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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-12-16

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Time S Nick Message
00:14 dnkstation joined ##javaee
00:23 trollolol joined ##javaee
00:49 cem_ joined ##javaee
00:56 cem_ joined ##javaee
00:56 cem_ konnichiwa sfisque
00:57 cem_ added new feature to the bot .
01:00 cem_ so on uploading file when i getting tomcat dir rather wanted system directory how to do it ?
01:23 cem_ anyone uses twitter here
01:23 cem_ ??
01:39 sfisque cem_ in a contained env there are two tmp dirs.  there is the one that is jvm level , and the container defines its own tmp dir for things like file upload, serializing objects, etc.
01:42 cem_ sfisque what is the best practise to do , should save in db or tmp folder ?
01:45 cem_ well to define it correctly
01:46 cem_ as a user1 uploads the file , store in tmp folder then do db operation <save> or directly do save ?
01:46 sfisque depends.  if you need "query/search/referntial integrity, put it in a db or other artificial repo (ldap, nosql, etc.)  otherwise serialize to file is fine.   just be warned that file i/o in an EJB is verbotten.  use a JCA adapter (there are several that will handle file i/o in a proper transaction)
02:13 cem_ javaeebot`: lucky part
02:13 javaeebot` cem_:
02:13 cem_ javaeebot`: lucky part javaee 7
02:13 javaeebot` cem_:
02:14 cem_ :(
02:32 cem_ how to check the user who is uploading the file is uploaded whole file ?
02:32 cem_ i know manually we can do it
02:39 sfisque is the size of the file sent in the http post payload (i forget if it is)
03:33 cem_ joined ##javaee
03:36 * cem_ the chrome shows how uploading progress
03:36 * cem_ strike how :!
03:38 cem_ apart from type and disposition you dont get anything from part sfisque
03:49 cem_ k found the solution cool!
03:57 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
04:46 sfisque what was the solution?
05:06 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
05:10 cem_ there is 2 possiblites either go for frontend aka using jquery or using applet
05:12 sfisque you shouldnt need that.  you can check the Content-Length of the "part" in the multipart payload
05:17 cem_ sfisque: since we get request after multipart  processing is completed so during the progress
05:18 sfisque oh, you're only interested in the length before the payload is delivered… aka client side.  gotcha
05:18 cem_ there is no way to get it as per server side on 3.0 servlet
05:18 cem_ S
05:22 cem_ whole payload is not sent all at once
05:25 cem_ its still client and server
05:29 sfisque if you're encoding is "chunked", each chunk has a byte length that preceeds the chunk payload
05:29 sfisque i'm reading through rfc 2616 now
05:32 cem_ for multipart/form-data its different RFC 2388
05:39 cem_ i'm going to sleep :)
05:40 sfisque g'nite
05:43 dangertools joined ##javaee
05:43 dangertools joined ##javaee
05:55 cem_ sfisque: what type of thing u have did with servlet and jsp ? <for what all the things you have used>
05:57 sfisque i have not needed to do what you're doing.  if you're trying to intercept byte counts from the client stream, you're working in a realm that is proprietary which i tend to avoid if possible.
05:59 cem_ sfisque: what type of requirement you have faced ?
06:00 cem_ can you share with me :)
06:00 cem_ i'll try to do my best
06:02 cem_ if all of you like to share it would be nice
06:04 cem_ i'll see the board ,later bye
07:10 Quest joined ##javaee
07:37 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:10 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
09:23 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
09:40 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
09:44 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
09:53 semiosis joined ##javaee
10:08 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
11:18 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:13 drspockbr1 joined ##javaee
12:15 drspockbr2 joined ##javaee
12:34 neuro_sys oh man, I wasn't able to pull this off. lol
12:34 neuro_sys
12:58 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
13:43 sess doing some large design work and would like to get some input: I got an java EE6 application packaged in an EAR that contains a jar with all EJBS, and a WAR with servlets etc. Now we would like to add a web service module that has a dependancy on the EJB JAR. Since JARs in the root of an EAR does not share classloader (in JBoss at least), just adding a new module there wouldn't work. My solution would be to split the EJB jar into ejb-impl a
13:43 sess does that sound solid?
