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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-10-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:29 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
01:24 vtx joined ##javaee
01:44 jdr joined ##javaee
02:38 scripty joined ##javaee
02:38 scripty howdy
02:38 scripty ?????????
03:00 sfisque greets
04:13 Guest85311 joined ##javaee
05:03 scripty how to get halfOp
05:03 scripty here
05:10 Quest perform well, you get what you deserve
06:12 scripty joined ##javaee
06:26 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:26 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:44 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
06:51 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
09:30 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
10:24 pdurbin how can you get a list of nicks that can become an operator in this channel?
10:48 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
11:00 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
11:03 scripty joined ##javaee
11:03 scripty I cant believe most of my work are Crappy :(
11:05 scripty Worst Coder :(
11:22 pdurbin nobody knows? I did google for it. not immediately clear how to get a list of who can op for a particular channel on freenode
11:23 pdurbin or maybe it's supposed to be a secret?
11:25 scripty huh ?
11:27 acuzio pdurbin: the command for the list of ops depends on the irc client -  each one has its own
11:27 acuzio pdurbin: just that tjsnell can be an Op anywhere on Freenode
11:33 pdurbin acuzio: hmm, ok. I use weechat. And you think it'll show who *can* op not just who the current ops are (which I can always see in the sidebar)
11:40 pdurbin this is what I wanted: /msg ChanServ access ##javaee list
11:43 scripty_ joined ##javaee
11:49 pdurbin "The access list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or access to ChanServ commands on the channel." --
11:53 neuro_sys -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Added template pdurbin with flags +A in ##javaee.
11:53 neuro_sys What else do you need?
11:54 neuro_sys ah wrong command
11:54 neuro_sys hah
11:54 neuro_sys hold on
11:54 SoniEx2 neuro_sys: eh... I think you may be doing something wrong... it's /chanserv flags ##javaee *!*@* +A
11:54 SoniEx2 I mean I think that's the command
11:56 neuro_sys Flags +A were set on *!*@* in ##javaee.
11:56 neuro_sys alright try it out
11:57 SoniEx2 yeah I can see the flags...
12:32 Quest joined ##javaee
12:32 Quest how do usually, the file sharing/transfer is made in applications like skype, whatsapp etc.     the user sends the file by normal buffered byte stream to server and the server sends the stream to the other end? (ignoring that some skype servers first try to make direct connection between clients. we can ignore it for now.) but the concept is same for all types of files like audio, video, image and docs? buffered byte stream?
12:33 neuro_sys that it's being buffered is irrelevant, it's only an optimization on the clients. It's about internal buffering/caching.
12:34 neuro_sys But I believe there's more to file transfer than simply sending a stream of bytes, as in chunking, opening multiple sockets etc.
12:35 neuro_sys I hear a lot about rsync that which people look into as an example
12:35 neuro_sys wow my english is broken today
12:38 neuro_sys remote file transmission gotta be utilizing compression, crc, chunking, diff deltas and a bunch of other stuff I imagine
12:39 neuro_sys you can always open a socket, and dump the whole byte stream though.
12:39 * scripty_ emacs is soooo sexy why i didnt use in Corp :(
12:42 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
12:44 neuro_sys Oh, and obviously you need a custom protocol to do any kind of file transmission.
12:46 neuro_sys unless it's a totaly dummy file sharing app, in which case you can use telnet/netcat and pipes instead.
12:47 Quest hm
12:48 Quest its not dummy
12:48 Quest neuro_sys,  some one said. dreamreal> Quest: no, unbuffered bytestreams, far less ram usage
12:48 neuro_sys oh right, buffered byte stream would take the whole file into heap
12:48 neuro_sys not a good idea
12:49 Quest so non-buffered
12:49 neuro_sys got to write it to disk in small buffered chunks is better probably
12:49 neuro_sys but you can optimize things later
12:49 Quest k
12:50 Quest hm
12:50 Quest neuro_sys,  sockets and streams then are the options with a custom like protocol
12:50 neuro_sys yeah, pretty much
12:50 neuro_sys open a socket, handshake with the sender/receiver via your protocol
12:51 Quest hm
12:51 neuro_sys and dump the bytes as part of your protocol scheme I think
12:51 Quest each file would be transfered by same way? irrespective of its type as image, doc, video etc
12:52 Quest user uploads file to server,  the other client downloads it from server
12:52 neuro_sys yeah, it's a bit stream
12:52 neuro_sys the only distinction I remember is that of ascii vs. binary in FTP protocol
12:52 Quest neuro_sys,  no special treatments? like i remember that i had to do some "multi part" thing while i uploaded images
12:53 neuro_sys multi part is an HTTP spec, so unless you're using HTTP, you don't need it
12:53 neuro_sys (not an expert on this, only speculating)
12:54 neuro_sys you can improve your protocol with additional data as per file that you're transferring to provide features such as continuing from where left off and stuff I guess
12:55 Quest neuro_sys,  ok. just for info (I wont use HTTP as it adds additional layer than simple sockets). in HTTP every file type needs special treatment? like multipart for image and some else for video and so on?
