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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-08

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Time S Nick Message
00:02 whartung I mean, it sounds nice -- to a point.
00:03 sfisque yeah, i think we lose the durability test with /dev/blackhole.  that whole boiling atoms and quantum vaporization plays havoc with it
00:04 whartung well, it suffers from reproducibility on reads, for sure.
00:04 sfisque yah.  that's a bummer
00:06 whartung oh this looks almost tasty
00:06 whartung
00:06 whartung I can just imagine the ways that it would let me down.
00:07 sfisque LAWL
00:07 semiosis i'd prefer durability over performance
00:07 semiosis will look into javadb, thx for the tip!
00:08 semiosis my default choice would be "poor man's" serialization of a CHM
00:08 whartung yea, it's easy
00:12 whartung boy that thing sure sounds amazing
00:19 pdurbin semiosis: no, but I've heard of map-D:
00:20 pdurbin oh, they have a proper website:
00:22 semiosis pdurbin: is it in maven central? ;)
00:23 lv2eof joined ##javaee
00:25 pdurbin heh. I'm not even sure what it's written in but "We are pushing hard to do an open-source release of the technology in the coming months" according to!topic/mapd_database/-f69j24BjB4
00:34 semiosis does one use JPA with derby/javadb?
00:34 whartung you can, you don't have to
00:34 sfisque you can use JPA with any db that has a jdbc compliant driver
00:34 semiosis hmm
00:34 whartung that chronos things looks pretty sexy
00:35 sfisque quite
00:39 semiosis thx for the ideas
00:39 semiosis probably going to set up spring data jpa with an embedded db
00:40 semiosis my goals are keeping the LOC & complexity of the app to a minimum & good crash recovery/durability
00:40 semiosis afk a bit
01:02 pdurbin semiosis: when you get back... I like the demo at
01:09 SExJ joined ##javaee
01:25 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
03:13 cem_ joined ##javaee
03:13 cem_ konichiwa
03:22 cem_ hi
03:22 cem_ anyone has twitter here ?
03:31 tommmied joined ##javaee
03:43 pdurbin IRC is better :)
03:50 * cem_ i love this channel
03:50 * cem_ love this channel
03:50 pdurbin cem_: how's the sqlite going?
03:50 cem_ very very good
03:51 pdurbin cool
03:54 cem_ i may start with web next week i guess :)
03:57 pdurbin cem_: with java?
03:57 cem_ yes pdurbin
03:58 pdurbin cem_: tomcat and jsp?
03:59 cem_ yes ... I dont want to know them currently :)
04:07 pdurbin seems like a good place to start
04:13 sfisque joined ##javaee
04:14 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
05:46 dangertools joined ##javaee
07:06 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:58 sajjadg If I have a @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) annotated field in my entity, should the corresponding filed in DB be of type String or I can use a Enum in my DB?
09:07 sess sajjadg: there are two options for enums, string or number
09:07 sess there is no enum type in databases
09:07 sess either you store the ordinal (0,1,2,3 etc) or the name of the enum as a string
09:08 sess i see you specified string, so the database column should be a text type
09:08 sajjadg sess, PostgreSQL has a Enum type!
09:10 sess even so, you already told JPA it has the type "string"
09:10 sess or well if inserts in postgreSQL of enum columns are done via a string
09:10 sess it could work
09:11 sess reading up on it, an enum type might work in theory, but I don't really see the point of having the enum defined in both java and in the db
09:14 sajjadg sess, so I should define enum either in DB or in Entity not in both
09:14 sajjadg :-/
09:14 sess you definetly want the enum in java
09:15 sess i guess having the constraint in sql aswell would be useful to make sure no invalid enums are entered from other sources (manually entering for example)
09:15 sess just remember to keep it the type updated
09:16 sess making a constraint that column x must have value in ('enum1', 'enum2') would give the same effect i guess
09:18 sajjadg so I can have both of them if I want a double check on the valid data
09:19 sajjadg I don't have problem with double checking :)
09:19 sajjadg but it seems that I have problem with PG TYPE
09:19 sajjadg it's not TEXT :-/ or I am missing something in Entity
09:22 sess jpa might validate it and complain about invalid type
09:22 sess in that case just use a text type
09:22 sess whatever it is called in postgresql
09:24 sajjadg pg has both TEXT and VARCHAR type. so changing my enum in db to text will solve my problem or changing my entity enum type to String...
