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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-01-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:34 firebird1 joined ##javaee
04:51 sfisque joined ##javaee
05:03 firebird1 k i was testing the login , dashboard ,details page in my webapp
05:04 firebird1 wen i send illegal value it gives missing resource exception
05:04 firebird1 expected cast exception / parse exception
05:19 Bombe joined ##javaee
06:36 firebird1 how to disable copy/paste in p:calendar :/
07:13 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:05 sess firebird1: make a global key listener to "P" and make it ALERT("COPY PASTE IS NOT ALLOWED")
08:36 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:38 fabioportieri o/
08:47 firebird1 are you serious ?
08:50 neuro_sys \o
08:51 firebird1 disable paste in p:calendar
08:52 firebird1 can i write regex fr this :/
09:29 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:33 firebird1 fabioportieri, ok in my appp iam updating a page i send hell lot of request and only phase i can use is viewscoped not even sessionscoped is allowed
09:35 firebird1 yes p:ajax is used for sending hell lot of request
09:35 firebird1 last 1 submit go to nexxt page
09:43 fabioportieri do you have any issues?
09:43 fabioportieri it's working alright?
09:44 fabioportieri why sessionScoped is not allowed?
09:46 firebird1 joined ##javaee
09:46 sess working in java 7 finally
09:46 sess strings in switches!!
09:46 sess what i have been waiting for my whole life
09:51 acuzio The world famous Masood was here
09:51 acuzio under a different name ---- again
09:52 fabioportieri masood ?
09:54 neuro_sys quest
09:54 fabioportieri ah
09:55 acuzio The world famous one and only
09:55 acuzio asking for Sharepoint "programmers" in a JavaEE channel
09:55 acuzio And i am not making it uo -
09:55 acuzio up -
09:56 acuzio Quest, Masood, Voyage, and a few other nicks are all his
09:56 sess lol was that quest?
09:56 fabioportieri already a legend
09:56 acuzio A Legend in his own lifetime
09:56 acuzio hard to beat that
09:59 sess we can all learn something from him
10:03 acuzio absolutely .,
10:04 acuzio Not sure what though
10:10 Voyage joined ##javaee
10:32 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
11:10 firebird1 sess its time for java 8 lol
11:11 firebird1 sessionscoped no idea
11:13 sess im still on java 6 in most projects
11:13 sess java 7 is not worth the upgrade really
11:19 firebird1 fabioportieri, i dont know it works fine in viewscoped only
11:19 firebird1 not even sessionscoped
12:35 CJ_ I like the try with resources in 7.
12:43 firebird1 i tried resources in java 7 but i'm not sure it works
12:44 CJ_ What do you mean?
12:47 sess oh yeah forgot about that function
12:47 sess should try it out
12:47 firebird1 what function / is this self talk
12:49 firebird1 jsf says it makes things easy but seriously it takes things its hand
12:49 CJ_ I still have no idea what you mean, firebird1
12:53 sess lol jsf does not make things easy
12:53 sess it reduces the amount of code needed though
13:16 pdurbin CJ_: so you figured out all of your logging? it works just the way you'd like now?
13:16 CJ_ I'm still tweaking the last bits, but yes, it seems to be working now.
13:17 CJ_ Did you see the reason it wasn't working?
13:23 * pdurbin scrolls
13:23 pdurbin "The problem was that I'm using log4j2 not log4j.  That's why it ignored my file."
13:23 pdurbin hmm
13:24 pdurbin well, if I switch back to trying to get logging from oiosaml/opensaml jars, I'll try again
13:25 pdurbin or I'll just switch to some other solution... apache + mod_shib... openam
13:25 CJ_ What problem were you having?  How is your logging set up?
13:26 pdurbin CJ_: this is a minimal environment that shows how logging is set up:
13:27 pdurbin CJ_: this one's the bigger environment... much more "real world":
13:31 CJ_ Maybe I'm missing it, but I didn't see any logging info in there.
13:35 pdurbin CJ_: actually... a third repo to show you... here's where I was tweaking
13:36 pdurbin semiosis: as we were discussing at
13:38 CJ_ You have log4j etc in your pom?
13:39 CJ_ I'm using slf4j to catch all of the jcl, jul and other logging and then output to log4j2.
