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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-01-30

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Time S Nick Message
00:02 Naros joined ##javaee
00:03 sfisque we're plumbers
00:03 sfisque exchange sockets, pipes and streams for copper and pvc tubing
00:04 whartung like I said… :)
00:04 sfisque >.<
00:04 Naros left ##javaee
00:05 semiosis we're pilots, just exchange keyboard for a yoke, the airplane for a computer, .... yeah i dont think so :)
02:22 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
02:36 kotten_ joined ##javaee
03:18 sajjadg joined ##javaee
04:52 firebird1 joined ##javaee
05:30 prakash_ joined ##javaee
05:54 sfisque joined ##javaee
05:55 firebird1 how to get data in controller of a UIcomponent
05:57 sfisque jsf?
05:57 firebird1 yes
05:57 firebird1 using primefaces
05:58 sfisque in the controller, load the desired data, and either set it directly (if it supports that) or build a "model" that the UIComponent understands (like PrimeFacesLazyDataModel)
05:59 sfisque what kind of Component?
06:31 theDoctor_ joined ##javaee
06:37 theDoctor_ joined ##javaee
06:40 firebird1 how to access uicomponent
06:40 firebird1 i have 2 dates
06:40 firebird1 date1 and date2
06:40 firebird1 on selecting date2
06:41 firebird1 need to acccess date1 data using UIComponent how ?
06:52 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:19 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:31 fabioportieri o/
09:17 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:45 firebird1 joined ##javaee
10:06 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
10:21 weyer joined ##javaee
11:47 firebird1 how to change colspan dynamically ?
11:47 firebird1 in jsf
12:22 TxRx127 hum put a variable in your colspan property
12:22 TxRx127 But it's not clean
12:23 TxRx127 you can create a tag in your taglib
12:23 TxRx127 or dynamicly create your <table>
12:23 pdurbin why isn't that clean?
12:25 TxRx127 beacause you must try to not put so many code in your View
12:26 TxRx127 fool around taglib for you jsf
12:44 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:59 pdurbin this seems to be a decent introduction:
13:02 CJ_ joined ##javaee
13:02 sajjadg pdurbin: do you use JSF? There's lots of MVC frameworks out there and those are promising. Backbone.js, AngularJS, ember, etc.
13:02 pdurbin yeah, JSF with Primefaces
13:03 sajjadg JPA, CDI, JSF?
13:04 sajjadg pdurbin: do use DAOs or not?
13:04 sajjadg some say JPA entities are enough
13:08 pdurbin I don't think we use DAOs or a least we never talk about them. We use JPA.
13:08 pdurbin (and CDI)
13:09 pdurbin sajjadg: I did have a quick play with Angular by following this video:
13:09 sajjadg how was it? did have fun with it?
13:10 pdurbin seems nice
13:10 sajjadg people say SOA, SaaS is the future of Software
13:11 sajjadg and for SaaS REST is somehow required.
13:11 pdurbin I guess I get frustrated with JSF sometimes... Off and on I think "maybe I can code this up in angular at least as a proof of concept so I can show my team what I'm trying to do" ... if that makes sense
13:11 sajjadg and when you have rest it's good to have HTML5 on the other side
13:11 pdurbin probably I should just continue learning JSF better :)
13:11 pdurbin but at least Angular is a transferable skill
13:12 sajjadg I like the separation they provide to the project. you can have a AngularJS team that don't know about any backend tech and that's OK
13:12 pdurbin right. I more comfortable being on the "provide the REST API" team
13:12 pdurbin not so much the front end stuff
13:13 pdurbin but I will say that primefaces is pretty slick... can express a lot of stuff in a nice way
13:13 sajjadg but if you can't divide fontend and backend so that they can work separatly you can't be a back only guy ;)
13:13 pdurbin yeah
13:14 sajjadg in the last project we used primefaces for JSF and it's the best in JSF world
13:14 pdurbin well, for stuff I can about in the GUI, I'm writing API calls. To make sure it's possible
13:14 sajjadg but I see a brighter future for JS frameworks
13:14 pdurbin care* about
13:14 pdurbin oh sure. ember.js seems interesting too
13:15 sajjadg pdurbin: check this out ;)
13:15 pdurbin oh yes, semiosis linked to it. very nice
13:16 sajjadg yeah. it's very nice.