09:24 sajjadg sess, thanks man
09:46 sess np
09:47 sess sajjadg:
09:47 sess might contain useful info since he's trying to do the same thing as you
09:47 sess it seems like you need to define a custom @Type if you want to use the native type
09:54 sajjadg yeah. and their easiest solution is to map to a varchar
09:54 sajjadg and I did it and it worked
09:54 sajjadg for now I can move on
09:55 sajjadg I have validation a lot in my application. in client-side with angular and in business layer with controllers and models. I don't think I need more validation in DB
11:09 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:32 sfisque_p joined ##javaee
11:33 sajjadg how can I speed up automatic reload of tomcat when happens when a file changes?
11:51 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
11:54 pdurbin sajjadg: "Stop Redeploying, View Code Changes Instantly" --
11:55 pdurbin I've never used it but I've heard good things. I don't know if there is an open source equivalent.
11:55 sajjadg pdurbin, Is it free?
11:55 pdurbin no :(
11:55 sajjadg I heard about it too. but I can't buy it
11:55 sajjadg :(
11:56 pdurbin sajjadg: go find us an open source equivalent :)
11:56 sajjadg i'm on it
11:57 pdurbin nice
11:58 sajjadg JDK 8 is going to add something like that :D
11:58 sajjadg
11:58 sajjadg HotSpot VM
12:04 sajjadg and after all spring-loaded
12:07 sajjadg how expensive is jrebel
12:29 pdurbin sajjadg: wow, I'm busy helping my kids get ready for school and you're finding some great stuff
12:30 sajjadg pdurbin, how old are they?
12:30 sajjadg I love kids :)
12:30 pdurbin 7 and 4, both girls
12:32 sajjadg pdurbin, God Bless them and you
12:33 pdurbin thanks :)
12:33 pdurbin is that thing definitely going in Java 8?
12:36 sajjadg pdurbin, I don;t know exactly but I hope so
12:40 sajjadg pdurbin, a guy is suggesting to move to wildfly (renamed jboss) for better quality and speed!
12:45 sess sajjadg:  pdurbin: JRebel is awesome and awesomely expensive
12:45 sess at least tomcat deploy is quick
12:45 sess my jboss application takes almost 4 minutes to deploy
12:45 sajjadg sess, yeah I see
12:46 sess jrebel saves me like 30 min in a work day
12:46 sajjadg and what about redeployment?
12:46 sess same
12:46 tommmied joined ##javaee
13:15 jieryn joined ##javaee
13:15 jieryn joined ##javaee
13:16 pdurbin sess: wow. 4 minutes. I thought our app on glassfish took a while
13:17 pdurbin sess: so it's night and day with jrebel? you really like it?
13:17 sess i can not imagine coding without it anymore
13:17 sess i managed to get my manager to purchase it for our team
13:19 pdurbin hmm. "The Open source developer license is granted for non-commercial development of open-source projects. It can be requested here. We're happy to support folks working on open source projects." --
13:20 pdurbin "Rebel is distributed as an IDE plugin for all major IDEs - Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, JDeveloper."
13:20 pdurbin JRebel*
13:21 pdurbin sess: which IDE do you use? (not that it should matter)
13:21 pdurbin "JRebel supports all prominent application containers including Oracle Weblogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss AS, Oracle OC4J, Sun GlassFish, Tomcat and Jetty."
13:22 sess pdurbin: intellij IDEA
13:22 sess jrebel works at file level so IDE is irrelevant
13:22 sess you just add a command to the start script
13:22 sess then it monitors the source folders
13:22 sess the plugin doesnt really do much
13:25 pdurbin I bet this would be a good video for our environment (Netbeans and Glassfish): How to Get Started with JRebel in NetBeans IDE - YouTube -
13:30 sess only hard thing is setting up the rebel.xml
13:30 sess there are good maven plugins for it though
13:30 sess for ant projects it can be a bitch if the project is set up badly
13:30 pdurbin sess: the video is covering that... "Generate rebel.xml" from Netbeans
13:38 pdurbin jrebel seems very, very nice
13:43 * pdurbin spreads the word about the video:
13:49 pdurbin sess: thanks. good stuff
13:58 pdurbin on a related note, I was just listening to this on my ride in: :) ... tool sharpening... eliminating the annoyances that slow you down
13:59 pdurbin the guy makes a list throughout the day and then tackles an item or two first thing in the morning
14:18 cem_ joined ##javaee
14:22 Naros joined ##javaee
14:22 tommmied1 joined ##javaee
14:30 Quest joined ##javaee
14:46 SExJ joined ##javaee
14:49 SExJ joined ##javaee
14:51 cem_ konbanwa ##javaee
14:54 Naros What file upload API do you guys use in your web applications?