12:55 neuro_sys also sorry for the english
12:56 Quest its better than mine
12:56 Quest and your speculation is correct
12:56 neuro_sys sorry, brb
12:56 Fubar^ A buffered stream doesn't keep the whole file in the heap. Why would anyone think that?
12:56 Quest last comment. its wise to make the 2 clients transfer file directly without involving the server too much? that will include firewall and ping checking, etc
12:57 Quest Fubar^,  it wouuld make some part in the ram. and if theres too much file transfers. problem for server.
12:57 Fubar^ Yes, you have a buffer. But even a small buffer would make for a big performance gain
12:58 Quest Fubar^, hm..
12:58 Quest <dreamreal> Quest: no, unbuffered bytestreams, far less ram usage
12:58 Quest <dreamreal> much better for high load systems
12:58 Quest <dreamreal> everyone else: shhh
12:58 Quest Fubar^,  you can discuss that in ##java with him. I would be interested if you are interested
12:59 Quest I mean, if you do.
12:59 Quest Fubar^,  so the performance gain is more than the ram usage problem.
13:00 Quest I hope it wont use too much ram if many transfers are there in one time.      I would make a small global byte[] for all streams then. sensable?
13:00 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
13:00 Fubar^ You can't share a buffer between streams
13:01 Quest share?
13:01 Quest ya ya. sure. i meant byte [] bArray = (someConstant)
13:01 Quest i meant small global byte[] == constant
13:02 Quest the size i meant.
13:02 Quest small and changeable for all the application
13:02 Quest just a thought
13:03 Fubar^ If you get such a huge amount of simultaneous transfers that the amount of heap used for buffers is to big, you should probably do a p2p solution
13:04 Quest Fubar^,  for the buffer thing
13:04 Quest the OS already includes a buffer for network traffic
13:04 neuro_sys unless you flush it, it'll grow big
13:04 Fubar^ And if you use a buffered stream or write byte[]-buffers to an unbuffered stream is essentially the same thing
13:05 Fubar^ neuro_sys: the buffer size is fixed
13:05 neuro_sys sorry, yes
13:06 Quest its the user that fixes the size for each transfer
13:06 Quest ?
13:08 Quest brb in some hours
13:08 Quest thx for discussing
13:14 pleroma joined ##javaee
13:17 Naros joined ##javaee
13:21 Naros_ joined ##javaee
13:22 acuzio any ops here ?
13:27 Naros_ Whats up acuzio?
13:30 acuzio Naros: you are not on ##java are you ?
13:30 Naros Generally, no.
13:31 Naros I lurk here and in the hibernate and game development channels mostly.
13:31 acuzio Ok
13:33 Naros Did you need something specific acuzio/
13:35 acuzio Was just wondering if tjsnell is banned from here ?
13:36 Naros I know I hadn't banned him, I just removed the bans he inappropriately placed on people in this channel.  Let me check.
13:37 acuzio he banned a few is it ?
13:37 Naros I don't see anything that resembles tj
13:37 Naros Yep, he applied two bans before he kicked sess and Quest and left the channel yesterday.
13:37 acuzio waz?
13:37 Naros Yah
13:37 Naros Which imo is inappropriate and childish behavior.
13:38 acuzio come on then - what was the story ?
13:38 Naros That's like having a kid get angry and throw something across the room just cause.  It solves nothing :P
13:38 acuzio but Quest has banned like a dozen people or so - hasnt he ?
13:38 Naros Others had a differing opinion from his own and he took it personal.
13:39 Naros afaik, Quest created the channel and thus imo can ban who he pleases :P
13:40 Naros In either case, as I said I see nothing that indicates tj is banned from here.
13:40 Naros That isn't to say someone else hadn't banned him before I jumped on and removed the ban.