14:07 Naros joined ##javaee
14:07 Naros left ##javaee
14:42 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
14:48 balo joined ##javaee
15:12 pdurbin huh. restarting glassfish doesn't help. maybe I'm really doing something wrong this time:
15:18 sajjadg wildfly vs glassfigh! that's the choice if you want EJB. oracle is evil. I don't like it. I wished IBM bought Sun instead.
15:25 balo sajjadg: and he sell it to lenovo? :D okay, I know they selled only just the hardware stuff but...
15:27 balo i don't like oracle either just i think it wouldn't have made any difference
15:31 TxRx127 how do you inject your EJB's ?
15:31 sajjadg balo: The future of Java is gloomy!
15:32 TxRx127 @ManagedBean
15:32 TxRx127 @ViewScoped
15:32 TxRx127 //some code
15:32 TxRx127 @EJB
15:32 TxRx127 private MyEJB myEJB;
15:32 TxRx127 Like that ?
15:32 TxRx127 Java is on good road i think if you look at the roadmap
15:33 TxRx127 (sorry for my english)
15:34 pdurbin TxRx127: I use @EJB MyServiceBean myServiceBean;
15:35 pdurbin TxRx127: but then I go to call myServiceBean.doSomething() and myServiceBean is null. very frustrating
15:35 TxRx127 Precise before your class @ManagedBean @TheScopeYouNeed
15:35 TxRx127 and
15:35 TxRx127 put this
15:36 TxRx127 <managed-bean>
15:36 TxRx127 <managed-bean-name>name</managed-bean-name>
15:36 TxRx127 <managed-bean-class>​meEjb</managed-bean-class>
15:36 TxRx127 <managed-bean-scope>Yourscope</managed-bean-scope>
15:36 TxRx127 </managed-bean>
15:36 TxRx127 in your faces config
15:36 TxRx127 .xml
15:36 pdurbin all that XML for one bean?!
15:37 TxRx127 Yes that the rule !
15:37 balo i don't use xml-s for ejbs...
15:38 TxRx127 on glassfish?
15:38 balo niether on gf3 nor on jboss
15:38 TxRx127 It's a proper approach
15:39 TxRx127 (and put @Stateless in you ejb)
15:39 TxRx127 (before class)
15:40 TxRx127 i agree with you about the xml, it's an option if we uses @annotations in code
15:40 TxRx127 or an alternate
15:40 TxRx127 alternative*
15:41 pdurbin right. the xml should always work. annotations are for convenience (less boilerplate)
15:42 TxRx127 Yes that's right
15:42 pdurbin i was trying to put this code in its own class but for now I'll just throw it in the backing bean, making it even longer
15:43 pdurbin so I can work on what I actually want to work on
15:45 TxRx127 try to restart glassfish
15:45 TxRx127 ?
15:45 TxRx127 or delete and re-import your project into
15:45 pdurbin many times... I learned that trick last time this happened :)
15:46 TxRx127 have ever had the famous trollback exception ? or the "maybe" exception ? :p
15:46 pdurbin my whole life is a trollback exception
15:47 TxRx127 xD
15:47 TxRx127 mine too
15:48 pdurbin TxRx127: where are all these injection rules written down?
15:49 TxRx127 in faces-config.xml
15:50 pdurbin sorry, no, I meant how do you learn the rules? where are the rules themselves written down?
15:54 TxRx127 Oh i read API and some doc ( sorry, tell me if i don't answer correctly, i don't speak english very well >< )
15:55 TxRx127 do you want some links ?
15:55 pdurbin TxRx127: yes, links please :)
15:55 TxRx127 Wait a minute ;)
15:55 pdurbin I'm always here
15:57 TxRx127 Official doc :
15:57 TxRx127 Somes websites:
15:57 TxRx127 -
15:57 TxRx127 -
15:57 TxRx127 - (old)
15:57 TxRx127 - (old)
15:58 TxRx127 do you want doc for faces-config ?
15:59 pdurbin not really. I still don't love XML ;)
15:59 pdurbin TxRx127: but go ahead, if you want :)
16:02 TxRx127 Some Examples:
16:02 TxRx127
16:02 TxRx127
16:02 TxRx127 Voilà :)
16:02 pdurbin TxRx127: thanks. much appreciated!
16:04 TxRx127 You're welcome! :)
16:13 sajjadg I like the way @annotations are replace the meed to use xml for configuration
16:16 TxRx127 it's more readable!