13:43 sess Couldn't think of any other alternative without putting the web service inside the EJB module
13:45 sess wrong channel even, aimed for ##java
13:47 Quest any one used github?
14:06 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
14:12 pdurbin sess: let us know what they say :)
14:15 drspockbr joined ##javaee
14:22 phionov joined ##javaee
14:31 sess no response :(
14:31 sess gonna try it at least
14:36 Naros joined ##javaee
15:25 Naros joined ##javaee
15:43 semiosis joined ##javaee
15:45 pdurbin bah! "No, the <f:viewParam> does not support nor handle a single parameter with multiple values" --
15:48 sfisque sess, that's close to what i did in the past.  i had a stub.jar that had the entities and interfaces, an impl jar that had the real ejbs and a third jar that had webservices that cross called into the ejbs (  stub consumed by both, impl consumed by ws)
15:48 pdurbin I was hoping to do something like this with Solr for facets (multiple "fq" in f:viewParam): fq=type_s%3Atype1&fq=author%3Aauthor1
15:49 sfisque how is fq defined in the backing bean?
15:49 pdurbin sfisque: <f:viewParam name="fq" value="#{SearchPage.facetQuery}"/>
15:50 pdurbin but technically, I don't think it's a facet query... Solr calls it a filter query, I think
15:50 sfisque no, in the backing bean
15:51 pdurbin sfisque: oh, right now it's just a single value (private String facetQuery) but I'm thinking through how I might want to change it
15:52 sfisque has to be a collection or array
15:52 sfisque if you're multiply referencing
15:52 pdurbin sfisque: sure, on the backing bean side, but viewParam can only have one value, I think
15:53 pdurbin only one value for "fq" I mean
15:53 sfisque i thought you were doing multiple f:vp's… that would necesitate an aggregate to store them in
15:53 pdurbin here. here's a real world Solr URL that has more than one "fq" ... http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*%3A*&fq=type_s%3Adatasets&fq=authorstring_s%3A%22Dr.+Sparrow%22&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true
15:54 pdurbin if that helps :)
15:54 sess sfisque: it's very hard to separate an API module this late though
15:54 sess because the API has so much ties to the implementation
15:55 sfisque ah, so you cannot modify the underlying bean?
15:55 pdurbin sfisque: underlying? you must be talking to sess
15:55 sfisque oh, yeah, mixed up convos' in my head.. sry
15:56 sess sfisque: I can modify anything
15:56 sess but there is a large EJB module
15:56 sfisque pdurbin >>> god
15:56 sfisque :P
15:56 sess if you split it into impl and API, you still need access to a lot of classes from both modules
15:56 pdurbin ? :)
15:56 sess which would have to be moved
15:56 sfisque prove it… modify the dna of that squirrel over there....
15:56 * sfisque points to a defenseless squirrel
15:57 tangatools joined ##javaee
15:58 tangatools joined ##javaee
16:19 neilus joined ##javaee
16:19 sheenobu joined ##javaee
16:21 tangatools joined ##javaee
16:21 Naros joined ##javaee
16:21 drspockbr joined ##javaee
16:21 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
16:21 rektide_ joined ##javaee
16:21 whartung joined ##javaee
16:21 oO0Oo- joined ##javaee
16:21 kinabalu joined ##javaee
16:21 Fubar^ joined ##javaee
16:21 javaeebot` joined ##javaee
16:21 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
16:21 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:21 book` joined ##javaee
16:21 Bombe joined ##javaee
16:21 sess joined ##javaee
16:21 balo joined ##javaee
16:21 acuzio joined ##javaee
16:21 liecno joined ##javaee
16:21 Lappro joined ##javaee
16:21 balazare joined ##javaee
16:21 wicketn01b joined ##javaee
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16:21 ChanServ joined ##javaee
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16:26 rektide joined ##javaee
16:28 pdurbin joined ##javaee
16:36 neilus joined ##javaee
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16:49 pdurbin hmm, I got disconnected
16:50 pdurbin I was trying to say that in this non-JSF app you can have "key_f" in the URL as many times as you want:*&key_f=atmosphere&key_f=plasmas&key_f=waves
16:50 pdurbin I'm assuming key_f is for "keywords facet"
17:10 pdurbin what I'm going for here is bookmarkable search URLs
17:50 sfisque how so?  if you're calling against the interfaces and you have the pojos in hand, why would you need to directly reference the impl?  that's the whole point of ejb.  impls get proxied via the interfaces.
