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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-08-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 jxriddle joined ##javaee
01:15 Quest is there a better way to do <c:set var="pageTitle" value="<spring:message code="pageTitle.login" />" />
01:18 onr heh
01:18 onr i admit i like java
01:44 pdurbin onr: me too. or at least, I really don't mind it :)
01:48 Quest any views for       ?
02:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
02:22 pdurbin Quest: you seem to be getting some answers at
02:28 Quest pdurbin,  ya. but I solved the question partially myself and some part remains
02:35 caverdude joined ##javaee
02:36 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
02:38 cavemanlg hello
02:38 Quest hey
02:39 SoniEx2 is github repo advertising allowed here?
02:39 cavemanlg what do you mean?
02:39 SoniEx2
02:39 SoniEx2 like that
02:40 Quest well, this channel is  for java and javaee related discussions.
02:40 SoniEx2 (I'm talking about the message with the link, not the stuff inside the link)
02:40 onr pdurbin: what's your IDE of choice?
02:41 Quest onr,  I think he would say intellij IDEA
02:41 Quest SoniEx2,  then you can paste a link
02:41 Quest SoniEx2,  then you can paste a link and it will not be an advertisement
02:41 SoniEx2 you don't get it...
02:42 pdurbin onr: my team uses netbeans so I'm learning that. I'm more of vi guy at heart
02:42 onr pdurbin: aha!
02:42 onr pdurbin: you were actually developing Java in vim?
02:42 pdurbin oh hell no
02:42 pdurbin Perl, mostly. Some Ruby and Python. Bash
02:43 SoniEx2 ok lets try to advertise properly...
02:43 Quest pdurbin,  how do you ran ides out of 10
02:43 SoniEx2 look at my API: :D
02:43 SoniEx2 so yeah are messages like that allowed?
02:44 Quest why do you want us to look at it in the first place?
02:44 SoniEx2 because idk how to make a NBXInputStream...
02:45 pdurbin SoniEx2: sure. go ahead
02:45 onr pdurbin: what were you using for java then?
02:45 Quest SoniEx2,  you can link post if you have a discussion / question about it. sure then. yes
02:46 * Quest waves
02:46 pdurbin onr: I used Eclipse with Java for a class a few years ago. And for a tiny bit of Android hacking. I'm all Netbeans for Java at the moment.
02:46 SoniEx2 is there anything like a BufferedFilterInputStream?
02:47 pdurbin I don't know what NBX stands for
02:47 onr pdurbin: i think i'll try to configure sublime text for java development
02:48 SoniEx2 Note Block eXtension/eXtended/something like that...
02:48 pdurbin SoniEx2: maybe put that in your readme
02:48 SoniEx2 or NBS-in-a-PNG-chunk
02:51 pdurbin SoniEx2: BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream :)
02:52 pdurbin at least according to :)
03:04 SoniEx2 ok time to rewrite my streams again :/
03:12 SoniEx2 ok my class names are getting a bit long...
03:12 SoniEx2 "LittleEndianBufferedDataInputStream"
04:05 sfisque joined ##javaee
04:07 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
04:39 raoul-_ joined ##javaee
05:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
07:14 kundan joined ##javaee
07:17 kundan hello
07:19 kundan what is the use of log4j in java coding?
08:16 kundan joined ##javaee
08:18 kundan how to resolve org.apache to import this
08:21 kundan how to resolve org.apache to import this
08:52 kundan ?
10:33 neuro_sys left ##javaee
11:20 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
14:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
14:37 kobain joined ##javaee
15:17 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:44 sfisque joined ##javaee
19:44 grzz joined ##javaee
22:06 jxriddle joined ##javaee
22:28 caverdude joined ##javaee
23:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
23:30 pdurbin "Java is the new C" -- From a monolithic Ruby on Rails app to the JVM -

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