13:40 acuzio hmmm  ok
13:54 * scripty_ I cant believe i started a war on FP vs OO
13:54 * scripty_ :D
13:54 Naros hehe
13:55 Naros seen that war multiple times :P
13:58 acuzio it comes from a fundamental deficiency of grey cells among the participants
14:04 Naros_ joined ##javaee
14:13 scripty joined ##javaee
14:25 * scripty this is the first channel who gave OP for a noob
14:26 * scripty i like this professional free talk :P
14:26 acuzio scripty: what ?
14:28 neuro_sys lol
14:37 scripty acuzio ??
14:46 * scripty is away: I'm busy
14:50 * scripty is away: I'm busy
14:50 * sfisque looks around the room to see why the accoustics are producing an echo
14:57 mbc joined ##javaee
15:01 scripty lol
15:01 scripty need to change settings :P
15:01 scripty 1 sec
15:03 scripty changed
15:07 radditz joined ##javaee
15:07 radditz hello
15:07 radditz I was banned from #java, I wish to get unbanned
15:07 radditz can someone assist me?
15:09 acuzio radditz: ask tjsnell ?
15:10 radditz acuzio: he no longer responds to me
15:10 radditz he was the one that unjustly banned me
15:11 SoniEx2 radditz: don't go on ##java
15:11 SoniEx2 just don't
15:12 radditz SoniEx2: and where should I go then?
15:12 acuzio radditz: or that ^^
15:12 acuzio this channel
15:12 radditz less people
15:12 SoniEx2 #gaygeeks
15:12 SoniEx2 :3
15:12 radditz is anyone here capable of unbanning me?
15:14 acuzio the only person who can is tjsnell
15:14 radditz what if he ignored me?
15:15 radditz I need someone to reason with him
15:15 radditz can you do that acuzio ?
15:15 SoniEx2 you can try memoserv but that'll probably get you k-lined
15:15 SoniEx2 so don't
15:15 radditz what is memoserv?
15:15 Naros grrr why can't glassfish find my SQLServer driver :3
15:16 tjsnell joined ##javaee
15:17 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
15:18 radditz acuzio: are you willing to assist me?
15:18 acuzio radditz: assist you in what way ?
15:19 acuzio memoserv is one way to go
15:19 radditz acuzio: in talking with someone about my ban
15:19 radditz you can go in the channel no?
15:20 Naros radditz: this isn't the place to be discussing bans, please take it to a private channel or private discussions.
15:20 acuzio yeah listen to Naros or you might get kickbanned from here as well
15:20 radditz Naros: it wasn't any ban, it was an unjustified ban
15:20 radditz oh wow
15:20 radditz acuzio: all I ask is for your help, will you do this?
15:21 Naros I'm just saying we don't control #java, and any issues you have with that channel should be taken up with the ops over there.
15:21 radditz ok
15:21 radditz I am just waiting for acuzio reply
15:21 acuzio radditz: what am i supposed to do ?
15:22 radditz acuzio: go in theer and ask someone if they can unban me? or what can I do to get unbbanned?
15:23 radditz wow it worked acuzio
15:23 radditz thank you
15:27 acuzio radditz: yw#
15:27 radditz acuzio: ?
15:29 radditz left ##javaee
15:30 scripty why people cant use great forum like stackoverflow :?
15:44 pdurbin I do, some:
15:45 pdurbin y u no work, mvn deploy:deploy-file?
15:49 SoniEx2 you know I love <Stuff>Buffers
15:51 SoniEx2 ByteBuffer bb = new ByteBuffer(); ShortBuffer sb = bb.asShortBuffer(); <stuff>; byte[] data = bb.array();
16:05 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:08 semiosis
16:34 pdurbin semiosis: nice write up. I like that he included code
16:40 whartung heh I was just looking at taht
16:40 whartung I just now clicked on it
16:40 whartung Ther's still a JavaME?
16:56 * pdurbin lets the Scala guy know about parallelStream in Java 8: [TechTalkFollowup] Scala slides and files online -
16:56 kobain joined ##javaee
17:00 sfisque joined ##javaee
17:15 SoniEx2 why can't I have "jump arrays" in java?
