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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-12-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 cem_ joined ##javaee
00:12 arnold joined ##javaee
00:13 cem_yo joined ##javaee
00:20 stopz joined ##javaee
00:20 stopz hi
00:20 stopz stuck
00:22 stopz hey sfisque
00:24 stopz i won first price chess competition in  inter school competition :)
01:56 myipwas_sued javaeebot: pdurbin
01:56 javaeebot myipwas_sued: Error: "pdurbin" is not a valid command.
03:27 myipwas_sued ?
03:28 myipwas_sued Where is Quest Sir ?
05:52 sfisque cem_ msged me while i was afk.  did he get KBed?
06:08 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
06:52 ronjn joined ##javaee
06:53 aben joined ##javaee
07:09 dangertools joined ##javaee
07:15 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:26 weyer joined ##javaee
08:59 neuro_sys Generic question: Should I pass an instance of the session object to each of the methods in the service layer that does some db interactions and business logic?
09:00 neuro_sys Because when a transaction is required, and if the method manages its own session, I can't do a transaction outside by calling several service methods which needs to be within a transaction.
09:03 sess neuro_sys: must your method manage its own session?
09:03 sess not sure if container managed transactions and manual ones can be combinedf hmm
09:06 neuro_sys There's no container managed transactions (which I don't know about)
09:08 * neuro_sys reads up on it
09:15 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
09:39 weyer joined ##javaee
09:54 weyer joined ##javaee
09:55 weyer joined ##javaee
10:02 weyer joined ##javaee
10:23 neuro_sys
10:23 neuro_sys I like this
11:34 weyer joined ##javaee
11:35 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
12:50 Vivekananda_ joined ##javaee
12:51 Vivekananda_ is this right place to ask doubts on java ?
12:52 neuro_sys doubts on java?
12:52 neuro_sys sure
12:53 Vivekananda_ m from python base
13:12 cem_ joined ##javaee
13:16 yoyo_ joined ##javaee
13:16 yoyo_ konnichiwa sfisque
13:18 Vivekananda_ when should we go for spring ?
13:18 neuro_sys good question
13:18 neuro_sys let's discuss Spring, and why it's been so widespread and popular
13:19 Vivekananda_ the javaee 7 do have dependency injection
13:21 Vivekananda_ neuro_sys: ?
13:21 Vivekananda_ does spring has other uses?
13:22 pdurbin isn't Java EE simply standardizing (bit by bit) stuff that Spring had years ago?
13:24 yoyo_ k like to ask where to look for ,class file of jsp
13:24 yoyo_ .class file
13:25 Vivekananda_ so we dont require spring ?
13:26 pdurbin Vivekananda_: I would try using the standard first (Java EE) and see if it does enough of what you need
13:26 pdurbin of course, this isn't #spring ... ;)
13:27 Vivekananda_ pdurbin: but the board fast in replying
13:27 yoyo_ can anyone see me ????
13:28 pdurbin yoyo_: look everywhere for it
13:29 yoyo_ pdurbin: im searching for .class file in the server after deploy still didnt get :(
13:31 yoyo_ basically it will have tmp file has sfisque  said the other day (correct) looking under temp but no .class file :(
13:33 yoyo_ what type of project can i do using servlet and jsp ?
13:34 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:39 Vivekananda_ k ll stick with standard pdurbin
13:39 yoyo_ k why um not gettin reply ? ;(
13:44 Vivekananda_ yoyo_: you cant do much with those technology  am i wrong ?
13:46 yoyo_ are you joking dude
14:01 Vivekananda_ yoyo_: sorry might be wrong
14:01 Vivekananda_ pdurbin you can guide him
14:02 Vivekananda_ left ##javaee
14:05 weyer joined ##javaee
14:06 yoyo_ wow ! what did say wrong ?!
14:06 yoyo_ i*
14:08 jieryn joined ##javaee
14:08 jieryn joined ##javaee
14:21 Naros joined ##javaee
14:40 weyer joined ##javaee
14:42 yoyo_ hi Naros
14:42 Naros hello
14:57 sheenobu joined ##javaee
15:14 weyer joined ##javaee
15:16 weyer joined ##javaee
15:31 nartrof joined ##javaee
15:55 sfisque why spring?  that question has plagued me for some time.  the only conceptual answer i can think of is, people would rather reinvent the square wheel rather than RTFM and leverage a fully vetted platform.  too many novice devs think they can do it better, and they end up boat-anchoring projects with that misguided mentality
16:02 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:11 nartrof left ##javaee
16:13 sess only reason i found to use spring over java EE is spring MVC
16:13 sess the rest is pretty much identical
16:14 sess and wanting to run on a lighter container of course
16:15 neuro_sys so basically Spring MVC over JSF?