17:51 sfisque that was for sess
17:54 whartung I got to dabble with my first "no interface" session bean this weekend
17:54 sfisque fun!
17:55 sfisque good for code consolodation, bad for separating api from impl
17:55 whartung yea, it was nice.
17:55 whartung yup
17:57 whartung I liked having the session bean as part of the war
18:12 sfisque aye for a small app, it's a nice convenience.
18:13 whartung my first attempt at CDI even worked \o/
18:13 sfisque :-)
18:13 whartung and it worked in Stripes, the web framework I use (after plugging in a small extension)
18:14 whartung so I was able to Inject a simple bean that had an EJB reference to a my no-interface EJB…and the container FELL FOR IT!!
18:14 sfisque be aware though, that you lose "true clustering" with the non-interface bean (no remote exposure)
18:14 sfisque lolz
18:15 sfisque aka, each container's pool of those beans are local only and cannot be shared via rmi
18:18 whartung yup -- I'll risk it sfisque :)
18:18 sfisque :-)
18:18 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:21 Quest joined ##javaee
18:21 Quest any one used github with idea?
18:27 slpetroff joined ##javaee
18:33 semiosis Quest: regularly
18:33 semiosis works just like any other remote git repo in idea
18:35 Quest good to hear. you use IDE tools to commit, checkout etc/
18:35 Quest ?
18:36 Quest it seems that at the first when I try to upload my project with option VCS > import into version control > share project on github. it creats the repo on the git hub (cross checked on website)  but then it says "push failed: fatal: repository '' not found"  semiosis
18:37 semiosis i never use idea to create a new git repo.  i always init & set remote with the git cli
18:37 semiosis so i just use idea for clone, push/pull, commit, branch, and merge
18:37 semiosis and fetch
18:38 semiosis also stash, cherry pick, log review, ...
18:38 semiosis ok so lots, but never init
18:40 Quest semiosis,  ok, after you create an empty repo on github and init it locally. how do you push the premade project files to that remote repo?
18:40 Quest I mean by the idea
18:42 semiosis git remote add origin <url>; git push origin master
18:43 Quest git init, git remote add origin url  .         thats understandable by cli    but after that how to push the project files by the IDE idea?
18:44 semiosis Quest: one of two ways... when you are committing in idea, hover over the commit button, choose commit & push... this brings up the push dialog.  or if you already have commits that you have not pushed, you can just choose Push from the VCS menu
18:45 semiosis
18:46 Quest ok, what should be the very next step after   git init, git remote add origin url  .
18:49 Quest No tracked branch configured for branch master. To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example, git branch --set-upstream master origin/master
18:49 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:49 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:53 semiosis i just gave that to you!
18:53 semiosis git remote add origin <url>; git push origin master
18:54 semiosis or theres a checkbox in the idea push dialog
18:54 semiosis or idk
18:55 Quest yes, it says push current branch to alternative branch. origin / master.   theres not other checkbox in git>push dialog
18:55 Quest and when I push , it says nothing to push
18:58 semiosis sorry this is way beyond the scope of just using idea.  sorry i'm too busy to teach you git right now.  there are lots of good refs on the web
18:58 semiosis maybe someone else can help
18:58 pdurbin and there's #git
18:58 Quest no problem!