14:54 cem_ Hello
14:54 Naros Struts2 uses the apache commons fileupload api but it seems it has a limitation on maximumSize checks at the pre-parse stage
14:55 Naros if the maxSize > allowedSize, it doesn't parse the form parameters and basically my only option is to kick the user to a simple error screen with no access to any request-data.
14:55 Naros since the request-data gets lost :(
14:57 cem_ is max size is fixed ?
14:58 pdurbin Naros: file upload is built into the JSF in Java EE 7
14:58 Naros Oh
14:58 Naros Yah we're not using JSF
14:59 Naros cem_: no we can disable the initial pre-parse size check and do a post-parse size check.
14:59 Naros the issue is then we allow the user to potentially upload and fill up the tmp directory.
14:59 Naros since the parsing & size check happens after-the-fact.
15:00 cem_ its on Java EE 6 API
15:01 Naros I have a few options.
15:01 Naros 1) Replacing commons fileupload with a different implementation and plug struts into that.
15:01 Naros 2) Change the API to use the streaming API
15:01 Naros 3) Write my own.
15:03 Naros oh
15:03 Naros hm
15:03 cem_ Naros: do you support js
15:04 Naros We have to support both scenarios, with & without.
15:04 Naros But I probably can write my own interceptor that uses JavaEE i think
15:04 Naros behaves the same as the existing interceptor, but doesn't rely on file upload
15:05 cem_ hmmm
15:05 cem_ does this means you need to rewrite the whole file upload ?
15:06 pdurbin Naros: you're using Struts 2 rather than JSF?
15:06 Naros Yes.
15:06 cem_ no knowledge on framework (just sayin)
15:07 Naros cem_: We can probably use JavaEE's file upload stuff to parse the request and pass the data to the struts action
15:07 Naros I see this @MultipartConfig annotation, assume there should be some programatic equivalent.
15:09 Naros nvm, that would require upgrading to servlet 3.0
15:10 Naros We're still on 2.5 :/
15:11 cem_ oh!
15:11 cem_ this is bad
15:12 Naros why?
15:13 pdurbin no async in 2.5
15:15 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
15:22 Naros Anyway, I think I found what I need to do.  Create my own MultiPartRequest implementation, have struts use it instead and I should be good.
15:22 * Naros jets off to give it a test drive.
15:28 * cem_ with Wow wwwwww
15:38 sfisque1 why not just patch commons fileupload, naros?  it IS open source
15:39 Naros A patch was submitted but it breaks other functionality
15:39 Naros for the non-streaming api
15:39 Naros supposedly the streaming api works
15:39 Naros struts just hasn't ported to that api
15:39 Naros so i'm doing that and if it works, will submit that back to struts team :)
15:40 sfisque right, but you CAN just patch it for the non-streaming side and not submit the change (knowing that it might not work on the streaming side)
15:40 sfisque gotcha
15:40 Naros right, but that's my fallback if this doesn't work
15:40 sfisque damn you and your faster typing
15:40 Naros :P
15:40 sfisque :P
15:40 Naros just gotta get webwork to flippin see my multipart bean :E
15:41 Quest joined ##javaee
15:41 Naros It just doesn't seem to be using it :(
15:44 Naros lol, struts.multipart.parser vs struts.multipart.handler :E
15:44 Naros damn constant names
16:07 Naros anyway, looks like streaming api won't help
16:36 kobain joined ##javaee
16:43 pdurbin the SAML fun continues
16:46 Naros hehe
16:47 pdurbin I guess I should download Eclipse and see if I can get OIOSAML to build (with Gant). I'd like to add some more debug output and be able to navigate the code easier.
16:48 pdurbin I do have (uses OIOSAML) working with one institution's ADFS server, at least. Trying to get it working with another ADFS instance somewhere else.
16:53 sfisque you know they have a betty ford program for that, pdurbin
16:53 sfisque the "download eclipse" thing
16:53 sfisque :P
16:54 pdurbin I think intellij supports Gant too. The free version. I could download that first. I liked how Android Studio (based on intellij) looked.
16:55 pdurbin friends don't let friends use Gant
16:55 sfisque lolz
16:56 semiosis pdurbin: thx for the derby example link but i think i'm just going to drink the spring kool aid
16:57 semiosis pdurbin: need to refactor the app to use DI anyway, so going to wire it up with spring framework, then add in spring data jpa with HSQLDB
16:58 * sfisque starts calling betty ford clinic
16:58 semiosis sfisque: ?
16:59 sfisque being silly.
