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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-12-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:17 knoppix joined ##javaee
00:32 sfisque OMFG.  reading the prettyfaces docs.  too awesome...
00:38 whartung prettyfaces?
00:39 whartung so rather than doing a JCA for mail delivery, Ill just queue it up to a JMS queue and write a simple MDB to service that. That's 99.99% transactional, with a race condition between the close to the SMTP socket and the commit of the MDB method.
00:40 whartung at worst we gets  double message, but that's always a risk with async queueing anyway
00:40 sfisque javaeebot lucky pretty faces jsf rewrite
00:40 javaeebot sfisque:
00:41 whartung oh nice
00:42 sfisque i'm surprised no one has written an XA mail handler.  you'd think something like that would have been done years ago
00:42 whartung so sfisque would you greenfield a JSF project today, or go pure ajaxy/RESTy
00:42 whartung nobody thinks mail is important :)
00:42 sfisque former.  i prefer server side production of the representation because you cannot assume the client side
00:43 whartung assume what?
00:43 sfisque processing strength, browser compatibility, ram, screen real estate, etc.
00:43 sfisque i like ajax for UX responsiveness not view construction
00:44 sfisque doing full ajax/rest is like mailing the parts of a TV to a person and telling them to watch tv.
00:44 sfisque you dont do that, you go out and buy a full tv fully assembled
00:45 whartung what if you were guaranteed a specific browser (FF, IE, Chrome)
00:45 sfisque i know that concept is "outdated" but it's how i feel about web app design
00:45 sfisque i'd call the BA who gives you that constraint a liar :P
00:46 whartung That funny, our company is mandating a browser for it's new app to the clients.
00:46 sfisque if they're willing to "fix" the browser, you might as well remove the browser from the picture and do webstart or a RIA
00:46 whartung I mean, at that point, you should just use one of the "browser as app" packaging techniques that Chrome and FF have.
00:47 sfisque that would also be an option at that point
00:47 whartung because that's what the browser is becoming, the PowerBuilder of our age.
00:47 whartung only "kind portable"
00:47 whartung *kinda
00:48 whartung Or I should say "The PowerBuilder of our age, only harder to use" :)
00:48 sfisque lolz
00:48 whartung and you talk HTTP and JSON instead of SQL and Stored Procedures
00:48 whartung same ol client server
00:48 sfisque and xml
00:49 whartung *sigh* I miss Informix 4GL … I'm such a fuddy duddy
00:49 sfisque dude i hear you.  i look at web tech these days, and i wonder…. we went from hypercard… to this?
00:49 whartung I saw a "productivity" graph once, and it plummeted when web apps became popular lol
00:50 sfisque rofl
00:50 whartung just bounced off the cieling
00:50 whartung be nice to not need a MA in UX to do a dialog box
00:51 sfisque more like MS… all the voodoo css and javascript :P
00:52 whartung yea
00:53 sfisque krikey , below freezing until monday…  /sigh
00:53 sfisque i love you, but man… F U
00:53 whartung where?
00:53 sfisque pdx
00:54 whartung is that an airport code?
00:54 sfisque a cold day here is like 37' normally.  an average day is like 43 in dead of winter
00:54 sfisque yes portland or
00:54 whartung ah ok
00:54 whartung yea we have a guy who works up there, was just chatting with im
00:54 whartung weather didn't come up
00:55 sfisque it's is unnaturally cold right now here
00:55 sfisque like supernatural horror cold
00:55 whartung supposed to bounce off of 40 over night down here
00:55 whartung no, that's chicago
00:55 sfisque :P
00:55 whartung 8 degress
00:55 whartung brrfuck
00:56 sfisque yah, i had a friend who went to NW U.  he said it was actually "too cold for snow"
00:56 whartung yea
00:56 whartung ""
00:56 sfisque yah.  that's what my response was like
00:57 sfisque add in a look of incredulity and you have the picture
00:57 whartung heh
01:02 sfisque well time for me to pack up and commute.  c'y'all later.  code strong!
02:50 jenue joined ##javaee
03:56 kobain_ joined ##javaee
04:06 sess joined ##javaee
04:17 sfisque joined ##javaee
04:25 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
05:29 Losowski joined ##javaee
05:44 Losowski left ##javaee
06:10 snowyrooftops joined ##javaee
06:12 snowyrooftops Hi!
06:12 snowyrooftops I'm looking for help with getting an Axis2 web service running
06:13 snowyrooftops I tried getting it to run from within Eclipse, but no luck there - it couldn't find the AxisServlet (NoClassDefFoundError)
06:14 jenue joined ##javaee
06:47 jenue joined ##javaee
06:58 keruspe Did some of you already used some jersey2 stuff?
06:59 keruspe If I try to get the data I get from a form with @FormParam it works, but if I want all of them in a Map directly, the map is empty.