18:59 Quest ya. cli git is ok to me but not with idea
19:10 pdurbin huh. so with JAX-RS you can definitely use the same parameter... "list" appears 3 times: ... example from
19:13 pdurbin I tested it and it works just fine: @QueryParam("list") final List<String> inputList
19:24 whartung grr -- can't put an MDB in JEE lite
19:24 sfisque sigh
19:25 sfisque war packaging is not EE-Lite
19:25 sfisque EE-Lite is a container spec
19:25 sfisque not a bundling spec
19:25 whartung ooh -- so maybe I can put an MDB in a war
19:25 sfisque no you cant
19:25 whartung you just like to tease me
19:25 sfisque reduced packaging doesnt give you everything
19:26 sfisque it gives you "enough" to be dangerous
19:26 sfisque one sec
19:26 sfisque javaeebot lucky java ee spec ejb 3.1 reduced packaging
19:26 whartung "no"
19:26 whartung lol
19:26 sfisque oh it's renamed?
19:27 sfisque i missed that memo
19:27 whartung javaeebpt` ?
19:27 whartung javaeebot`
19:27 sfisque javaeebot` lucky java ee spec ejb 3.1 reduced packaging
19:27 javaeebot` sfisque:
19:27 whartung yea, that's what I'm looking at
19:28 sfisque simplified packaging
19:28 sfisque is their name for it
19:28 whartung yea
19:28 sfisque in the actual pdf of the spec, they list the differences between "ear" deploy and "war" deploy
19:28 sfisque in a handy chart
19:29 sfisque iirc, mdb's are lost, in addition to a few other things (no remote interfaces)
19:29 sfisque i think timers are lost too
19:29 whartung yea, no mobs, no remotes, no timers
19:29 whartung mobs were the Big Bummer to me
19:30 sfisque havent dabbled too much with mdbs, but i like my timers and @Asynch
19:30 whartung really? MDBs are the bomp
19:30 sfisque i'm sure they are, just havent had a big need for them yet
19:30 whartung you may use Asynch for some of that
19:31 sfisque everyone uses json over web now instead of messaging….  blech
19:32 whartung well, to be honest, that's not awful -- it's clever in its way.
19:32 whartung One example is Google App Engines messaging service
19:32 whartung you basically just send it a URL to "subscribe"
19:32 whartung and it POST messages to it
19:32 whartung then, there's another URL you POST to to queue the messages
19:32 whartung so, all you have to write are web endpoints
19:33 whartung amazon has a similar service
19:33 sfisque aye but how does that work if you want to do messaging "inside" your cloud and not on the public pipelines
19:33 whartung oh sure, I was simply pointing out the idiom.
19:34 whartung OpenMQ has a HTTP interface as well, so do most of the dominant queues me thinks
19:34 whartung I could just have a native JSM client living in a thread.
19:34 sfisque aye and REST and blah blah blah.  i'm still hunting for an MQ that has an IRC bridge/gateway.  you'd think someone in the last 20 years would have solved that problem
19:35 whartung Camel doesn't have an IRC bridge?
19:35 sfisque camel is not an MQ it's just a rule processor
19:35 whartung no, but you could stick an IRC endpoint on to a pipeline fed by a queue…same thing.
19:36 whartung "cloes enough"
19:36 whartung assuming you're already using it, that is
19:36 sfisque not atm.  i'm trying to keep this thing lean,  i dont want to just haphazardly throw techs and libs at it
19:36 whartung yup
19:36 sfisque very little "gee whiz" in this thing so far
19:36 sfisque except for primefaces :-)
19:38 whartung where the JCA IRC connector! :)
19:55 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
20:09 cem_ joined ##javaee
20:14 cem_ hello Quest  san
20:14 cem_ can i pm you
20:14 cem_ ?