17:15 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky jump array
17:15 javaeebot pdurbin:
17:17 SoniEx2 basically a relative address array with a piece of code to load a pointer from that array and jump to that address
17:17 SoniEx2 something you do in assembly which would be useful for writing emulators in java
17:19 SoniEx2 (some ppl just find it cool to have large switch blocks)
17:19 SoniEx2 s/large/huge/
17:41 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:00 sfisque what you describe is usually referred to as a "vector table" soniex2
18:00 SoniEx2 oh ok
18:00 SoniEx2 why can't I have that in java?
18:00 sfisque where a "vector" is an address that is used as the target of a JSR or similar instruction
18:00 sfisque you can
18:01 SoniEx2 no I can not
18:01 SoniEx2 I mean
18:01 SoniEx2 large switches don't get compiled into that
18:02 sfisque ArrayList<Interface that defines a single method>  vList;  vList.add( instance_of_Interface );   vList.get( x ).method_defined_in_interface( arguments );
18:02 sfisque done that a bajillion times
18:02 SoniEx2 but that's not inline
18:02 sfisque then wait for 8 and you can do List<some_closure>();
18:03 sfisque remember, before 8, Functions are not top level objects
18:03 SoniEx2 I know :/
18:10 preview javaeebot: you're nice
18:10 javaeebot preview: Error: "you're" is not a valid command.
18:10 sfisque javaeebot lucky you're nice
18:10 javaeebot sfisque:
18:10 sfisque rofl
18:11 preview dating advice...for the enterprise
18:11 sfisque isnt that what copier rooms and supply closets are for?
18:11 preview heyo
18:12 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky vector table
18:12 javaeebot pdurbin:
18:12 preview can I get a list of javaeebot's abilities?
18:12 sfisque ask pdurbin, i believe it's his bot
18:12 SoniEx2 javaeebot lucky java vector table
18:12 javaeebot SoniEx2:
18:12 SoniEx2 ¬_¬
18:12 SoniEx2 wait I'm doing that wrong...
18:12 SoniEx2 javaeebot lucky java "vector table"
18:12 javaeebot SoniEx2:
18:12 pdurbin javaeebot: list
18:12 javaeebot pdurbin: Admin, Channel, Config, Google, Later, Misc, Owner, and User
18:12 SoniEx2 eh :/
18:12 sfisque probably strips the quotes
18:13 pdurbin preview: see "list" output
18:13 sfisque javaeebot lucky java 'vector table'
18:13 javaeebot sfisque:
18:13 preview pdurbin: thanks
18:13 sfisque rofl
18:13 * sfisque bonks javaeebot
18:13 SoniEx2 javaeebot lucky java \"vector table\"
18:13 javaeebot SoniEx2:
18:13 SoniEx2 ¬_¬
18:14 SoniEx2 javaeebot lucky "javaeebot sucks"
18:14 javaeebot SoniEx2: Google found nothing.
18:14 SoniEx2 well it works
18:14 preview SoniEx2: to prevent against SQL injection
18:15 SoniEx2 it gives no results if you have quotes
18:15 SoniEx2 javaeebot lucky javaeebot sucks
18:15 javaeebot SoniEx2: Google found nothing.
18:15 SoniEx2 eh... what?
18:16 SoniEx2 it works for me O_o
18:16 SoniEx2 someone refresh javaeebot's cache
18:17 cem_ joined ##javaee
18:17 cem_ hi
18:18 cem_ when to use nio ?
18:19 cem_ and when not ?
18:19 sfisque when you need non-blocking io?
18:19 sfisque open sockets
18:19 SoniEx2 do you know when I use NIO?
18:19 SoniEx2 when messing with audio
18:19 SoniEx2 because ByteBuffer and ShortBuffer
18:21 SoniEx2 (my code makes shorts, so I put them through a ShortBuffer that's backed by a ByteBuffer, then I do .array() on the ByteBuffer and feed that into SourceDataLine.write())
18:21 cem_ ican use it for all i mean i need io to be non-blocking
18:22 cem_ sorry for my english
18:25 cem_ thanks SoniEx2  sfisque
18:42 semiosis SoniEx2: curious, what kind of audio processing are you doing in java?
18:42 SoniEx2 semiosis: trying to write a YM2612 emulator
18:43 semiosis why?
18:44 SoniEx2 well more like a simulator... but w/e...
18:51 pdurbin part of I think
18:52 SoniEx2
18:53 SoniEx2 also I only use SourceDataLines for testing...
18:55 scripty hmm your streak is fine
18:56 SoniEx2 also yes I know I'm doing that output DAC wrong...