16:15 neuro_sys never checked MVC
16:15 sfisque it's basically struts without the advantage of tiles
16:16 sfisque well, struts 2, not 1
16:16 sfisque very different beasts
16:16 Naros that they are :P
16:16 Naros ugh hated s1
16:17 sfisque s1 was fine if you used t1 with it.  without t1, s1 is insanity
16:17 Naros hehe i just disliked the whole ActionForm concept.
16:17 sfisque yah.  i disliked the forced inheritence chain as well
16:17 Naros s2 far more decoupled
16:18 sfisque they should have used a delegate model rather than inheritence model in s1
16:18 sfisque implement this interface and config in xml…. and… done
16:18 sfisque forcing subclasses kill integration with third party stuff
16:20 Naros yah
16:20 * Naros ponders what S3 will be like.
16:22 sess neuro_sys: not necessarily, I meant rather that if you want to use Spring MVC, there are some small gains in using Spring core backend aswell
16:22 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:23 sess Basicly, I choose MVC framework, then pick DI/transaction management system from that
16:23 sess spring mvc -> spring
16:23 sess jsf -> EJB
16:23 sess because the web parts are where the frameworks differ the most
16:35 drspockbr1 joined ##javaee
16:36 drspockbr joined ##javaee
16:37 Tokenizer joined ##javaee
17:08 sfisque s/jsf/any framework that is not springMVC/
17:09 sfisque you can easily drop S2/T2, velocity, JSP, or whatever on top of EE without much bloat or redundancy
17:10 sfisque from what i've seen the real decider isn't web framework, but container.   orgs that are "EE phobic" will go TC + spring.  ive only seen spring + EE container when most of the team is offshored
17:11 sfisque i can only guess that outside of the U.S. no one has even heard of the EE spec, regardless of the fact that it's over 14 years old
17:11 sfisque ^^^ that was tongue in cheek since flat text does not convey voice inflection
17:24 weyer joined ##javaee
17:26 weyer joined ##javaee
17:36 yoyo_ any advise for the project ?
17:37 yoyo_ S2/T2 ?
18:17 Matthijs joined ##javaee
18:17 Matthijs left ##javaee
18:19 yoyo_ Naros
18:19 Naros Depends on your needs yoyo_
18:19 Naros Do you want to use a controller/action framework or something more like JSF
18:20 yoyo_ Naros: i have know Servlet and Jsp learning Hibernate ,Struts 2
18:20 yoyo_ will be completed by tomo
18:20 yoyo_ but what type of project should i choose
18:20 yoyo_ dont know
18:20 Naros Well a framework like Struts2 encapsulates a lot of the HttpServletRequest/HttpServ​letResponse/ServletContext from you.
18:21 Naros you basically work with what is called an Action
18:21 Naros a series of interceptors intercept the http servlet request, prepares stuff on your action for you so you focus on your application's needs.
18:21 Naros then these interceptors unwind and prepare the http servlet response
18:22 yoyo_ Naros: i building a form using framework as a project , is it a good choice for beginners ?
18:22 Naros Some would argue no because you arent learning the basics. :)
18:22 Naros Do it using the Servlet API manually
18:22 Naros But if you dont care to understand the Servlet API --- then sure.
18:23 Naros You can get a struts2 app up and going in less than 10 minutes.
18:23 yoyo_ naming it as javaee form :)
18:23 Naros Struts2 has nothing to do with JavaEE :P
18:25 Naros As for tiles.  We still use Tiles 2.2.x but I know that Tiles 3 has been released but I dont recall if its in GA release or still Beta.
18:27 yoyo_ u made a spelling mistake , Building a javaee forum
18:27 yoyo_ i*
18:27 yoyo_ learning English sorry*
18:28 Naros Ah; I gotcha.
18:28 Naros Struts2 would be perfectly acceptable for that.
18:29 yoyo_ just for this channel :)
18:29 Naros I know for a fact that corporations like Verizon Wireless use Struts2 for their customer facing & Bank of America use it for online banking :P
18:30 Glacial_Spain joined ##javaee
18:35 yoyo_ this time going to follow
18:43 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:43 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:15 neuro_sy1 joined ##javaee
19:16 MegaMatt_ joined ##javaee
19:20 jieryn_ joined ##javaee
19:25 ronjn joined ##javaee
19:27 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
21:38 Quest_ joined ##javaee
21:52 weyer joined ##javaee
22:04 weyer joined ##javaee
23:13 sess joined ##javaee
23:25 MegaMatt joined ##javaee

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