20:40 sess sfisque: the thing is, most objects are in the EJBmodule, including parameters and return values, it's not just pure EJBs
20:41 sess in the end, we kept the service layer as a single module and included the whole thing, apparently EJBs in the lib folder does not deploy
20:41 sess which is a good thing
20:50 sfisque right sess, but you can have one ejb module consume another at build time, and then drop them both into the ear.  you can have N many ejb modules in an ear, just like you can have N many war files bundled
20:51 sess I dont see how having multiple jars in the ear would help me
20:51 sess regardless, I got a decent solution in the end
20:52 sess the stub variant would be fine IF the domain objects were seperated from the service layer, which they aren't
20:55 trollolol joined ##javaee
20:56 sfisque i guess the real question is, what problem are you trying to solve?
20:57 Quest cem_,  sure
21:02 sess sfisque: seperating web service logic from the rest of the application without making the seperated parts too bloated
21:03 sfisque bundled inside same ear or outside?
21:03 sess both options are acceptable
21:04 sfisque using jax-ws or another impl?
21:04 sess jax-ws
21:04 sess or well, whatever jboss uses, which I think is jax-ws
21:05 sess JBossWS, jax-ws is an api of course
21:05 sfisque you should be able to just bundle up the ejb's that are annotated as webservices into their own jar.  as long as they're inside the same ear, they should be able to consume all the bits they need.  (all containers implement jax-ws, but there are other api/impls like axis, etc.)
21:06 sess sfisque: jars inside EARs in jboss does not share class loader by default
21:06 sess and I'm reluctant to enable that, felt like a dirty fix
21:07 sfisque that sounds like a bug, imo.  which version of jboss?  that would defeat the whole purpose of bundling into an ear
21:07 sess otherwise, that was the absolute first idea I had and the first thing I tried
21:07 sess sfisque: you're perhaps thinking of library folders in EARs
21:07 sess rather than top level jars
21:08 sfisque unless the different classloaders were federated so resources are shared
21:08 sfisque no, that sounds totally like a bug
21:08 sess
21:08 sess it's clearly intended
21:08 sess Ear deployments are multi-module deployments. This means that not all classes inside an ear will necessarily have access to all other classes in the ear, unless explicit dependencies have been defined
21:08 sess perhaps it can be defined in some configuration file that jar x should get access to jar y though
21:09 sess EAR class loading contains the interesting parts
21:10 sess I was afraid that the service layer would get access to the web layer if the flag mentioned was set, though I read now that the WAR file is always in its own CL
21:10 sess so in my case it would be fine really i guess
21:12 sfisque sometimes i think the jboss team is bipolar.  their solution to the "everything on the same classloader" in 4.x and back is to now put everything on individual CL's.  begs the question of WTF is an ear for then?
21:12 sfisque might as well just deploy everythying separate
21:12 sess the EAR modules shares the same lib folder at least
21:12 sess but yeah it's a bit confusing
21:12 weyer joined ##javaee
21:13 sfisque meaningless.  any well designed Eapp is going to consume mostly what the container provides.
21:13 sess this is better than the old jboss versions at least, I've actually managed to switch from OC4J to Jboss 7 without a SINGLE class conflict
21:13 sfisque either natively or via osgi/jca
21:14 sfisque dropping crap in the /lib dir is a war hack because servlet containers provide almost nothing
21:14 sess hack? Where would you put common dependencies otherwise?
21:15 sess I assume you mean the deployed EAR lib folder, not the application server lib folder
21:16 sfisque both.  depending on the deployment fabric (very few apps are going to co-exist in the same container these days for scalability issues)  no one wants to tune inter-app conflicts for resources when you're clustering dozens or more containers
21:17 sfisque so all the inter  deps are going to be within the same app structure anyway
21:18 sfisque i'm seeing more and more of the 1 app / 1 container (or less if its clustered  1/n)
21:19 sess we go for the 1 container, ALL THE APPS route
21:19 sess because HP support costs too much :D
21:19 sfisque ouchie
21:19 sfisque you running websphere on HP (guessing)
21:20 sfisque or have they finally entered the econtainer fray?
21:20 sess nah, Jboss 5
21:20 sess ..EAP
21:20 sess used to be jboss 4 community
21:20 sfisque 5 was a nice upgrade to 4.2.