19:06 scripty scripty is stupid NOOB
19:09 scripty lua  multi-paradigm programming language  ?
19:10 scripty multi-paradigm***
19:13 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
19:17 scripty joined ##javaee
19:19 scripty Bye javaee
19:27 pdurbin I was so excited about Maven but it's already killing me.
19:27 sfisque maven is an acquired taste
19:29 semiosis maven <3
19:29 pdurbin this is a run-on sentence: Failure to find xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01 in was cached in the local repository
19:30 sfisque w1n!
19:30 semiosis pdurbin: not really
19:31 pdurbin semiosis: the failure was cached?
19:31 semiosis yes
19:31 semiosis exactly
19:31 pdurbin hmm
19:31 semiosis "Failure to find xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01 in" is the subject
19:31 pdurbin orly
19:36 semiosis pdurbin: are you using nexus?
19:36 semiosis i get that sort of error when nexus isnt configured right
19:37 pdurbin semiosis: no but I asked the ops guys if they'd be willing to set it up
19:38 pdurbin I'm looking at at the groupId "xml-apis" ... I'm not sure why the error is for a groupId of "xerces"
19:39 pdurbin this error (after I clear the failure): Could not resolve dependencies for project Could not find artifact xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01 in central (
19:39 * pdurbin suspects this might be hard to follow
19:40 semiosis your IDE should have a maven dependency resolver tool that allows you to review all the transitive dependencies of a pom
19:40 semiosis that will probably help
19:42 preview_ joined ##javaee
19:43 Naros heh, just migrated from MyEclipse10 to 2013 and the maven support seems far more seamless which I highly would recommend to others.
19:44 pdurbin semiosis: hmm. but I know you don't use netbeans, like I do
19:45 semiosis slowly moving from eclipse to idea
19:45 pdurbin semiosis: how are you liking idea?
19:45 sfisque has the "free" version of idea improved much?  the last time i tried it out (i like the pay version) it was horrible
19:46 Naros the free one won't work with javaee stuffs far as I could tell
19:46 semiosis pdurbin: love it
19:47 pdurbin Naros: right. from what I could tell too
19:47 pdurbin semiosis: cool
19:47 Naros I tried to wire Tomcat up to it and zomgz, didn't seem intuitive
19:47 Naros I noticed MyEclipse 2013 supports TomEE now for true JavaEE deployment.   Just wish it supported GF4.
19:48 sfisque last time i bought a license, was like v6, which is ancient.  i can say, the v6 refactory tools were still better than anything i've seen to date.  i tried the v9 community edition and it was terrible.
19:49 semiosis i also do a lot of php html & javascript and phpstorm (based on intellij platform) is lightyears ahead of the rest
19:49 Naros sfisque: I need to pick your brain sometime this week, not today on getting my feet wet with GF4.  I had a JDBC connection pool setup but for whatever reason I couldn't look it up using JNDI from the app :/
19:49 Naros But the code works fine under Tomcat7, *shrugs*
19:49 sfisque i havent played with 4 yet.  we use here in production and i use jboss 5.x at home
19:49 Naros Ah
19:50 sfisque i'd LOVE to moev to 4 but getting prod to move up from 3.1.2 to was like pulling teeth using remote sensing and the patient was somewhere in orbit around saturn
19:51 * sfisque hopes that image was clear
19:51 sfisque :P
19:51 sfisque corp wants us to move to Tomcat+spring+mybatis
19:51 * sfisque looks for a corner to vomit in
19:52 semiosis sfisque: re idea, i tried idea a few times over the years but never liked it more than eclipse until v 12
19:52 semiosis when they added realtime compilation
19:52 sfisque i've never thought eclipse had anything on idea, other than price
19:53 sfisque like comparing a mazarati and a volkswagon
19:53 semiosis by that analogy, what's netbeans?
19:53 pdurbin so for the log... the fix was to change opensaml from 2.5.1 to 2.5.1-1 in pom.xml
19:54 sfisque a volvo - not as sexy, but it gives me what i need
19:56 pdurbin Naros: we're trying to move to glassfish 4
19:59 cem_ hi pdurbin  sfisque
19:59 cem_ is there any project i can participate in ?
20:00 pdurbin cem_: :)
20:01 cem__ joined ##javaee
20:01 cem__ pdurbin i'm newbie is that okay ?