16:30 TxRx127 left ##javaee
16:54 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:54 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:27 fabioportieri this fucking issue is driving me nuts
17:28 fabioportieri helppp
17:29 Mufasa420 joined ##javaee
17:33 fabioportieri ahh got it
17:33 fabioportieri maybe
17:34 fabioportieri finally
17:37 * pdurbin dropped the f bomb this morning about the ejb null thing
17:38 fabioportieri ahah ejb npe == classic!
17:38 fabioportieri never goes old
17:39 pdurbin fabioportieri: our designer talked me off the ledge
17:40 fabioportieri yea i had a npe on ejb injection on websphere for 2 days
17:40 fabioportieri the solution was to upgrade websphere :/
17:49 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:57 cem1 joined ##javaee
17:58 cem1 anyone used dynamic reports
18:04 Artamerh joined ##javaee
18:37 tommmied joined ##javaee
18:41 cem1 i'm the first 1 yahooo
19:28 Artamerh joined ##javaee
19:39 whartung do I just need a single beans.xml file for the entire ear, or do individual library jars need them as well? Does it hurt if the libraries have their own beans.xml?
19:40 whartung guess I can have them everywhere
20:34 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:34 sess whartung: one per module i think
20:34 sess that wants to use cdi that is
20:34 sess i.e one in the WAR and one in each root JAR
20:35 sajjadg netbeans with nimbus theme is beautiful :-)
21:36 Voyage joined ##javaee
21:37 Voyage Hi
21:42 pdurbin Voyage: hi
21:44 Voyage I have some experience with spring. i know some advantages. Why in the work people use pure JEE (as I heard that it gives same features as spring or is a rival)
21:45 whartung different way to skin the same cat.
21:45 Voyage hm.
21:45 whartung I never cared for spring
21:46 Voyage just like struts2, jsf, spring, JEE is a framwork
21:46 whartung JEE is a standard
21:46 whartung glass fish, web logic, web sphere, TomEE, Geronimo, there are no doubt others.
21:47 sajjadg Aran from Oracle said that the development cycle of Java is like that: Java people see what's going on in other platforms and technologies like spring, rails, etc. and then add them to the next version of Java EE
21:47 whartung sure, they beat to a different drummer
21:48 sajjadg spring is where new things in Java happens and Java EE is where you see stable trimmed and standard technologies.
21:48 whartung it put JEE behind the curve, but the actual implentations are more cosmopolitan taking details from other implementations.
21:49 Voyage so its correct that JEE was bad in the start, learned from spring,. now is better than any out there?
21:50 whartung Everything was "bad from the start" Spring wouldn't exist with out JEE in the first place. They just use each other as stepping stones.
21:51 Voyage hm
21:52 sajjadg Voyage: Spring started as a DI implementation and Java EE added CDI after some time. before CDI spring was so much better! but after CDI, you should see if you still need spring or not.
21:52 Voyage whartung,  but I guess spring is a prebuild framework of things that already are in raw form of JEE or JSE.  it facilitates some repeated tasks in a prebuild manner for users.
21:52 whartung such as Voyage ?
21:52 CJ_ Spring is currently the bane of my existance.
21:54 Voyage whartung,  MVC, page redirect, @PathVariables , spring security, session management, (now we dont have to req.getsession, evaluate, compare. etc ) some other best practicies?
21:54 sajjadg I suffered from spring too
21:55 whartung JEE doesn't have an "MVC" standard, it arguably doesn't need one as a) MVC is slowly dying and b) there's 8000 of them out there already. I don't know what a @PathVariable is, JEE has had security and session management since forever.
21:56 Voyage whartung,  i though, and think MVC is good practice
21:56 sajjadg now (in 2014) spring is very hard for someone who wants to start EE development. reading the spring documentation is horrible. so much alternatives and you can't understand why they are still in there. and they advocate use of XML a lot. I like/hate XML.
21:56 Voyage dont you?
21:56 Voyage sajjadg,  spring 3, 4 are annotations based mostly
21:57 sajjadg Voyage: yeah they have spring annotation but there's lots of XML config in there. I got confused :-/
21:57 whartung But web development is taking a hard turn away from that style of development. It's drifting in to service based "fat" JS apps and component based web apps.