21:20 sfisque almost all of my apps were drop in ready
21:21 sess the upgrade took us like 9 months
21:21 sfisque i'm finding 7.1 has some….. wrinkles
21:21 sess mostly due to issues with an IBM plugin that we "needed" that it turned out we didn't need..
21:21 whartung we do several apps per server
21:21 sfisque and i'm hoping wildfly is just a drop in upgrade from 7.1
21:21 sess should have just gotten jboss 7 while we were at it
21:22 sfisque where i'm at currently they deploy 1 app / tomcat and we're 1 app / N glassfish cluster
21:22 sess as long as large frameworks in the container are used, drop in upgrade will most likely not worked
21:22 sess switching major versions of hibernate servlet versions has issues sometimes
21:23 sfisque our product is the "black sheep" because we chose glassfish rather than doing spring on tomcat
21:23 whartung heresy
21:24 sess lol glassfish in production
21:24 sfisque the way i like it!
21:24 sess worst decision I ever made
21:24 sess or well not made by me
21:24 sess it was the only java EE 6 container that existed by the time one of my projects started
21:24 sfisque GF has been fine, excepting that our NOC are completely EE noobz
21:24 sfisque if it's not tomcat, they blow a fuse or two during deployments or troubleshooting
21:25 sfisque and dont get me started on the "wonderful" spring code that we get out of our offshore teams
21:25 sess offshore produces the best code!
21:25 sfisque 23458304583053058 interfaces
21:25 whartung what problems did you have sess ?
21:25 sfisque oh sorry, 823453953 interfraces and 234583058 abstract classes
21:26 sess whartung: it did a lot of random weird stuff causing it to crash
21:26 sess granted, i was a rookie at that time
21:26 sess the config ui was instable as hell aswell
21:26 sfisque config ui in GF?
21:26 sess sfisque: we used to handle our applications production deployment until it got outsourced to india and HP
21:27 sess we'd do it in 20 minutes
21:27 sess they take like 4 hours
21:27 sess and fail mostly
21:27 sfisque yah that sounds about what we see ehre
21:27 sfisque ***here
21:27 sess im not quite sure why people that have no idea about out application should handle the deployments... and even the sql scripts they want to handle aswell
21:28 sfisque if we dont give them slides on how to deploy datasources (jdbc/jms/etc.) it's like showing a dog a card trick
21:28 sess a missing ; somewhere, and they return it, crying
21:28 whartung we have our own deployment system works pretty well
21:28 whartung one thing we also have is our own SQL manager subsystem
21:28 sess once they opened an sql script in the wrong encoding
21:28 whartung each apps updates its own DB on deploy
21:28 sess and blamed us in front of the customer :/
21:28 sfisque ouchies
21:29 sfisque wipro?
21:29 sfisque :P
21:29 whartung wipro?
21:29 sfisque a notorious indian outsource house
21:29 whartung o
21:29 sfisque lets just say, questionable ethics
21:29 whartung not if you're Indian :)
21:29 whartung it's funny
21:30 sfisque no i mean they get slapped often for "bad stuff"
21:30 sfisque well, i guess, over there, they're probably heros
21:30 whartung whenever i hear an Indian anecdote, we get "Not sure if others experience the same thing or not", and of course all of these anecdotes are the same
21:31 sfisque though not specific to any region, i do have an adage that i offer up on the subject… if you pay high school wages, you get high school code
21:31 sfisque doesnt matter if it's alabama, russia, or whereever
21:33 whartung shouldn't matter what you pay them. If they agree to do the work for the price quoted, they should do the work.
21:34 whartung the whole "but I only get paid X" attitude is plain wrong.