16:59 pdurbin semiosis: interesting. embedded derby seems more... simple, I guess. but ok
17:00 pdurbin semiosis: KISS ;)
17:00 sfisque if he's using jpa, doesnt really matter about what db, though
17:00 sfisque comes down to what kind of boilerplate he's got
17:00 pdurbin overheard: "The MS hotfix system states it is down..."
17:00 sfisque lolz
17:01 pdurbin fml
17:01 sfisque the words "hot" and "fix" should never be uttered in sentences congtaining "microsoft"
17:01 semiosis spring has first class support for derby hsqldb & h2, but hsqldb is their first choice, and at first glance it appears to have durability features i'd need
17:01 semiosis wasn't as easy to find out about durability of derby or h2
17:01 pdurbin who needs durability? ;)
17:01 sfisque we just need pdurbinability
17:01 sfisque :P
17:01 semiosis ha
17:01 pdurbin there you go :)
17:02 pdurbin hillbillypdurbinability
17:03 pdurbin in other OIOSAML news, my post on their forum was useful to someone:
17:05 Naros sfisque: hotfix which quickly hotbreaks something else :/
17:06 pdurbin and requires a reboot
17:06 Naros which often requires another reboot
17:06 Naros and then a reformat :3
17:07 sfisque followed by a sacrefice of at least 100 aol cd platters in a microwafe
17:07 Naros Reminds me of Monopoly, don't pass go and don't collect your $200.  Just go directly to jail.
17:07 sfisque :-D
17:08 Naros So interesting tid bit.  Using the streaming API, just don't allow commons fileupload to check the content sizes and do it yourself, everyone wins!
17:08 Naros and since it's the streaming api, no concerns about memory overflow
17:11 semiosis Naros: how about servlet 3?
17:11 Naros we haven't made the leap to S3 yet.
17:11 Naros We're still on S2.5
17:11 semiosis ah
17:12 semiosis we made the leap specifically for multipart support
17:12 Naros Weird tho, not sure why I didn't move to servlet 3.0
17:12 Naros Now would be the ideal time to do it given the rewrite.
17:13 Naros Tomcat7 is Servlet3 compliant
17:13 semiosis right
17:13 Naros hrm
17:14 Naros Oh I see why :P
17:14 Naros I saw 3.0 was in beta on Nexus.
17:14 Naros they repackaged as javax.servlet-api rather than servlet-api me thinks.
17:23 Naros eclipse doesn't like multipart-config tho
17:30 Naros semiosis: any thoughts on why multipart-config in web.xml would give me a cvc-complex-type.2.4.a invalid content problem even when using 3.0?
17:31 semiosis update the web.xml schema to 3.0
17:31 Naros i did
17:31 Naros
17:31 semiosis <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
17:31 semiosis thats mine
17:32 Naros ah; it was xmlns :P
17:32 Naros fixed,ty.
17:32 semiosis yw
17:36 cem_ joined ##javaee
17:59 Naros semiosis: any pointers of what i should check as to why request.getParts() size is 0?
18:00 Naros it is multipart/form-data
18:03 semiosis method is POST or PUT?
18:04 semiosis not GET
18:05 Naros looks like @MultpartConfig is required and it must be a servlet.
18:05 Naros Dont think this is going to work with Struts2
18:06 Naros can trigger the container (tomcat) with allowCasualMultipartParsing=true (default=false) to have the request.getParts() always parse mp/form-data
18:07 semiosis idk about struts, i use jax-rs/jersey
18:07 semiosis you may need some kind of connector
18:11 Naros I think laxing the container requirement inevitability would be the same as having commons-fileupload use the stream api and i do the file size checks.
18:11 Naros appears the memory footprint is identical, its more or less "who" is parsing the mime content.
18:36 nb-ben_h joined ##javaee
18:37 pdurbin sfisque: pick up the phone, I might need to download Eclipse :(
18:38 sfisque ROFL
18:38 sfisque stop me!  stop me!  oh my godz!! i can't stop my self!!!!
18:39 pdurbin this means it's an Eclipse project, right?
18:39 sfisque yah
18:39 * pdurbin weeps
18:39 sfisque .project has that "smell" to it
18:41 pdurbin being on Mac and Linux I don't like seeing "groovy-2.1.6-installer.exe" in the GANT instructions:
18:42 SoniEx2 my eclipse projects usually work without eclipse
18:42 pdurbin oh, look at that... a reference to JCE. Now I know what that is :)
18:43 sfisque lolz..  what you're on a mac?  well, let me point you to our "7 year old non-windows install page" because F*** Y**.