21:58 sajjadg I really really really wanted to use spring, but it was very bad with me. it rejected me :-/ and I don't want to come back
21:58 whartung I looked at Spring MVC years ago and abandoned it, too PITA for me.
21:59 sajjadg when it comes to services you don't need lots of EE stack. you can use few of the technologies and have fun with them.
21:59 whartung it has, no doubt, changed greatly since I looked at it.
21:59 whartung but it wasn't up to what I wanted to do at the time.
21:59 sajjadg whartung: when?
21:59 whartung '06 :)
22:00 sajjadg before CDI!?
22:00 sajjadg intersting
22:01 whartung yes
22:01 * whartung been working with JEE since '00
22:01 sajjadg whartung: this is SOA (SaaS, Cloud) era now. services talk and Html5 gets them
22:02 whartung yes
22:02 sajjadg whartung: there was EE in 00;s?! WoW. you are OLD :P
22:02 Voyage sajjadg,  that xml config is once for life time. you can just copy paste it to new projects :)
22:03 sajjadg Voyage: DRY :P
22:04 whartung which turns the XML in to Lore that no one understands, because no one has touched it in 2 years and the guy who wrote it is gone.
22:04 whartung so it's not really an active part of the project
22:04 Voyage so all that is possible with spring, can be done with JEE pure, and with same features / ease?
22:05 whartung there are certainly distinctions, but I can't talk to them as I don't know spring.
22:05 Voyage k
22:05 sajjadg Voyage: I see Java EE to be so much cleaner and trimmed version of spring. so it's better IMO
22:06 whartung JEE hasn't got in my way in any particularly dramatic way as long as I've been using it.
22:06 Voyage hm
22:06 whartung and it's nice to know that my code from 14 years ago will run on a modern container.
22:07 Voyage !
22:07 whartung standards, yo
22:07 sess other than the choice of web frameworks, jEE and spring is pretty much identical
22:07 Voyage whartung,  thats not the case with 14 year old spring?
22:07 whartung I don't know Voyage -- I don't use spring
22:07 Voyage sess,  identical? like?
22:07 Voyage whartung,  k
22:07 sess working with them
22:07 Voyage hm
22:08 sess spring is easier to test
22:08 Voyage sess,  I really would like to see a pure JEE app
22:08 sess and puts less requirements on the server
22:08 whartung how so sees?
22:08 Voyage sess,  just because of DI?
22:08 sess yes
22:08 sess EJB
22:08 sess spring bean
22:08 whartung modern JEE is the same way sess
22:08 sess who cares, same shit :V
22:08 sajjadg Do you know Pacal thivent from stackoverflow?
22:08 whartung yup
22:08 Voyage sess,  spring is easy to test just because of DI?
22:08 sess transactions works the same
22:08 sess DI works the same
22:08 sess spriung is easy to test because it is made to work outside a container
22:08 whartung spring uses the JEE annotations for injection now also
22:08 sajjadg without any activity in last 4 years, he's one of the top users of stack
22:09 sess DI doesnt work at all outside jEE containers
22:09 sess for EJB
22:09 sajjadg and he advocates Java EE :P
22:09 sess my latest project actually uses spring mvc on top of EJB :)
22:09 whartung wow -- he's busy
22:10 whartung has't been on in a year
22:10 sajjadg whartung: his last answer is from '10
22:10 whartung I imagine if you want to stand up CDI for testing, you can do it.
22:11 Voyage CDI?
22:11 whartung JEEs IoC framework
22:11 whartung (can I use that term any more?)
22:12 Voyage whats cdi
22:12 whartung I sure hope that guy is ok -- he seems to have drooped on the net sajjadg
22:12 whartung Context Dependency Injection
22:12 cem1 hello all i found there is no way to change colspan value dynamically in primefaces
22:14 sajjadg whartung: yeah. I googled him a lot. and he's been inactive for 3 years. I hope he's OK. :-/ he's answers on stackoverflow are gold
22:17 sajjadg I rally hate Micro$oft technologies, but I should say that stackoverflow is one of the best websites ever. very fast and handy.
22:18 sajjadg really*
22:18 whartung just goes to show you it's not the tool...
22:18 sajjadg true.
22:19 whartung it's just code -- it'll do what you tell it.
22:20 sajjadg whartung: how old are you?
22:20 whartung I don't use the because I don't know them, and never really cared for them. I was very disappointed back in the day when I had a simple SQL query to SQL Server kill the entire machine.
