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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:23 pdurbin we're talking SAML and SSO:
00:28 whartung making any progress?
00:35 pdurbin oh I don't know about that (had the day off) but it was interesting to hear about
00:38 whartung yea, shame OAuth is even more a mess than SAML
00:40 pdurbin heh
00:41 sfisque whartung!  using the TxManager to set an a Synchonization interceptor works!  thanks for the tip
00:41 whartung yw
00:41 whartung nice
00:41 * sfisque puts this shiney new tool in his belt pouch
00:41 pdurbin "I can barely understand OAuth 1.0 and I can't figure out OAuth 2.0 at all, so I'm sticking with 1.0." -- :)
00:42 sfisque now onto learning more about XA
00:42 * sfisque rolls up his sleeves
00:43 whartung what little I had to do with XA "just worked" for me, but I had to make a tweak to the postgres configuration to get it to work -- it doesn't work out of the box.
00:44 sfisque basically have to wrap a DB tx and a remote call to a webservice, and ensure the TX semantics are sane
00:44 whartung pdurbin:
00:45 whartung for us, the WS (which were JEE session bean methods) automagically enlisted in to the XA (which was a problem for us, as we didn't really do XA, so we made the WS facade non-transactional )
00:45 whartung how it Just Worked was a bit black magic
00:45 whartung since I don't understand how the heck TPC works with a WS that's clueless that it's happening
00:46 sfisque this is a remote JSONoverHTTP endpoint, so the TX semantics are completely outside our container
00:46 whartung but, maybe the container manages all of the magic
00:46 whartung oh goody
00:46 whartung Have fun storming the castle!
00:46 sfisque basically
00:46 sfisque :-)
00:46 sfisque it will be good to learn in a concequence free environment, since i'm leaving in 3 weeks :P
00:46 whartung haha
00:47 whartung you have something else lined up or you saying "forget it, I got a holiday season this year! TWO Christams trees!"
00:48 sfisque interview tomorrow, but i'm not very enthusiastic about them.  a few other "irons in the fire" but it's slow going since it's holiday season
00:48 sfisque anywho, bouncing…  code strong!
00:48 whartung yea
00:48 whartung tt
00:50 pdurbin whartung: hey, they mention SAML in that post :)
01:22 pdurbin whartung: hee hee!
01:23 whartung :)
01:23 pdurbin "However, as a rich and highly extensible framework with many optional components, on its own, this specification is likely to produce a wide range of non-interoperable implementations." -- (OAuth 2)
01:27 cem_ joined ##javaee
01:27 cem_ fi
01:46 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:46 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
02:17 jypie joined ##javaee
02:19 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
02:27 SoniEx joined ##javaee
04:48 jypie joined ##javaee
04:49 jypie joined ##javaee
04:50 jypie joined ##javaee
04:57 jypie joined ##javaee
05:49 sajjadg joined ##javaee
05:59 sajjadg eclipse editbox plugin is sooooo coooool. tha't was was one of the things I've been missing in eclipse.
06:17 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
06:20 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
07:11 bitwize joined ##javaee
08:25 dangertools joined ##javaee
08:25 dangertools joined ##javaee
08:53 oO0Oo- joined ##javaee
08:58 campino joined ##javaee
08:59 campino I would like to override method "calculateTabHeight" for the current UI. All methods I found require me to specify an UI (e.g. "javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI"). I just want it to take the current UI.
09:02 bitwize joined ##javaee
09:36 neuro|sys joined ##javaee
09:37 neuro|sys hello
09:41 campino hi there. how may I assist you?
11:50 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
12:02 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:15 lv2eof joined ##javaee
13:06 acuzio what a nice person -
13:19 pdurbin that wasn't a bot? ;)
13:47 jieryn joined ##javaee
13:58 tommmied joined ##javaee
14:14 jieryn why do i have to tag my @Entity with @EntityListeners in order to wire up my listner
14:14 jieryn anyoen know how i can separate them?
14:21 Naros joined ##javaee
14:57 sess why would you want to?
14:58 sess you could probably configure it with XML if you do not want a dependency
15:00 kobain joined ##javaee
15:39 pdurbin BUILD SUCCESSFUL! woot! oiosaml! gant!
16:15 sess Does anyone know the consequences of not setting content-length on a http response?
16:46 WileTheCoyot joined ##javaee
16:46 WileTheCoyot hello everyone
16:47 WileTheCoyot how could i check in el if a variable is NULL (java.sql.Types.NULL)?
16:49 whartung WileTheCoyot: ${empty varName}
16:50 WileTheCoyot whartung: the variable is int so i don't know if it works
16:50 whartung if it's int, it's can't be null, can it
16:51 WileTheCoyot i know that for int java.sql.Types.NULL is equal to 0
16:51 WileTheCoyot maybe
16:51 whartung no
16:51 whartung int is a primitive, there is no NULL
16:52 WileTheCoyot i mean NULL in terms of sql not a null object
16:52 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:53 WileTheCoyot whartung:
16:59 whartung There's two ways to find out if something is null in JDBC. The preferred method is the ResultSet.wasNull() method. You can imply it if you bind to an object, such as  a string, ResultSet.getString(1), and it returns null. However, ResultSet.getInt(1) returns an int, which can not be a java null, so, yea, it returns zero, but zero does not mean null (it can mean, you know, zero).
