joined ##javaee
18:52 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:18 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:29 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:29 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:36 magyar joined ##javaee
19:52 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:21 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:21 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:22 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
20:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:36 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
20:48 Fubar^ joined ##javaee
21:44 neuro_sys

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