22:21 whartung old and creaky
22:21 whartung old old
22:21 whartung really old
22:21 whartung omg old
22:21 sajjadg whartung: sorry. how young are you :P?
22:21 whartung my TV is closer to your age than I am
22:22 whartung young. Childishly young. Run laughing in the meadows chasing string young.
22:22 whartung BUTTERFLIES!
22:22 sajjadg how old is your TV? :P
22:22 whartung 18
22:22 sajjadg your TV is really old!
22:22 cem1 hello all i found there is no way to change colspan value dynamically in primefaces
22:23 whartung how do you think I feel??
22:23 sajjadg why do you keep it?!
22:23 cem1 hello all i found there is no way to change colspan value dynamically in primefaces
22:23 whartung well, see, I click the power button on the remote and the damn thing just lights up like always…amazing!
22:23 sajjadg 18 is very for a TV but for a human 18 is nothing whartung
22:24 sajjadg whartung: keep it for some years and then donate it to the museum :P
22:24 whartung I remodeling the house this year, so it will likely not survive it.
22:25 sajjadg whartung: so you are from those years that there was no Java, no Internet, no C++ ?
22:25 whartung yes
22:25 sajjadg I'm getting closer :P
22:25 whartung Why, yes, I have used punch cards. I missed core memory however.
22:26 sajjadg you should be around 40 years old with +-2 years
22:26 whartung This was my first computer, not counting a programmable calculator:
22:29 whartung second computer
22:29 whartung 3rd computer
22:30 whartung 4th
22:30 whartung I sold my mac and bought one of those -- Motorcycle > Computers...
22:30 whartung 5th computer
22:31 * whartung hates spending $$ on computers
22:32 sajjadg whartung: you had fun with computers
22:32 sajjadg computers was fun at those time
22:32 whartung I rode the wave
22:32 sajjadg you had the chance to grow up with technology
22:32 sajjadg that's great
22:32 sajjadg I missed that chance.
22:32 whartung expensive hobby.
22:32 whartung hate to add up how much I've spent on the damn things lol
22:33 sajjadg I really like history. I always read histories of technology and how they evolved. it's very nice to live it
22:33 * whartung was excited to by his first 1G drive for only $1/mb
22:33 sajjadg mb?
22:34 whartung mega byte
22:34 whartung it's an old term...
22:34 sajjadg MB :-)
22:34 whartung there was a nice reference
22:34 whartung 2 Mac OS X icons consume all of the original 128k on the early Mac.
22:35 sajjadg :-)
22:35 sajjadg my first OS was XP :P
22:35 sajjadg and the second was Linux :P
22:36 sajjadg I had my first PC till last year and I it's my 3rd laptop.
22:36 sajjadg I just had 2 phones.
22:36 whartung well not counting BASIC on an IMASI 8080 or CBM PET, my first OS was CDC NOS on a Cyber 730 mainframe.
22:36 sajjadg the first one lasted for 6 years
22:36 whartung my mac pro at home is pushing 8 years
22:38 sajjadg we had a class in school that we learned a little DOS and windows. but because we didn't have computers we couldn't learn more!
22:40 sajjadg whartung: what was your first programming lang?
22:40 whartung basic
22:40 sajjadg second?
22:40 whartung Dijkstra was wrong
22:40 sajjadg about what?
22:40 whartung Z80 and 6502 Machine Lanaguge
22:41 sajjadg have you heard that theory? "one who starts with basics never learns how to program?"
22:41 whartung "It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration." --
22:42 whartung That's Dijkstra
22:42 whartung Thank God for BASIC.
22:42 whartung After BASIC and assembly came FORTRAN, Forth, Pascal, C
22:45 sajjadg which one is your favorite?
22:45 sajjadg from those ^
22:45 whartung C. Forth is the more interesting though.
22:46 sajjadg Pascal?
22:46 sajjadg :-P
22:46 whartung ??
22:46 sajjadg Pascal is my first programming lang. and I kinda like it very much
22:47 whartung Turbo Pascal was awesome in the day. Delphi was very nice also. UCSD was a pretty cool system. C is better though, for all it's pain.
22:48 sajjadg whartung: Delphi was great at that time. huge toolbox with lots of functionality. I am sorry for borland...and I don't know why they lost in this battle
22:49 whartung Java happened, then .NET
22:49 sajjadg my second lang was Delphi.
