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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-08-01

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Time S Nick Message
00:17 sfisque so general question.   anyone know a good way to avoid the dreaded PermGen issue with constant re-deploys, specifacally with glassfish 3.x
00:17 sfisque besides upping the PermGen space
00:18 sfisque wish i knew what was causing the memory leak
00:24 madair joined ##javaee
01:13 pdurbin "hibernate and commons logging are the two biggest perpetrators in my many intense years of experience" (perpetrators of PermGen usage) according to _Tenchi_ when I asked about PermGen in #glassfish:
01:19 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
02:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
02:21 madair joined ##javaee
03:05 sfisque joined ##javaee
03:05 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
03:46 Naros joined ##javaee
03:48 Naros I have a legacy codebase which has been packaged in the past based upon features, ie: "" where each feature has sub packages for stuff like services, model, dao, and web
03:49 Naros The issue I often run into is that one feature's service may depend upon another feature's service, model, or dao.
03:50 Naros I can't seem to design such a package hierarchy that makes logical sense, avoids circular dependencies, but promotes good separations of the code base through layers.
03:51 Naros i considered "" and then "", etc.
03:51 Naros but given the size of our app, some of those packages would contain hundreds of classes.
03:51 sfisque1 vertical slices
03:52 Naros i've heard that term, yes.  but not sure how to slice it that way
03:52 Naros sfisque: you familiar with ERP systems?
03:53 Naros Generally they have an Inventory (materials management) module, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Purchasing, Sales, etc modules
03:53 sfisque sort of.  i've written an MDM from the ground up, as well as other enterprise data/xact systems
03:53 Naros and each module talks to other modules through well defined interfaces and APIs
03:53 sfisque aye
03:53 sfisque well that's the concept, whether it happens or not in reality
03:54 Naros aye.
03:54 Naros The current code base is broken out similiar to those modules
03:54 Naros there is an inventory package, a purchasing package, a repair, warranty, etc packages
03:54 sfisque aye, but the problem is they consume the same entities, and cross call services?
03:54 Naros and each of those contain their own related services, repository, model, and view components
03:54 Naros Right
03:55 Naros So the repair service might need to actually fetch an item for some repair process.
03:55 sfisque segmenting entities doesnt work very well, i have fround.  easier to just put them all together in an "entity library" that the other higher systems consume
03:56 sfisque services are easier to segment because you can build a separate "stub lib" with the interface/stubs
03:56 Naros Right, that is the first thing I have done.  I actually was planning to create a persistence jar with all repository and entity objects.
03:56 Naros but in that jar, i didn't want to dump all 2500 entities into a single package either
03:57 sfisque it's kind of superfluous.  it won't change the classloading and with an ide, you won't notice anyway
03:58 Naros Understand, it's just that this code base is continually growing and I want to keep it to some decent standard if at all possible.
03:58 Naros So in the persistence jar, I was going to have<module> with a repository and model sub package
03:58 sfisque think of it this way, the only packaging that would make sense is if there exists a logical boundary in the schema (you can drop several tables, and the remaining tables all operate properly in with referential integrity
03:59 sfisque explain the diff between model and repositolry in this context
03:59 Naros repository is the DAOs
03:59 Naros model is the Entities
03:59 sfisque oh.  spring?
03:59 Naros Yep.
03:59 sfisque gotcha
04:00 Naros Usually there is a 1:1 between an entity & dao with a lot of the dao being abstracted to a base framework with extentions on specific daos where necessary
04:00 sfisque then yes.  EXCEPT be careful of coupling the dao layer that closely to the entities.  DAO layers can churn harder than entities and you want these deep libraries to solidify as much as possible
04:00 Naros e.g.: stuff like getUserByName() would be a custom DAO method for a User entity
04:00 sfisque aye
04:01 sfisque in the EE sense, you wouldnt package session beans with entities
04:01 sfisque but DAO's are slightly different
04:01 Naros but to your comment about referential integrity.  there are large portions of entities that refer to a common set of other entities.