20:02 pdurbin cem__: sure. come ask questions in #dvn:
20:06 pdurbin ha ha! take that, maven!
20:10 cem__ ???????
20:10 cem__ #dvn is EMPTY
20:10 cem__ oh wrong
20:10 cem__ i went to #dvn:
20:12 pdurbin nice
20:28 sfisque javaeebot lucky dvn harvard
20:28 javaeebot sfisque:
20:29 pdurbin \o/
20:40 sfisque so, in a nutshell, what is a "dataverse"?
20:40 semiosis one line from a datasong
20:40 sfisque rofl
20:41 cem__ No luck :(
20:41 sfisque or a datasonnet?
20:41 semiosis precisely
20:41 sfisque so if i cluster dataverses, i'd have a datapoem or a dataepic?
20:41 semiosis naturally
20:42 pdurbin semiosis: here's my write up of what a dataverse is:
20:43 pdurbin whartung: making progress with OIOSAML. starting to merge some of the contributed code into our app
20:43 whartung cool
20:44 sfisque so basically a DSaaS?  (datastore as a service)?
20:44 pdurbin auth against the IdP at seems to be working
20:44 pdurbin sfisque: never heard of that but sure :)
20:44 sfisque i just made it up
20:44 sfisque :-)
20:44 pdurbin sfisque: free data hosting for researchers. and some visualization and statistical analysis tools
20:44 * sfisque marks off another square on his buzzword-bingo-card
20:44 pdurbin sfisque: a DOI for your data, if that means anything to you :)
20:45 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky doi identifier
20:45 javaeebot pdurbin:
20:45 cem__ I'm sorry pdurbin
20:45 pdurbin cem__: about what?
20:45 cem__ I couldnt become part of dvn
20:46 pdurbin cem__: oh, you said hi at least: :)
20:46 * pdurbin goes to pick up kids
20:46 NotYourBusiness joined ##javaee
20:47 cem__ Any project out there where they allow newbies ?
20:48 sfisque anyone versed in the REST api that GF exposes MXBeans through?  i cannot seem to find if/where GF exposes "our" mxbeans via REST.
20:48 semiosis cem__: what are you looking for?
20:48 cem__ semiosis: some open source project in java area
20:48 semiosis for what purpose?
20:49 semiosis whats your goal?
20:49 cem__ just to have  fun
20:51 cem__ ?
20:53 semiosis cem__: best way to get involved in an open source project, in my opinion, is to add to something you already use and are familiar with
20:57 SoniEx2 cem__: #nbx
20:58 cem__ semiosis: Yes
21:07 whartung I don't think it exposes random MBeans sfisque
21:11 sfisque well, that's poop
21:11 sfisque forces me to fire up jvisualvm
21:11 * sfisque sighs
21:15 hoe joined ##javaee
21:22 scripty joined ##javaee
21:23 cem__ let me know if someone starts a project
21:24 scripty Hey Guys
21:26 scripty hi cem__
21:26 scripty join #hhm
21:27 Naros so something seems to be escaping me.  form submitted via post handles utf-8 just fine.  but when in get mode, it gives me the non-utf8 multi-byte value
21:32 cem__ hi
21:33 Naros hello
21:33 cem__ i'm leaving :(
21:33 cem__ left ##javaee
21:33 Naros lol
21:34 scripty :/
21:34 sfisque what gives you the mb value?  naros
21:35 Naros well for one, struts isn't getting it correctly to do the query
21:35 Naros so its either a browser submission issue or a tomcat issue
21:35 sfisque locale?
21:36 Naros locale is en_US but these foreign characters work fine when using form submitted via method="post"
21:36 Naros just not under method="get"
21:36 sfisque get is going to escape any wierd chars, post should be treating them as an opaque stream
21:37 Naros right so a chinese character via a get is going to always be broken?
21:37 sfisque is the server side doing the necessary conversions to recover the character(s)?
21:38 Naros Hm.
21:38 sfisque url-encoding can do wonky things to non-english values
21:38 scripty he left :/ i had a wanted person for a html 5 errrr
21:40 scripty i felt url-encoding is better
21:40 scripty oops
21:40 Naros yah i see descriptions[0]=廣 in the url in the browser
21:40 Naros i guess its just getting whacked server side
21:41 Naros let me see
21:41 sfisque i would guess it's the opposite.  it's NOT getting "unwhacked" on the server side
21:41 Naros :P
21:41 sfisque browser url-encodes it, server gets it, and barfs
21:41 scripty how about you encode in different format
21:42 sfisque urlencoding is standard
21:42 sfisque but i'm not knowledgable on how it encodes mbyte glyphs
21:42 Naros yah during the get operation, its not what the server expects.