17:06 WileTheCoyot whartung: ok thanks do i do something wrong if write ${myint==0}
17:07 whartung yes, because 0 != NULL (unless in your case you'll never have a value of zero there)
17:07 WileTheCoyot where myint can be NULL (sql)
17:08 WileTheCoyot that int is and id with auto_increment flag and i suppose it starts from 1
17:17 whartung then checking against null is probably adequate for this use case
17:19 WileTheCoyot ok thanks
17:19 whartung yw
18:12 aqib joined ##javaee
18:12 aqib left ##javaee
18:12 Voicu joined ##javaee
18:13 Voicu left ##javaee
18:33 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:41 SoniEx2 how much CPU time does "while (timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() && t != null) {}" use?
19:41 SoniEx2 timeout being a long and t being a Thread object
19:43 sess my guess is 100%?
19:43 sess of a single core
19:43 SExJ joined ##javaee
19:43 sess why would even code something like that
19:43 acuzio why not  ?
19:44 sess because it would hog unlimited resources without a sleep?
19:44 SoniEx2 --forth " Please work" .
19:44 SExJ Please work
19:44 SoniEx2 --forth "" NET.GET
19:45 SoniEx2 seems to be working
19:45 SoniEx2 --forth "" NET.GET "" NET.GET "" NET.GET "" NET.GET "" NET.GET
19:48 SoniEx2
19:48 SoniEx2 I like the new code
19:48 SoniEx2 --forth :test . ;
19:48 SExJ :test?
19:48 SoniEx2 --forth : test . ;
19:49 SoniEx2 --forth : test_ test ;
19:49 SoniEx2 --forth : test test_ ;
19:49 SoniEx2 --forth test
19:49 SExJ Timed out.
19:50 SoniEx2 and it's working properly
19:50 SoniEx2 sess: so... you don't know java :3
19:51 sess oh i didnt actually read the code properly
19:51 sess :D
19:51 sess but i still say 100% until timeout is passed
19:59 semiosis wow, integrating spring di in my javafx desktop app has been lots of fun
20:00 semiosis my first spring app that doesnt have any xml config :D
20:20 pdurbin semiosis: I can't tell if you're kidding about having fun
20:32 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
20:37 semiosis pdurbin: not kidding, it was challenging & i learned a lot, which is fun
20:38 pdurbin cool
20:39 pdurbin I'm learning a bit about gant and eclipse... I sure don't have the muscle memory for eclipse. and I'm spoiled on netbeans' autocompletion
21:22 guilhermeValdevi joined ##javaee
21:25 guilhermeValdevi someone can teach me Java?
21:25 guilhermeValdevi :D
21:31 pdurbin guilhermeValdevi: what do you know already?
21:31 sess the name of the language
21:31 sess a good start
21:31 guilhermeValdevi Classes, Hierarchy...
21:32 guilhermeValdevi The basic
21:32 pdurbin guilhermeValdevi: what do you want to learn next?
21:33 guilhermeValdevi oh
21:33 guilhermeValdevi i have a question
21:33 guilhermeValdevi for example
21:33 guilhermeValdevi what is the application of a interface, super, "@" chars...
21:34 sfisque interface defines the contract between what your object is supplying and what the caller is allowed to expect
21:34 sfisque or vice versa
21:35 guilhermeValdevi it's like a initial struct
21:35 guilhermeValdevi ?
21:35 guilhermeValdevi when use this?
21:35 sfisque negative.  it's the "list of valid methods exposed by the underlying implementation"
21:36 sfisque when to use… when you're writing a service (object that provides some functionality) and you want to be able to make changes without the caller caring what's going on underneath
21:36 sfisque or you want to provide the ability to swap in/out implemenations without hard binding in the compiled code
21:37 sess kind of like a company having a contract with a client. As long as the contract is fulfilled, the client doesn't care how it is done
21:37 sfisque ^^^
21:37 sess which helps seperate the client from functionality
21:37 sess or implementation for a better word
21:37 sfisque well they do, but the assumption is, that the implementation has no side effects or performs "questionable" actions
21:38 sfisque part of the contract is explicit, part is "implicit"
21:38 guilhermeValdevi nice
21:38 sfisque lke javabeans.  you can totally break all the conventions, but your code will still compile
21:38 guilhermeValdevi :D
21:39 guilhermeValdevi nice explanation guys
21:39 guilhermeValdevi when use the super operator?
21:39 guilhermeValdevi or better, what fuck is this?
21:39 guilhermeValdevi kkkk
21:39 sfisque it is SuperClass.this
21:39 sess super refers to the super class
21:39 whartung use the super operator when you want to leap buildings with a single bound
21:40 sfisque primarily used in constructors and @Override methods
21:42 guilhermeValdevi nice
21:43 guilhermeValdevi thank you guys
21:46 sess now you are fully learned
21:46 sess go forth and JAVA
21:47 guilhermeValdevi haha
21:48 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
22:01 whartung Take a screen shot of this IRC to someone when they want to know if you're Certified or not.
22:01 whartung You IZ Certified Java Xpert!
22:20 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
22:27 weichsel_2k joined ##javaee
22:28 weichsel_2k hi all, I have a problem using jsp, Im using Datagram by UDP, when I send a packet all going ok, but for receive I get the problem
22:30 whartung "“DOS was written on punch cards. I would actually hand-write the code on 80-column punch card sheets.  A guy at Shepardson named Mike Peters would take those sheets and punch the cards.  The punch cards would then be read into a National Semiconductor IMP-16 and assembled, and a paper tape produced.  The paper tape was read into the Apple II by a plug-in card made by Wozniak, and I would proceed to debug it. "
22:30 whartung That's how it's done, gentlemen...
22:30 whartung
22:39 semiosis finally answering the age old question, what came first, the disk or the disk operating system?
22:41 * whartung fondly remembers accidentally dropping student computer card decks on the floor back in the day
23:00 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
23:18 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
23:36 sfisque joined ##javaee
23:37 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
23:58 sfw joined ##javaee

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