04:02 sfisque right.  but there must be at the very least, a boundary between "data" and "metadata"
04:02 Naros ie: repair record depends on an item, a facility, a customer, a user, and perhaps a vendor and purchase order line.
04:02 sfisque so that gives you at least 2 entity packages
04:02 Naros So I guess I need to look at the DB relationships and build the package structure perhaps from that so that I don't have circular dependencies between packages
04:02 sfisque aka, you can drop all the data tables and the metadata tables will still operate properly
04:03 sfisque aye
04:03 sfisque if you have objects taht "span" like join tables and such, you can put them in a third package
04:03 * SoniEx2 hugs sfisque in an overly cute way ^-^
04:03 Naros Right, such as a core package or somesuch.
04:04 Naros but in the case of lets say an Item, which is heavily associated to a lot of higher level entities in the relationship diagram.
04:04 * sfisque hugs soniex2 back
04:04 SoniEx2 ^-^
04:05 Naros even if it's in an inventory package, so long as inventory doesn't depend lets say on purchasing but purchasing depends on inventory, that would be alright.
04:05 sfisque aye.  bi-directional graphs get fuzzy, but you get the idea
04:05 Naros b/c logically a purchase order has a relationship to an inventory item entity.
04:05 sfisque yup
04:06 Naros So sounds like I'm on the right track, it's just I have read a bit of package by layers, not by features.
04:06 Naros and I see the above as package by feature, perhaps because of how the app has evolved over time.
04:06 sfisque gotta slice both directions (vertical and horizontal)
04:06 Naros Aye, I believe Springs approach is horizontal in the package, vertical by module iirc.
04:07 sfisque aye.  jboss projects are similarly structured
04:07 sfisque so is osgi
04:07 Naros where often org.sf.<module>
04:07 sfisque aye
04:07 Naros so considering modules, persistence would be one.
04:08 Naros another would be the services tier
04:08 Naros the other would be the web or view
04:08 sfisque view / controller / service / persistence (as a start, then modularize within each realm)
04:09 Naros aye
04:09 sfisque those are the basic 4 horizontal slices.  you can slice them vertically by feature/domain
04:09 Naros That was the direction I was taking.
04:09 sfisque acct view vs. inventory view vs report view
04:09 sfisque etc.
04:09 Naros one last question.
04:10 sfisque never
04:10 sfisque there is always more :P
04:10 Naros lol. our services make heavy use of spring annotations
04:10 Naros but our services are exposed via a public api interface
04:11 Naros for the implementation side, naming & package naming wise, worthwhile to distinguish it's dependence on spring?
04:11 Naros e.g. SpringInventoryService vs InventoryServiceImpl
04:11 sfisque depends.  are you using the spring proprietary annotations or are you using the CDI annotations that spring supports?
04:11 sfisque if its the former, i'd say yes.  if its the latter, shouldnt matter
04:12 Naros Just using @Service, @Resource, @Autowired, @PreAuthorize/@PostAuthorize/@PostFilter
04:12 sfisque well, 2 of those 6 are cdi, the rest are spring proprietary
04:12 Naros Aye.
04:12 sfisque so yes, i'd say make it obvious that you're dependent on spring
04:13 sfisque bbiab, time to tuck in the kids
04:13 Naros likewise, ty for the insight.
04:28 Quest joined ##javaee
04:35 Naros joined ##javaee
05:15 xll11 I never understood annotations
05:15 xll11 even going through the trails
05:16 xll11 maybe it is because I don't use XML yet, and annotations is sort of xml replacement?
05:17 Quest yes
05:58 Quest annotations were meant to replace xml, and I think they are easy
06:18 Quest Naros,
06:18 Quest if you are free. ^ I dont know why I just cant settle down. spring is not that complicated. Iam just stuck on simple initial start things. :)
06:35 caverdude joined ##javaee
07:29 Quest Naros,   Solved. Nevermind ^ I answered bellow for others to refer in similar situations.
08:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
10:02 pdurbin sfisque: did you see what I wrote about PermGen?
10:23 Quest pdurbin,  permgen. the thing that usually gets out of memory errors?