21:39 sfisque the price isnt really driven by that..  it's the same as offshoring fabrics or assembly-line.  price of local economy.  sometimes i actually lament choosing enterprise java as a niche.   i should have gone embedded.  less outsourcing of that
21:40 sfisque but i made my bed and now i have to compete in an industry where there are devs who make as little as 1/10 what we're paid here in ameria
21:40 whartung yea
21:40 sfisque **america
21:40 whartung you need to switch your expertise to bailing out companies who pay 1/10th the going rate to get their systems developed :D
21:41 sfisque that's pretty much what my career has become :P
21:42 sfisque but the heroic 60hr work weeks only hold water when you're 25 and single :-/
21:43 sfisque ah so jboss 7+ has this:
21:43 sfisque <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0" >
21:43 sfisque <ear-subdeployments-isolated>fal​se</ear-subdeployments-isolated>
21:43 sfisque </subsystem>
21:43 sfisque so you can have a shared CL inside an er
21:43 sfisque **ear
21:43 whartung "shared CL"?
21:44 sfisque and you can also register dependencies in the manifest:
21:44 sfisque Portability
21:44 sfisque The Java EE specification says that portable applications should not rely on sub deployments having access to other sub deployments unless an explicit Class-Path entry is set in the MANIFEST.MF. So portable applications should always use Class-Path entry to explicitly state their dependencies.
21:44 sfisque which has been around for sometime and isnt new
21:45 sfisque shared classloader.  instead of one CL per jar, you can tell the deployer framework to setup dependency visibility i guess
21:45 sfisque using that xml stub
21:45 sfisque sort of a hybrid of what jboss 4.x did.
21:50 whartung yea
21:50 whartung gf has a flat CL for the entire EAR (for good and evil)
21:50 sfisque aye
21:50 sess sfisque:  yeah I was pondering using that flag
21:50 sess im not sure if it's recommended or not
21:51 whartung IMHO, that's a hole in the spec. That the containers can "use what they like" as far as the CL hierarchy is concerned. definitely portability issues there
21:53 sfisque i guess the concept is, you have no guarantee that the ear is going to reside in the same jvm.  from what i've read, the container is free to bootstrap however it wants, so you "could" get a container that has 1 jvm for the EJB container, 1 for the servlet container, and 1 for jca adapters
21:53 sfisque since it's "not specified" you can't assume it, even though in practice, it's pretty much all one jvm
21:54 sess lazy spec is lazy
21:54 sfisque gnu is not unix
21:54 sfisque or rather gnu's not unix
21:54 whartung it most certainly is not
21:54 sfisque >.<
21:55 whartung I should just go over to OpenBSD and live off of fork(2) and fifo(3)
21:56 sfisque its a shame C cant be wired up with reflection.  would be interesting to have EEContainers where you can deploy apps/libs written in C/C++
21:57 whartung Obj-C yo
21:57 whartung \o/
21:57 whartung the point is
21:57 sfisque does OC have instrumentation to effect runtime reflection
21:57 whartung just use the f'n OS
21:58 whartung you processes as you abstraction
21:58 sfisque but but but but  WORM
21:58 sfisque ;-D
21:58 whartung WORM?
21:58 sfisque Write Once Run Many
21:58 sfisque that was the java mantra in the mid 90's
21:58 whartung oh, yes
21:58 sfisque or WORA sometimes
21:58 sfisque write once run anywhere
21:59 whartung no, the ONE thing Java has got right, the ONE thing folks that don't use it do not appreciate, is that we are the ONE eco system that actually CAN distribute binaries without tearing our hair out.
21:59 sfisque true
22:00 whartung I swear nobody has reusability like we do. CPAN is a cruel hoax.
22:00 sfisque though we have the same issues as C.  just moved the problem.  instead of "which libs in /usr/lib" we have "which version of jvm"
22:00 sfisque writing ansi-C is like writing java 1.2
22:00 whartung yes, it relies on the JVM being ported. The version, eh, less so. Only recently has versioning started to become an issue
22:00 sfisque oh contrare
22:01 semiosis pdurbin: whartung called CPAN a cruel hoax!
22:01 sess id rather upgrade 1 VM than 100 libs
22:01 sfisque 1.0 -> 1.1 broke all sorts of crap.  same for 1.1 -> 1.2
22:01 sfisque 1.3 -> 1.4 was painless
22:02 whartung yea, but it's been pretty darn stable since 1.3
22:02 sfisque it's gotten "better" with each release as far as backward compat.  if you draw a line at 1.3
22:02 whartung they learned at 1.2 that breaking old stuff sucks for folks who actually spend money on this stuff.