22:49 sajjadg it was awesome
22:49 whartung I did a couple of delphi projects
22:49 whartung wrote my own ORM for it
22:49 sajjadg but after I came to university I never heard of it again. just Java, C/C++ and C#
22:49 whartung yup
22:50 whartung I have no doubt that C# is better than Delphi. C# is pretty neat.
22:51 sajjadg they taught us pascal in the first year of university and then I studied C++, C, C#, Java, Python, php later.
22:51 cem1 they didnt teach anyhthing
22:52 sajjadg but I migrated to Linux in the middle of university and I had to quit C# and start using java or C++/Qt
22:53 sajjadg cem1: right. they taught us functional programming with pascal and they never taught us OO. It took 4 years for me to understand what it is!
22:53 sajjadg and I still feel I miss something!
22:55 whartung what do you think you are missing?
22:55 cem1 i dont know how much i know the language
22:56 cem1 if i see the channel seniors they are preety good
22:56 sajjadg whartung: I don't exactly know. but I never had self confidence to write a program
22:56 whartung you need to write more programs.
22:57 sajjadg all my OO programs are incomplete
22:57 sajjadg I really need to finish one of them...
22:57 whartung and try writing as much of it as you can yourself without relying on anything outside of the stock JDK.
22:57 whartung or, perhaps, the servlet api if you're doing a web app
22:57 whartung even the jdk has too much stuff :)
23:00 whartung go write a computer game.  Computer games are wonderful. Use crummy graphics, they're a distraction.
23:03 sajjadg whartung: I love games. I semi-wrote a snake game with pascal and wrote 2 games with PMD (Pascal for mobile)
23:03 whartung there ya go.
23:03 whartung do some more
23:04 whartung the more you write, those more you think your code sucks, and the more you try new things thinking that will make your code better.
23:04 whartung (it might, it might not, won't know until you try)
23:04 sajjadg whartung: I really tried to start writing another game. but games nowaday need openGL and lots of other graphical things
23:04 whartung no they don't
23:04 Voyage joined ##javaee
23:05 whartung you're not writing it to ship it. you're writing it because writing games on your spare time is far more intereting than writing accounting systems or inventory management suites.
23:06 sajjadg whartung: right.
23:06 whartung go write Connect 4.
23:06 whartung watch it beat you every game :)
23:06 whartung write 3D tic tac toe
23:06 whartung oooh…"AI"
23:10 sajjadg whartung: by the way, I'm did some Java EE projects before with spring, Ejb, JPA, JAX-RS and some java SE project along with some db jobs. some one them for a company and most of them for myself.
23:10 whartung cool
23:10 whartung good times
23:10 sajjadg but game always is an option on the table
23:10 sajjadg :P
23:10 whartung always exciting to see your stuff work.
23:10 sajjadg I like games
23:11 sajjadg I kinda like the management work.
23:12 sajjadg I like to search about the techs, then build the stack, start the project and then have somebody develop them for me and I manage them/and code along with them! but I can't find somebody!
23:12 sajjadg I tried very hard but most people are stupid!
23:12 whartung no,  most people are ignorant -- there's a difference
23:14 sajjadg yeah. but I am referring to those who are not ignorant :P
23:15 sajjadg whartung: for gaming, Java or C++?
23:16 sajjadg I was part of a game project but the code was so hard for me at that time...
23:16 sajjadg I wrote some code but C++ libs are disaster
23:20 whartung whichever you want to learn and be more comfortable with
23:21 sajjadg Java is sooo much easier and fun to work with :-)
23:21 whartung there ya go
23:21 sajjadg whartung: idea, eclipse or netbeans?
23:21 sajjadg or vim?
23:21 sajjadg :P
23:21 whartung it's not about the game, it's about what you want to accomplish at the end.
23:22 whartung "It's the journey" kind of thing
23:24 sajjadg whartung: learning Java in android SDK is cool :-)
23:25 whartung write a game on that then
23:25 sajjadg whartung: you see. that's the problem...
23:25 sajjadg I'm watching html5 game development videos from youtube :P
23:25 sajjadg I can't make a choice
23:25 sajjadg I can't give something up easily
23:25 whartung sure you do. You choose to not make a choice.
23:26 sajjadg I should be 90% sure :P
23:26 sajjadg :(
23:29 Naros joined ##javaee
23:40 Naros left ##javaee

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