11:20 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
11:46 pdurbin Quest: yes, that permgen thing:
11:47 Quest hm
12:53 Naros permgen typically is an issue in large apps that use proxies.
12:54 Naros With so many entities in our system, we quickly ran out of it and had to increase it from the JVM default.
12:54 Naros anywho, commute time to work.  be back in 15-30.
13:32 Naros joined ##javaee
14:01 grug joined ##javaee
14:16 sfisque pd i did not, i must have been in transit when you responded
14:17 sfisque oh, nm, i see the link in scrollback
14:18 sfisque yes i know about the commons.logging permgen leak (that's been around for about a decade now)
14:18 sfisque i was unaware that hibernate had one too.  thing is, though that afaict, glassfish does not use either
14:18 Naros hibernate doesn't have a leak, it's just that depending on the size of the app, the default permgen size isn't sufficient due to all the proxies which get created and the metadata which must be maintained.
14:19 sfisque ok.  i know commons.logging does (or at least did) have a permgen leak
14:19 Naros hm.  that's interesting to know.
14:20 sfisque that's was always the culprit when tomcat would permgen fault
14:27 pdurbin sfisque: I wonder if it's been fixed. We could simply upgrade our commons.logging jar
14:27 sfisque funny, reading that chat log you linked pdurbin.  it's interesting that people don't realize that almost every servlet/ee container is descended from jserv/tomcat
14:28 sfisque i didnt think gf 3+ used commons.logging?  i havent traipsed accross it during my travels thorught he ogsi modules
14:28 pdurbin maybe we add it. I'm not sure
14:45 sfisque anyone know a way to introspect the permgen space to see what's actually in there and possibly orphaned (other than core dumping the jvm or using an os level debugger and surfing the raw memory)
14:50 Naros hrm.  i thought JProfiler allowed you to see that
14:50 Naros Haven't fired it up lately, but I could have sworn it had memory & permgen inspection.
14:51 sfisque dunno if the new ones do.  i have an outdated copy (4.x) and it would tell you "gross" stuff about memory, but nothing fine grained on PG.  maybe that's changed?
14:51 kobain joined ##javaee
14:53 Naros i am not 100% certain
14:53 Naros jmap looks like an option.
14:54 Naros
15:27 * SoniEx2 hugs sfisque in an overly cute way ^-^
15:27 * sfisque hugs soniex2 in a totally inappropriate way  :-P
15:28 SoniEx2 you know... I'm 14... :P
15:28 sfisque lmao, had no idea
15:28 sfisque i guess that makes that a triple entendre then
15:28 * sfisque blushes
15:29 sfisque anywho, time for commuting.  code strong!
15:32 ibaca joined ##javaee
16:34 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:48 Naros lol @ sfisque
16:53 sfisque lol delayed reaction :P
16:54 Naros heh i was afk :P
17:05 sfisque so back to the permgen question.  does the newer (newest) version(s) of jprofiler allow introspection into the permgen space to find PG leaks?
17:05 sfisque the version i have (4.x) only tracks PG monolithically
17:06 sfisque and the same for the J6/J7 versions of jvisualvm
17:08 Naros sfisque: i'm not 100% certain.  my copy has expired too.
17:09 Naros one of the SE posts I saw claimed it did
17:09 Naros er rather SO (stackoverflow)
17:09 sfisque i will have to investigate this.  if so, i foresee a purchase order in my future :P
17:10 whartung just wait for Java 8 :)
17:10 whartung do you have perigean issues with production or just development?