07:00 keruspe the doc says it's possible though example 3.13
07:05 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:51 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:56 pleroma joined ##javaee
08:28 jenue2 joined ##javaee
08:30 pleroma_ joined ##javaee
09:50 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:55 neilus joined ##javaee
09:57 helga joined ##javaee
10:02 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
10:09 neilus joined ##javaee
10:58 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
11:10 drspockbr joined ##javaee
11:34 acuzio left ##javaee
11:34 acuzio joined ##javaee
13:15 pdurbin keruspe: I'm using Jersey 2 in Glassfish 4. I haven't tried the form param thing though
13:18 * pdurbin looks at JAX-RS @FormParam example -
13:18 pdurbin <form action="rest/user/add" method="post">
13:18 pdurbin interesting
14:27 keruspe pdurbin: getting the args with @FormParam works
14:27 keruspe Getting the whole stuff in a MultivaluedMap<String,String> or in a Form doesn't, when supposed to
14:29 pdurbin hmm
14:29 acuzio JAX-RS is possibly one of the best parts of the _new_ Java
14:30 pdurbin I'm loving it in Jave EE 7
14:30 sheenobu joined ##javaee
14:31 sheenobu joined ##javaee
14:37 Naros joined ##javaee
14:45 kobain joined ##javaee
14:47 acuzio hey Naros
14:52 Naros Morning
15:07 knoppix joined ##javaee
16:09 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:53 rektide joined ##javaee
16:58 Centauri left ##javaee
18:10 knoppix_ joined ##javaee
18:55 pdurbin Twitter / philipdurbin: @jsfcentral it looks like this ... -
19:10 Naros anyone ever created a mappedsuperclass that has an abstract method that the subclassed entity implements?
19:11 Naros i'm pondering how to annotate such a scenario to avoid getting "Duplicate property mapping"
19:11 sfisque1 is this that thing you were wrestling with a few weeks ago?
19:11 Naros Yah got the code to a deployable state but it doesn't startup
19:11 Naros I have AbstractAttachment<Owner>
19:12 Naros which has public abstract Owner getOwner() and public abstract void setOwner(Owner owner);
19:12 Naros annotations are on the subclass
19:16 Naros Maybe @ManyToOne needs to be on the parent class and using AssociationOverride on derived, let me try that
19:20 semiosis Naros: i think i have, let me check
19:21 Naros no longer get the duplicate property error but now the index validation fails cause it cannot locate the field :E
19:21 Naros placed @ManyToOne on the owner abstract getter and then used
19:21 Naros @AssociationOverride(name="owner",joinCol​umns=@JoinColumn(name="REQUEST_ID",....))
19:22 Naros but the @Index annotation fails to validate cause it claims no column is defined as REQUEST_ID
19:22 semiosis Naros: i have @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) on the abstract parent class
19:23 semiosis otherwise nothing special afaict
19:26 Naros I am not sure that is necessary tho
19:28 Naros semiosis: question is in your case, do you have an @Index annotation for one of those abstract fields?
19:31 Naros I am wondering if I need to take those two abstract methods and make them part of an interface instead.
19:35 Naros That seemed to work.  public abstract class AbstractAttachment<Owner> implements OwnedEntity<Owner>, Serializable
19:36 Naros SpecialAttachment extends AbstractAttachment<SpecialOwner>
19:43 drspockbr joined ##javaee
20:13 pdurbin "in ElasticSearch you can have multiple Types of documents in a single Index. This means that you can index documents of different index structure (for example users and their documents) in a single Index. ElasticSearch is able to distinguish those Types during indexing as well as querying. In order to achieve the same with Solr you would have to simulate that inside your application or develop a custom
20:13 pdurbin search component." --
20:14 pdurbin I have a question about this... the idea of indexing users vs. their documents
20:15 knoppix__ joined ##javaee
20:15 pdurbin but unfortuantely, the term "documents" is a bit overloaded in the world of Solr and Lucene...
20:16 pdurbin so I'll use GitHub examples instead... repos vs. code vs. issues vs. users
20:17 pdurbin let's say I want to be able to index all of these
20:17 pdurbin and be able to search all of them
20:17 pdurbin search for a repo, search for users, etc.
20:17 pdurbin right now I only have one type
20:18 pdurbin let's say that type is "users"
20:18 pdurbin I'm indexing the users into "collection1": http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1
20:19 pdurbin but now I want to index repos...
20:19 pdurbin do repos go in collection2?
20:19 pdurbin and issues would go into collection3?
20:21 pdurbin I ask because the id 1 in collection1 is a user, which maps to id 1 in the user table of my database. (row 1)
20:22 tmichel joined ##javaee
20:22 tmichel left ##javaee
20:23 pdurbin so at index time I don't want to overwrite id 1 in collection1 with a different type, such as a repo or code or an issue
20:25 pdurbin is this making sense?
20:32 pdurbin to talk about from the search side, GitHub lets you search differnt types:
20:33 pdurbin -
20:33 pdurbin -
20:33 pdurbin -
20:33 pdurbin and this is basically what I want to do
20:34 pdurbin but do I use collection1, collection2, collection3 in Solr to support this?
20:36 sheenobu joined ##javaee
20:49 Naros pdurbin: I know from a Lucene point of view with Hibernate, all three of those "entities" would be indexed in their entity-specific index.