18:43 pdurbin :)
18:43 pdurbin I'm sure these guys are very nice. They're from Europe or something.
18:44 sfisque LAWL
18:50 Naros bah you eclipse haters :3
18:50 pdurbin maybe i'll love it
18:53 semiosis idea
18:53 sfisque jedit!
18:53 sfisque vi!
18:53 * pdurbin loves vi
18:53 sfisque punch cards!
18:54 * sfisque will admit that he loves vi, too
18:54 pdurbin probably best to use the same tools the project is already using
18:54 semiosis those hipsters with their macbook pro retinas running fullscreen tmux with 4 vi sessions
18:55 sfisque one day, for sh*ts and giggles, i'm going to log into #console at work and just use tty and screen just to F with peeps
20:36 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:45 jieryn joined ##javaee
21:06 acuzio tmux haa
21:06 acuzio real men just use block fonts with ttys
21:08 pdurbin +1
21:20 sfisque printer + keyboard over 110 audible coupler
21:22 pdurbin urn:oid:
21:22 pdurbin sorry, wrong window ;)
21:23 pdurbin for the curious:
21:28 sfisque anyone here ever switch a NB ee project from ee5 -> ee6 without hacking the conf files.  i cannot find a trivial way to switch it over
21:28 whartung yen I've not done that
21:28 sfisque or closing the project and building a new project and moving the files into the new project sandbox
21:29 sfisque you'd think something like that would be "easy"  :-(
21:31 whartung yea
21:31 whartung no, project shenanigans in NB are Drama
21:31 sfisque ok.  off i go into the woods.
21:31 * sfisque picks up a machete and hops out the window
21:31 whartung don't forget your jerky!
21:31 sfisque :-D
21:33 * pdurbin throws ADFS out the window
21:33 whartung don't forget to throw some jerky after it...
21:58 zoot Ping Connection Pool failed for dsfsdfs. Connection could not be allocated because: The server does not support SSL. Please check the server.log for more details.
21:59 zoot i can't get glassfish to talk ssl to postgre :(
22:00 whartung sounds like a PG issue
22:00 zoot it works in embedded mode :S
22:02 sfisque maybe JCE needs to be upgraded?  is the JVM running GF have a JCE install that is compatible with the postgresql install?
22:02 whartung seems…remote
22:05 zoot i'm starting to think it is a java vm/classpath issue
22:06 sfisque not sure that's it, because glassfish does support SSL out of the box
22:07 sfisque at least web ssl, not sure about datasource/resources
22:09 pdurbin beer thirty
22:10 sfisque it's only 10 after the hour
22:12 whartung I can't see it really mattering (save for the potential JCE issue) since the only required jar should be the PG jdbc driver, and it should rely on the JRE for all of the other SSL needed classes. After that, it's configure the JDBC URL properly.
22:13 zoot do i need to manually add the jdbc driver to the glassfish domain?
22:14 whartung of course
22:15 zoot i droped it into C:\Program Files\glassfish-\glassfis​h\domains\domain1\lib\databases
22:16 zoot is that correct?
22:18 whartung I dunno
22:18 whartung I've always used the lib/ext
22:18 sfisque move it up a notch .  i've found drivers dont load properly if they are not at the top lvel
22:18 sfisque drop it in domain1/lib
22:18 sfisque hopefully thats fixed in 4.x
22:24 zoot no change
22:25 whartung well you would be getting different errors if it couldn't find the pg jar
22:26 sfisque does the jdbc driver support ssl connections?
22:27 zoot i'm using the same driver in both modes
22:27 zoot basicly, it works on commandline and not from netbeans
22:34 whartung you mean it works from the ccommand line for a simple java program but not from glassfish?
22:34 whartung or
22:34 whartung asadmin deploy thing.war works, but Deploy from NB does not
22:43 zoot Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The server does not support SSL.
22:44 zoot i'm using a embedded glassfish from commandline
23:03 whartung see, that tells me it's a PG jar version problem or a configuration problem on PG
23:05 zoot i'm using the same driver... i hope
23:06 zoot <version>9.0-801.jdbc4</version>
23:07 whartung just going off what it says. I've not used SSL for PG.
23:07 whartung I have faith in my OPS team and their firewalls. :)
23:08 zoot i'm using heroku, free host :P
23:22 zoot just created a new domain, and still no luck :(
23:40 zoot i think i solved it
23:41 zoot it might be that i'm connecting to localhost instead of the server i have set using the url property
23:42 sfisque dun dun dunnnnnnnn
23:53 zoot works!
23:59 sfisque \o/

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