17:11 sfisque just dev because when we do a prod deployment, they generally have to drop the container at some point to update environment artifacts and such
17:11 sfisque but i foresee PG being an issue if we start doing hot-deploys and other "fabric" stuff
17:12 sfisque since GF will PGfail on my after about 5 redeploys (and i've bumped the PG up a little from the default settings)
17:12 sfisque so i'd like to know the "fixable" PG leaks (our code) versus the ones we have to live with (bundled with GF)
17:13 whartung yea I never really know if it's worth the time to bother to hunt those down rather than making the undeploy/restart gf/deploy process as painless as possible
17:13 whartung I guess it depends if you have other things deployed in GF than your app
17:14 whartung empty GF starts up pretty fast
17:14 * pdurbin just restart netbeans (and therefore glassfish) disturbingly frequently :(
17:16 sfisque aye.  i'm more concerned with the footprint IF we start doing hot-deploys - there is talk that "they" want to move to an ESB model [i can only wish, currently i feel like i'm ready to take this enterprise to the next level but the knowledge base and sense of adventure are "thin" here]
17:16 sfisque but then "they" are talking of scrapping EE and going to TC/Spring/myBatis  (blech)
17:17 * Naros giggles, spring :P.
17:17 sfisque because, if you want to do ESB, using crippled tools is the way to go... right?
17:17 sfisque why would you want a fully vetted stack when you can go through all the trouble of assembling your ESB from microscopic pieces
17:18 whartung ya know I was looking at that a little a while back.
17:18 whartung and it all depends on the complexity of your workflow
17:19 whartung but you can do some nice stuff with just deploying (and redeploying) a bunch of stand alone MDBs linked via queues. Straight in the container, no "framework" needed.
17:20 sfisque aye but does TC support MDBs (i know it doesnt do EE unless you leverage the TomEE stack)?
17:20 Naros far as I know, TC7 doesn't support MDBs
17:20 whartung oh, TC. missed that.
17:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
17:20 whartung that's crazy
17:20 sfisque and even then, i'm not familiar enough with Tee to know if it's TCK passed
17:21 Naros You can use OpenEJB
17:21 Naros to enhance TC with that functionality.
17:21 whartung Tee is Tomcat with OpenEJB
17:21 sfisque they want TC.  the NOC has a boner for tomcat
17:21 sfisque why
17:21 sfisque i do not know
17:22 whartung I'm a GF fanboi, and there are reasons for using TC over GF, but only for much simpler apps
17:22 whartung reinventing the JEE stack with Tomcat via Spring or whatever, is, kinda nuts IMHO
17:23 whartung actually I don't know how different the TC memory footprint is compared to GF that's just running a WAR.
17:23 whartung with all the dynamic loading stuff GF does
17:23 * sfisque aggrees with whartung
17:23 whartung smaller disk footprint, sure (but who cares about disk…)
17:24 whartung Mind, I have ported a JEE app to Jetty once :)
17:24 whartung I wrote my own session bean implementation lol
17:24 sfisque the issue is they want to start leveraging JMS more and wiring into legacy systems.  IMO, that is enough to say, "umm... WTF are you thinking" but i'm "just a contractor" and "they" ... supposedly know what thy are doing....
17:25 whartung I like JMS, we use it a lot here. JMS is fine. GF JMS works well
17:25 sfisque done that too.  i built a "bean pool" using java commons pooling and apache digester for the xml bindings, when i wa previously handcuffed to tomcat
17:25 sfisque but i'd rather use a vetted platform than start over and deal with "jar hell"
17:25 whartung si
17:27 whartung why do I want to have to bolt all that crap together
17:27 whartung GF is drag and drop and has a great admin tool
17:28 whartung NOC guys need to stop reading blogs...
17:35 sfisque lolz
17:35 sfisque PREACH ON, BROTHAH!!!!
17:37 whartung I mean, that's the point earlier. With queues and MDBs, you can ad hoc as ESB on top of stock glass fish. You don't need to use an ear, just a jar file with the MDB in it. When you change ethe MDB, the queue stops (amazing!)  the mdb reloads and then picks up processing. You can deploy raw EJBs (redeploy, and…) to add shared functionality. Yea, they're "remote" but GF will use local call semantics on "local" remote beans. No big dea
17:37 whartung It's super flexible.
17:38 whartung if you need to update an EJB that an MDB relies on, disable the MDB, redeploy the EJB, and reenable the MDB.
17:38 whartung 3 lines in a script
17:38 whartung simple
17:38 sfisque aye
17:38 sfisque i know JBoss will optimize a @Remote into an @Local call on the fly.  GF does that too?