22:02 semiosis whartung: on that note, i cant understand all the crap people give maven.  it blows every other dependency manager out of the water, and does lots of other useful stuff on top of that
22:02 sfisque aye that
22:03 whartung I agree semiosis ( O.O ) my primary complaint on maven is it's black magic. But all dependency managers suffer a poisoned dependency pool.
22:04 pdurbin whartung: I'll deal with you later. (thanks, semiosis)
22:04 semiosis hahaha
22:05 whartung I went and fetched wget for my MacPorts the other day. The number of dependencies it had were legion. One of them, for some awful rason, was perl5. I need Perl 5 to get wget (!!!) "Thanks a lot"
22:05 sfisque my only real complaint with maven is you have to build your sandbox "their way" or you spend untold hours reconfiguring (aka it's hard to move an existing project onto maven unless you get lucky and its already laid out that way).  other than that, it's pretty neat.
22:05 sess that's the main strength of maven
22:05 sess having the same layout in all projects is great
22:06 sfisque unless your project is doing funky stuff during build time.  for boilerplate, it's awesome
22:06 semiosis the first year i worked with maven i wondered what they meant by "software comprehension"
22:06 sess it's also good because it prevents you from doing funky stuff :)
22:06 whartung maven's double benefit today is universal IDE project file
22:06 sfisque tell that to the sales guys who sell this stuff with "bonus work"
22:06 sess oh god yes
22:06 sess instant generated project file
22:07 sess with all libs correctly setup, and sources downloaded with 1 click
22:07 cem_ Quest san disappeared
22:07 sfisque he's been very "in/out" lately, from what i've seen
22:09 cem_ what is difference in perl and perl 6 channel ? other then version
22:09 sfisque perl 6 is a major rewrite, no?
22:09 whartung perl channel is for people trying to actually get work done
22:09 sfisque ROFL
22:10 sfisque has 6 actually debuted?   i know it got pushed back a bajillion times
22:10 sfisque javaeebot` lucky perl 6 release
22:10 javaeebot` sfisque:
22:11 sfisque man perl 6 has been baking for over a decade, i think
22:11 whartung yup
22:11 sfisque it's the duke nukem of development
22:11 sfisque :P
22:16 sess joined ##javaee
22:55 cem_ u ppl are really awesome :D
22:59 whartung no, just me.
23:03 sfisque \o/
23:28 sfisque i wish netbeans had a rar/sar project type, so that i didnt have to twiddle the ant script
23:30 pdurbin oh. sorry about the javaeebot` rename. it must have gotten disconnected
23:30 semiosis javaeebot`: reconnect
23:30 javaeebot` semiosis: Error: "reconnect" is not a valid command.
23:30 semiosis meh
23:31 pdurbin there
23:35 * sfisque smacks javaeebot around the head and shoulders
23:36 pdurbin heh. glassfish in production FTW
23:42 pdurbin I dunno, I still say Perl and CPAN is just fine. Oh, and Perl 6 runs on the JVM now:
23:42 * whartung hates our core library
23:42 whartung do nothing war is 37M
23:42 sfisque 36mb of spring interfaces and 1mb of xml?
23:42 sfisque :P
23:43 whartung every time I've had to get something from CPAN, something, somewhere, gets completely horked -- converting from "oh boy!  a package I can use" "I give up, I don't need to know this much perl"
23:44 whartung let's learn the inner delicacies and intricacies of the "easy to use" dependency manager...
23:45 whartung "oh, and don't forget, you need to compile all of the crap in C…we use libC_xyz_123.a.qed…what do you use?"
23:45 * whartung slams head on desk
23:53 weyer joined ##javaee
23:54 sfisque anyone have good or bad things to say about using pircbot as the core of a JCA irc adapter?
23:54 whartung no, don't know anything about it
23:54 sfisque it seems very clean and lean as far as API is concerned

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