21:42 scripty encode > url encoding > server side
21:42 sfisque a good exercise for a small void main() program
21:43 Naros But taking the value and manually converting it to UTF8 looks like it might work.
21:43 Naros which means I gotta write a stupid interceptor :E
21:43 sfisque the issue scripty is it's already doing that, but i'm guessing there is a missing "explicit" step because he's consuming mbyte glyphs in a utf-8 app
21:43 * sfisque nods to naros
21:43 Naros Yah I think I was expecting to get the values handed to me in UTF8 format, but in the case of GET I am not.
21:44 sfisque i'm guessing you ARE getting them but the app does not know how to map a utf-16 (mbyte) to a utf-8 (sbyte) glyph
21:45 sfisque hence you're interceptor seems like the logical approach
21:45 scripty should he mention what type of decoder it must use ?
21:45 sfisque detect non-utf-8 stream, inject conversion, return to normally broadcasted show
21:47 sfisque url-decoding is part of the servlet spec.  i'm guessing what's happending is the client is submitting a 2-byte glyph, it gets url-encoded as two separate bytes, and the server is not "putting them back together" as a single glyph
21:47 Naros but if the document encoding is utf8, just not sure why gets wouldn't follow utf8 encoding too.
21:47 sfisque it is, but that char is 16bit, so you get two bytes and the utf-8 handler doesnt know to "put them back together"
21:48 sfisque i admit, i'm guessing, since i do not know the details of ur app, but that is my best guess
21:49 * scripty nods
21:49 Naros is there an easier way than trying to fumble with the interceptor to translate the input?
21:49 sfisque javaeebot lucky url encoding multibyte detecting
21:49 javaeebot sfisque:
21:50 sfisque i'm guessing there might be a "indicator character" to indicate mbyte expansion
21:50 scripty YU sfisque
21:50 sfisque YU?
21:50 scripty TU
21:50 scripty for the link
21:51 sfisque oh, lolz, np.  thank javaeebot.  he does the heavy lifting :P
21:51 sfisque or she, i havent asked
21:51 sfisque or looked under the hood
21:51 sfisque %uxxxx
21:52 sfisque but that is beyond the standard
21:52 scripty i just worked on kanji before i use to convert into base64
21:52 sfisque NSI: There exists a non-standard encoding for Unicode characters: %uxxxx, where xxxx is a Unicode value represented as four hexadecimal digits. This behavior is not specified by any RFC and has been by the W3C. The third edition of still includes an escape(string) function that uses this syntax, but also an encodeURI(uri) function that converts to UTF-8 and
21:53 sfisque so the issue becomes detecting these "munged" mbyte glyphs, OR rejecting them and reporting an error
21:53 sfisque or converting the app to utf-16, bleh
21:57 pdurbin semiosis: oh, I did get the "later" message when I first started typing in here this morning
21:59 Naros converting to utf16 :/
22:00 Naros just wish my damned qa department tested this case rather than letting it go for so long :E
22:00 pdurbin I'm just glad we have qa :)
22:01 Naros so browser is suppose to encoding based on the content-type of the page, which is rendered as utf-8
22:01 Naros so why does it just disregard and do w/e it wants :P
22:03 Naros " for instance, in Tomcat, you have to call request.setEncoding() (or some similar method) before you call any of the request.getParameter() methods." :/
22:04 scripty isnt that part of servlet spec
22:07 Naros strange thing is i have a filter which already is suppose to force this utf8 compliance too
22:17 sfisque the issue i think scripty isnt the servlet spec, but rather the http spec.  i'm not fluent on what the http spec says about conveying mbyte glyphs or supporting non-roman locales
22:20 scripty sfisque i said for his example
22:22 sfisque right.  but i'm guessing it's deeper than the servlet spec because ultimately, the servlet spec has to follow what the http RFCs and such dictate
23:22 pdurbin "one of the biggest Java User Groups of the world, an recent estimative claims that the group can have more than 42.000 members" --
23:23 pdurbin how big is *your* JUG?
23:23 sfisque that's kind of personal
23:23 sfisque >.<
23:23 pdurbin !
23:24 whartung 1 liter
23:32 pdurbin via

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