17:38 whartung yea it can do that
17:39 sfisque nifty
17:39 whartung You lose some first class concepts like joining and forking queues, but simple MDBs can be made to do that. if you really need it.
17:40 whartung and you don't get the neat graph showing your ESB.
17:40 whartung ooh
17:40 whartung so, for a large ESB, yea, I can see needing a more formal ESB tool
17:40 whartung but as I posted on SO once, someone asking about ESBs, I told him if you needed an ESB you'd KNOW you needed one.
17:41 whartung since it's 90% a management task, and whatever you're doing now is getting out of hand.
17:41 whartung but, hey, the MDB idiom will drag and drop in to modern ESBs with almost no work! so, EZ upgrade.
17:42 whartung plus you get kick ass transaction handling that tomcat will all you to "hand craft" thankyouverymuch
17:42 whartung *allow you
17:42 sfisque aye.  and i'm not a big fan of spring's TXing
17:43 whartung yay, my time machine drive is spitting teeth again.
17:44 whartung see if that continues...
17:44 sfisque lolz
17:45 sfisque i just started using TM.  i upgraded my aging macbook to a 1tb drive and split it to 500g partitions.  the secondary is the TM drive so i don't have to lug around an external
17:46 sfisque i had to tune TM to a "less aggressive" profile so i could get work done
17:46 whartung I love T M but for some reason, at least on these iMacs, it eats drives. Or maybe we just get crappy drives.
17:46 whartung I think I've already reformatted this one once
18:23 sfisque time to commute.  cuiab.  code strong!
19:35 Naros early commute :o
20:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
20:26 kobian joined ##javaee
20:35 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:38 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
21:46 caverdude joined ##javaee
21:52 caverdude hello
21:52 SoniEx2 sfisque: ^-^
21:55 sfisque G R E E T I N G S
21:55 caverdude have you guys seen the phigits controller?
21:55 caverdude you can use Java among other langs to program it
21:56 caverdude i think
22:00 sfisque
22:02 Naros sfisque: I haven't been so giddy to refactor code like this in ages
22:02 caverdude ya that one
22:02 caverdude sorry
22:03 sfisque :-)
22:03 Naros Do you know whether there is any performance loss when using embeddable class components heavily in the domain?
22:04 whartung huh?
22:04 sfisque do you mean embedded PKs?
22:04 Naros i don't see why there would be other than whatever meta-data has to be inspected during loading phase.
22:04 whartung oh
22:04 Naros no not PKs, actual parts of an entity
22:04 Naros ie: reusable groups of columns across multiple entities
22:04 whartung there will obviously be some cpu hit, but i doubt it's noticable
22:05 whartung once everything is warmed up
22:05 sfisque are you talking about "derived" entities that are results of tuple style queries?
22:05 Naros No.
22:05 sfisque then how would you have the same columns in different entities?
22:06 Naros for example, I create an Embeddable class that contains say address fields.
22:06 Naros I use that embeddable in a User, in a Vendor, and in a Manufacturer entity.
22:06 sfisque as opposed to just doing a @Join?
22:06 Naros As opposed to just hard-coding those fields as a part of all three entities.
22:06 sfisque aka @OneToOne, etc.
22:07 Naros all three have address_line_1, address_line_2, and city, state, zip fields in the table.
22:07 sfisque i can see that as confusing the api.  the entity should be a durable definition of a table
22:07 sfisque if one table chagnes then you have to mutate unrelated entites
22:07 Naros No, this would be where if one changes, all change.
22:08 sfisque unless one has to change and the others do not
22:08 sfisque business driver
22:08 sfisque IMO an entity/table shoudl form an idempotent coupling
22:08 sfisque i should not have to chagne them if some unrelated table/entity changes
22:09 whartung but that's a risk he may be willing to take
22:09 Naros A perfect example in my code base is on purchasing records such as pos, requisitions, contracts, and agreements.