13:43 philbot joined ##javaee
13:43 Topic for ##javaee is now Core Java (Java SE) AND Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion | ##javaee-offtopic for all kinds of non-tech chat| logs at
13:43 javaeebot` joined ##javaee
13:58 pdurbin joined ##javaee
14:15 pdurbin well. oiosaml uses gant, not maven (so there's no pom). not sure if that matters
14:27 CJ_ Ah, okay.  Not sure, then.
14:27 neuro_sys for business logic, throw exceptions or return error codes?
14:28 CJ_ neuro_sys, It depends.  Internal to my app, I usually throw exceptions.
14:28 neuro_sys Implement exception classes for each type of business logic error?
14:29 fabioportieri neuro_sys: i would say no, according to
14:29 neuro_sys just read that and some other articles on the web
14:30 Naros joined ##javaee
14:33 Heimdahl joined ##javaee
14:45 Naros left ##javaee
14:59 CJ_ Okay, so my logging isn't fixed.  I'm still not seeing all of the debug messages I should.
14:59 CJ_ Either that or the code is doing vastly different things than I expect.
15:00 balo hi, I'm trying to import a cert into a non-protected (without password) truststore with: keytool -import -file /tmp/ca.cer -keystore trusted.cacerts
15:00 balo but keytool needs a password :(
15:01 balo I'm trying to import a ca into ~/.java/deployment/security/trusted.cacerts so it's not  possible to set a password
15:01 balo anybody faced with this problem?
15:01 balo it works with portecle (when it requests the password i just simply press OK)
15:06 balo "changeit" doesn't work
15:07 kobain joined ##javaee
15:21 sfisque joined ##javaee
15:29 balo the solution is to specifiy: -storepass ""
15:40 CJ_ This is just odd.  If I throw an exception, I can see that the method in the abstract class is being called.
15:40 CJ_ But none of the logging statements in it print out.
15:40 sfisque what Level are they set at?
15:41 CJ_ debug
15:41 CJ_ I was running at debug, now I'm at trace.
15:44 acuzio config issue
15:48 CJ_ acuzio, What do you mean?
15:49 acuzio Exactly what i said - your logging configuration is wrong
15:50 Naros_ joined ##javaee
15:50 Naros_ left ##javaee
15:55 book` joined ##javaee
15:58 CJ_ How do you figure that?
15:59 whartung simply because 99.99% of logging problems are due to configuration :)
15:59 acuzio CJ_: ^^
15:59 CJ_ Actually, it looks like it's due to a swallowed exception.
16:00 acuzio Thats got nothing to do with configuration
16:05 drspockbr joined ##javaee
16:07 CJ_ Never said it did.
16:15 * acuzio is non-plussed
16:16 * sfisque hands acuzio a big plus sign
16:16 sfisque \o/+
16:16 * acuzio takes it and hides it under the bed
16:16 sfisque :-D
16:19 acuzio :-)
16:31 Voyage joined ##javaee
16:38 whartung maybe the plus fairy will take it and leave a dollar acuzio
16:38 acuzio heres hoping
17:08 rsz joined ##javaee
17:11 njan joined ##javaee
17:17 ilhami joined ##javaee
17:17 ilhami Hey
17:17 fabioportieri yo
17:17 ilhami whats up?
17:18 fabioportieri nothing much
17:18 ilhami I am just tired.
17:18 ilhami what do you think about this laptop?
17:20 ilhami the graphics card is just too bad :S
17:26 fabioportieri yay time to go home
17:27 fabioportieri byebye
17:36 ilhami left ##javaee
18:09 CJ_ That was a very odd case.
18:09 CJ_ The problem is that the method I was calling called a method on a variable that was only set in a constructor and only if you used a different constructor than I did.
18:10 CJ_ So it was throwing an NPE, but the NPE would get swalled along the way and I never saw it.
18:11 sfisque lesson: never swallow exceptions without at least logging them :-)
18:13 CJ_ sfisque, It's not my code.  It's a library.
18:15 sfisque aye, i was just saying "in general", not aimed specifically at you
18:15 CJ_ Understood.
19:46 sheenobu joined ##javaee
19:57 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:57 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
20:20 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
20:22 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
21:58 weyer joined ##javaee
22:29 putneyj joined ##javaee
23:48 putneyj joined ##javaee

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