20:50 pdurbin Naros: ah, so three indexes... repos, code, users
20:50 Naros Using the JoinUtil API, you can then join multiple indices together to get one index based on parameters that found matches against another index.
20:50 pdurbin indices* :)
20:51 Naros In fact, our inventory material search does precisely that.  You can find an Item based on item attributes, text keywords or stem fragments, or based on part number relationships which are all three stored in their own respective index but joined together using runtime joins.
20:52 Naros I would suspect that Elastic Search offers similar things
20:53 pdurbin Naros: that blog post says "ElasticSearch is able to distinguish those Types during indexing as well as querying"
20:53 pdurbin must be magic :)
20:54 Naros it probably does something similar to hibernate search where each entity document has a _hibernate_class attribute associated to it and it's basically the fully qualified class name.
20:55 pdurbin hmm. I've never used hibernate but that makes sense
20:55 Naros We dont maintain such attribute but the engine itself does it for you.
20:55 pdurbin Naros: any thoughts on this?
20:55 Naros nod, under the hood the hibernate search in our case is basically lucene & solr.
20:55 Naros the hibernate search piece just maps annotations to lucene apis
20:55 pdurbin "pdurbin: if the schemas for each type have some overlap, it can make sense to combine them into one core. It really all depends on how complex you think the queries might get and how much application-side complexity vs. solr-side complexity you want to manage." -- from #lucene-dev
20:56 pdurbin "it's usually a good idea to include a field for differentiating the types, "type" is a good name for that. :)"
20:57 Naros Right, makes sense.  For example ..
20:57 Naros We have two entities ManufacturerPartNumber and VendorPartNumber.  While they are two different entities in a POJO point of view, we actually combine them into a single index using a type field to differential them.
20:58 Naros It significantly simplifies the queries because joins aren't necessary.
20:59 pdurbin Naros: and they probably have similar schemas, the 2 part numbers
20:59 Naros Technically even at the DB level, they have the same fields but were kept separate to make FK relationships easier to manage.
20:59 Naros Yep, precisely.
21:00 pdurbin Naros: ok, but say you wanted to index something radically different... such a users. Then what?
21:00 pdurbin as*
21:01 Naros In that case its in its own index or w/e elastic searches equivalent term is, collection or w/e.
21:02 Naros so I think you're spot on having repos, users, and code be 3 cores/collections
21:02 pdurbin because the schemas are so different...
21:02 Naros yep
21:02 semiosis Naros: no @index anywhere in my code
21:03 pdurbin semiosis: are you talking about Solr/search?
21:03 Naros nah semiosis is talking about my earlier conundrum.
21:03 pdurbin semiosis: sssh!
21:03 pdurbin :)
21:03 semiosis pdurbin: no, is Naros?
21:03 semiosis i thought we were talking about jpa
21:03 Naros so code has a user_id, repo has a user_id and user has a user_id
21:03 pdurbin semiosis: we're talking about Solr. Help! :)
21:04 Naros if i want to find all code a user has I could then just query code out-right ofc ;P
21:04 Naros i modeled the indices much like a typical DB table except that SOLR knows how to handle text queries, wildcard queries, etc far more efficiently ofc.
21:05 * Naros hates LIKE '%kit%' across millions of rows :(.
21:05 pdurbin Naros: really I'm indexing dataveres, datasets, files, and users. I just don't feel like explaining what a dataverse is :)
21:05 pdurbin dataverses*
21:05 Naros no worries.
21:06 semiosis pdurbin: a dataverse is one line in a datasong
21:06 semiosis we've been over this
21:06 Naros I think whatever you're indexing, the same approach probably holds true.
21:06 pdurbin :)
21:06 semiosis well that article is clearly wrong.  don't worry i'll fix it
21:07 pdurbin lol
21:07 Naros What I found tho was where you can minimize the joins between indices, you'll be far better off even if it comes at the expense of a larger index.
21:08 pdurbin Naros: you're talking about Lucene indexes?
21:08 Naros Yah, because joining two indices based on some conditions means that it first must run the first query against index 1, get those results and then join those results to the query against index 2 and give you the conjunction.
21:10 pdurbin right. ok. I'm not sure yet if I'll need to do similar joins
21:11 Naros aye, will depend on what functionality you're trying to achieve.
21:13 pdurbin Naros: so if you get an id back from your query... you use that id to look up an entity? a one to one mapping between the Solr document id and the id of a ManufacturerPartNumber or whatever?
21:14 Naros Yah, its my understanding that h-search gets the entity's pk fields from the solr document and then uses that to fetch the entity from the EM.
21:14 Naros Albeit on SQL Server, that isn't quite efficient when your solr query returns approximately more than 64 hits.
21:14 pdurbin Naros: ok, I'm doing something similar: dataverse = dataverseService.find(searchResult.getId())
21:15 Naros I should say when the solr's result set to actually fetch is larger than 64 hits.  The SOLR query can hit millions of rows easily, just the fetch is poorly handled.
21:16 Naros but that's hibernate-specific :P
21:18 pdurbin ok :)
21:29 knoppix_ joined ##javaee
21:47 pdurbin Naros: thanks
22:22 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
22:33 neuro_sys joined ##javaee

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