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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:32 sheenobu joined ##javaee
01:52 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
02:38 sfisque joined ##javaee
02:49 jenue joined ##javaee
03:08 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
03:08 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
03:12 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
03:59 Voyage joined ##javaee
04:13 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
04:22 Voyage joined ##javaee
05:00 kobain_ joined ##javaee
06:14 Elskion joined ##javaee
06:20 jenue joined ##javaee
06:22 Elskion left ##javaee
06:58 sfisque joined ##javaee
07:06 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:23 sess Anyone got experience with spring-test with EJB for backend?
09:23 sess I'd like to do spring mvc tests and mock the EJBs, but spring just tries to lookup the EJBs regardless and complains about no JNDI set up
09:43 neuro_sys
09:43 neuro_sys I like this website
09:44 neuro_sys Docs or it didn't happen!
10:44 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
10:44 TxRx127 left ##javaee
13:50 tomwp joined ##javaee
13:51 tomwp left ##javaee
14:38 Naros joined ##javaee
15:19 ramsrib joined ##javaee
15:42 * Naros wishes Java had an "auto" type
15:42 sfisque Object?
15:43 Naros nah; problem with Object is it requires you to cast it
15:43 Naros in C++ world, auto translates automatically to whatever type it is without the need to cast
15:44 Naros you can access intellisense properties & methods
15:44 Naros just find some of the JPA stuff to be quite verbose at times
15:44 acuzio JPA meh
15:45 sfisque lol.  yeah because having 26 API's to do the same thing is preferable?
15:46 Naros i love JPA.  I ditched hibernate's api and went straight JPA
15:46 Naros it's so damn powerful and with the metamodel generator, everything is type-safe, no strings :P
15:46 acuzio Naros: if you _have_ to go Hibernate - JPA is preferable
15:47 Naros I'm just saying moving from Hibernate's Criteria API and HQL to JPA's Criteria API is worth it
15:47 acuzio A bigger question of course is -  do you need something like Hibernate/JPA
15:47 acuzio Naros: agreed
15:47 Naros For what we do, yes.  Product requires deployment onto any DB platform
15:47 acuzio hmm
15:48 Naros And I prefer the abstracted SQL
15:48 acuzio horses for courses
15:49 neuro_sys Isn't criteria based queries and annotated relational fetches are more readable than any embedded strings?
15:50 Naros Meh; probably somewhat subjective.  Some people prefer reading straight SQL cause it makes sense.  Some might prefer Hibernate's Criteria API because it's simplier to use.  Some might prefer the more verbose JPA2 API.
15:50 neuro_sys alright
15:51 acuzio horrses for courses
15:51 acuzio horrrrsssseeeessssssssssssss ffffffoooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr ccccccccccccccccooooooouuuuuuuurr​rrrrsssssssssssseeeeeeesssssssss
15:51 Naros :P
15:51 sfisque strcat is for engineers stuck in the 60's with pocket protecters
15:52 acuzio strncat
15:52 Naros The best thing I have found is that with metamodel generators, you no longer specify properties with strings and so changes to your actual domain objects will cause your classes that have queries to not compile, thus finding during compile time rather than during testing.
15:52 sfisque amen.  the meta-model + OO criteria building == t3h w1n
15:52 acuzio testing ha
15:53 acuzio thats what users are for
15:53 Naros Use cases now can be focused toward specific business cases, not developer mistake cases :P
15:53 sfisque i don't always test my code...
15:53 sfisque but when i do…
15:53 sfisque i do it in production
15:53 sfisque dox-X's
15:54 acuzio ideally with millions riding on it - keeps life interesting
15:54 sfisque stay employed… my friend
15:54 sfisque >.<
15:56 acuzio I try
15:56 acuzio Unfortunately there is no severance or redundancy etc for what i do
15:57 * sfisque was hoping the dos-X's commercial reference would be connected
15:57 acuzio Dos Equis
15:57 sfisque yes
15:57 sfisque dos-X's
15:57 sfisque :P
16:32 jenue joined ##javaee
16:40 kotten joined ##javaee
16:52 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:52 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:59 ramsrib joined ##javaee
16:59 Voyage joined ##javaee
16:59 ramsrib left ##javaee
17:38 jenue joined ##javaee
18:13 apache joined ##javaee
19:09 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
19:43 weyer joined ##javaee
20:01 kobain joined ##javaee
20:01 weyer joined ##javaee
21:38 sheenobu joined ##javaee
22:04 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee

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