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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-01-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:16 syncsys_ joined ##javaee
01:49 kotten joined ##javaee
04:52 kotten joined ##javaee
04:55 firebird1 joined ##javaee
05:42 firebird1 Quest let me know if your online :/
08:25 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:27 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:46 firebird1 hi sajjadg
08:47 firebird1 what are you working with
08:52 sajjadg firebird1: hi. firefox. xchat. google. etc.
08:52 sajjadg :P
08:52 sajjadg I'm working on my workshop about soft. development.
09:22 firebird1 thats coool
09:23 firebird1 i'm working on win 8 :P
10:09 * firebird1 cross my hand think db for postgres and mysql works the same for DML :/
10:10 firebird1 ??cross my hand :D
10:22 syncsys_ joined ##javaee
10:30 wicketn01b joined ##javaee
10:45 firebird1 k going to sleep
10:46 neuro_sys do not go gentle into it
11:08 firebird1
11:51 syncsys_ joined ##javaee
12:29 Ziberius joined ##javaee
12:45 Ziberius hello
13:06 pdurbin firebird1: no IRC? ;)
13:43 firebird1 joined ##javaee
14:37 acuzio the hell does that mean
14:42 sheenobu joined ##javaee
14:44 sajjadg joined ##javaee
15:02 firebird1 joins are mxn right
15:23 trollolol joined ##javaee
15:25 knoppix joined ##javaee
15:25 knoppix why to set JAVA_HOME in /etc/profile on  linux
15:28 trollolol joined ##javaee
15:29 sajjadg knoppix: sudo cat JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/ >> /etc/profile.d/
15:30 knoppix i asking why
15:30 sfisque because if you have several installed, you want to set the default one for the user?
15:33 knoppix it set default jdk with update ulternative
15:33 knoppix but java_home is an env variable
15:33 knoppix why addind it to /etc/profile an  not in PATH
15:35 sfisque oh i see.  yeah that's broken.  if you're setting JH, you should also use that var to set path
15:38 sajjadg some apps look for JAVAHOME and then look at at PATH for java
15:38 sajjadg and sometimes they may not even look at PATH!
15:38 sajjadg modularity is another reason.
15:41 knoppix thx for help
15:43 knoppix joined ##javaee
16:24 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:24 firebird1 reading history for my project almost sleeping ....
16:25 * firebird1 school is life less
16:25 sajjadg history is good but not for exam. for fun.
16:25 sajjadg school is shitty
16:26 firebird1 i carry my notes,bag if i dont do the homework :/ i need to stand the whole day out
16:27 firebird1 and my parents pay them :(
16:29 mbc joined ##javaee
16:38 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:49 firebird1 how did i land here ?
16:50 firebird1
17:17 kobain joined ##javaee
17:19 firebird1 our channel is far better then hibernate , jsf , spring
17:19 firebird1 some interaction takes place
17:44 firebird1 joined ##javaee
17:46 firebird1 hi
17:51 firebird1 joined ##javaee
18:01 sess joined ##javaee
18:10 firebird1 k off for now historyyyyyy....
18:10 firebird1 left ##javaee
18:22 syncsys_ joined ##javaee
18:33 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:31 syncsys_ whats a good start for jasper reports. any video tutorials?
20:49 book` joined ##javaee
20:54 semiosis start running
20:54 semiosis away
20:54 semiosis thats a good start imo
20:58 pdurbin heh
21:13 syncsys_ jasper is the only java based reporting system?
21:13 sfisque negative
21:13 syncsys_ what are the most popular and effective ones?
21:13 sfisque but it is probably the most widely used OS one
21:13 syncsys_ "OS"?
21:13 sfisque open source
21:14 syncsys_ k
21:14 sfisque javaeebot google java reporting package library
21:14 javaeebot sfisque: JasperReports Library | Jaspersoft Community: <>; DynamicReports - Free and open source Java reporting tool: <>; Open Source Charting & Reporting Tools in Java: <>; JasperReports Library | Free software downloads at (2 more messages)
21:14 syncsys_ hm'
21:14 sfisque third link looks like a good starting point
21:17 syncsys_ thanks
21:47 kobain joined ##javaee
22:03 sajjadg joined ##javaee
23:08 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
23:08 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
23:58 tommmied joined ##javaee

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