22:09 sfisque aye, but do not forget the ROI on maintenance.  i forget who said it, but "when you write code, assume the future maintainer is a homocidal maniac who knows where you live"
22:10 Naros Each document has a list of conditions at the header & line level of those documents.
22:10 sfisque i understand the context.  i do not agree with the mechanic
22:10 Naros hm
22:10 sfisque but that is personal taste
22:10 whartung yes
22:10 whartung personal taste
22:10 whartung not germane to the question at hand :)
22:10 sfisque you have to maintain it or answer to whomever will, so have at it
22:11 sfisque as a fellow mathematician would quip, "just because you can, does not mean you should..."  :P
22:11 Naros Understood, just wanted to make sure that if I opted that route, would there be any consequences from performance for said decision.
22:11 whartung that's what so great about computer game programming. Write it until it survives shipping then BU BYE!
22:11 * sfisque giggles
22:12 sfisque they wait that long?
22:12 Naros Maintenance is an entirely different ballgame :P
22:12 sfisque in enterprise, maintenance is everything (from the enterprise's standpoint)
22:12 sfisque it takes too long to replace somethign
22:12 sfisque to not address maintainence
22:13 Naros touche
22:13 whartung I'm neck deep in an EJB 2 project, trying to remember how to wire EJBs...
22:14 * sfisque hands whartung several books on XML and XSLT, and a bottle of scotch
22:14 whartung it's funny
22:14 whartung someone once asked about advantaged of EJB 3
22:15 Naros sfisque: do you think using a parent abstract class to define commonality and then extending it per entity implementation is just as worse?
22:15 whartung and one of the things I listed was "compatible with EJB 2"
22:15 Naros rather than trying to approach it from a component breakdown approach.
22:18 Naros anywho, laters.
22:23 SoniEx2 sfisque: could you help me?
22:24 sfisque that all depends... are we going to rob a bank?
22:24 SoniEx2 no... and I don't get that...
22:25 sfisque nm.  what's up?  i reserve saying yes/no until after i hear what IT is
22:25 SoniEx2 I need better streams
22:25 sfisque call the EPA?
22:25 sfisque JK.  how so?
22:26 SoniEx2 this type of stream:
22:28 sfisque ok.  better, how?  what are you trying to achieve "better"
22:31 SoniEx2 something that makes more sense than having NBSOutputStream extend ByteArrayOutputStream and NBSInputStream extend InputStream
22:31 whartung why shouldn't they do that?
22:31 caverdude joined ##javaee
22:36 sfisque well, bear in mind that BAOS is a memory only stream.  it does not persist (you have to decorate it with another stream).  since you're R/W many "types" why not use a DataIn/OutputStream or ObjectIn/OutputStream
22:37 sfisque and don't forget to decorate with BufferedI/OStream because if you do any file i/o you're going to pay in performance if you don't
22:42 SoniEx2 Data<In/Out>putStream is big-endian
22:42 SoniEx2 afaik
22:43 sfisque gotcha
22:49 SoniEx2 I could override the methods but that's... yeah...
22:55 sfisque well you already are.  it looks like you have several of the same signature methods
22:55 SoniEx2 I have protected instead of public...
22:56 sfisque why?
22:57 sfisque the IO package is a decorator paradigm,  every class is usable or decoratable (except the abstract / interfaces)
22:58 SoniEx2 because I'm stupid like that...
22:58 sfisque nah, just learning :-)
22:58 sfisque i wasnt sure if that was deliberate or taste
23:01 SoniEx2 eh everything in Data<In/Out>putStream is final
23:01 SoniEx2 :/
23:02 sfisque ah, that makes sense, since it's tied to the endian-ness
23:02 sfisque hadn't considered that
23:06 sfisque one thing to keep in mind, if you want your stream class to be decoratable, you want to override the other constructors that BAOS exposes, and call them in your constructor so the BAOS internals are setup properly if you're decorating
23:07 sfisque or being decorated
23:10 SoniEx2 I'll simply use Filter<In/Out>putStream and Data<In/Out>put
23:18 sfisque there ya go
23:20 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
23:38 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
23:58 SoniEx2 this is NOT how you make methods:

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