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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-07-30

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Time S Nick Message
00:04 caverdude joined ##javaee
00:32 caverdude joined ##javaee
01:27 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
01:31 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:32 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
02:00 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
02:17 caverdude joined ##javaee
02:50 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
03:01 caverdude joined ##javaee
03:09 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
03:15 mbc joined ##javaee
03:25 caverdude joined ##javaee
04:14 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
04:17 caverdude joined ##javaee
04:33 caverdude joined ##javaee
04:48 caverdude joined ##javaee
05:02 philbot joined ##javaee
05:02 Topic for ##javaee is now Java (general & all kinds of) and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion. | logs at We are a bit more friendly, you may keep silence as a response  but you have no right to insult/abuse a person in any case.
05:18 philbot joined ##javaee
05:18 Topic for ##javaee is now Java (general & all kinds of) and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion. | logs at We are a bit more friendly, you may keep silence as a response  but you have no right to insult/abuse a person in any case.
06:19 gurgus joined ##javaee
06:19 gurgus left ##javaee
07:52 xll11 joined ##javaee
07:52 xll11 howdy
10:02 pdurbin xll11: what's new?
13:27 Naros joined ##javaee
14:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
15:13 kobain joined ##javaee
15:47 whartung joined ##javaee
16:09 Quest joined ##javaee
16:23 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:25 mbc joined ##javaee
16:33 mbc joined ##javaee
16:41 mbc joined ##javaee
17:05 mbc joined ##javaee
17:18 mbc joined ##javaee
17:27 mbc joined ##javaee
17:36 sfisque got an interesting thing i'm tracking down in our product.  it appears that somewhere between the servlet filtering and our controller layer, there is something going wrong that causes our controller's PostConstruct method to get executed 5 times (which should not be) even though the bean is annotated SessionScoped.
17:36 sfisque anyone encounter something like this?
17:37 sfisque platform is glassfish with bundled mojarra (2.1.6)
17:42 whartung wow
17:43 whartung for the same object?
17:44 sfisque yah.  we had someone refactor a bunch of stuff from ManagedBean -> CDI @Named, and i'm thinking that might be causing some wierd interplay.  so i'm doing an svn revert and see if the problem existed prior to his commit.  if so, i'm going to have to do some forensics deep into the JSF layer, which i'm not relishing
17:44 whartung yea
17:44 whartung I've no real experience with JSF or CDI
17:45 sfisque i know there is documented "wierdness" with mixing JSF with CDI but i've not seen this specific behavior discussed
17:45 sfisque well, more specifically mixing ManagedBean and @Named
17:46 sfisque i wish this guy did more analysis before doing such a large commit.  especially since the regression footprint was rather large
18:10 sfisque well there went that theory.  the rollback build still executes the postconstruct method 5x.  which means the problem has been lying undiscovered for at least a few weeks.   /sigh
18:11 * sfisque rolls up sleeves and puts on the deep forensics gloves...
18:14 whartung grab the light and caving helmet
18:15 * sfisque gives whartung a wink before grabbing the helmet, lantern, and a good sharp weapon...
18:15 whartung "It's dark here. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue."
18:16 sfisque lolz
18:16 sfisque XYZZY!!!
18:16 sfisque take gazebo
18:16 sfisque "not bloody likely"
18:16 whartung heh
18:19 sfisque time for commute.  cuiab.   code strong!
18:50 xll11 man I'm so frustrated, I really want to know at what level of knowledge I should be looking for a student job
18:51 xll11 I really have motivation to learn, I love coding
18:51 xll11 I love knowledge
18:51 xll11 but I don't know if I'm qualified enough for entry level
18:51 xll11 :()
18:51 xll11 Can you guys supply me with some useful tips/insights regarding to my siutation
19:14 kruszynka joined ##javaee
19:22 Naros xll11: a lot of times it's easier to transition from a tester/QA to coder
19:23 Naros but if you want to dive into coding, entry level coders need to have basic understanding of the language and it's constructs
19:24 Naros ie: what's the benefit of using an iterator over a collection rather than looping based on some scalar index
19:25 Naros a lot of entry level jobs give u some OJT on their own practices and sandboxes to play & learn.
19:27 caverdude joined ##javaee
19:32 whartung if it's a student job they should shave low expectations
19:33 whartung the problem today is that you need to know more that "java". You need to know the language, an IDE, the build process, and some stack of functionality (JEE in this case), a bunch of libraries, etc.
19:33 whartung it's so little about actually coding now
19:35 xll11 I appreciate the input! any skill that is very mandatory to have?
19:35 xll11 also, what is the advtantage of using iterators over scalar pointer?
19:35 xll11 Out of bound avoidance comes to midn
19:35 Naros iterator.remove() :P
19:36 whartung you mean: for(String s : stringArray) { .. } vs for(int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { String s = stringArray[i]; … } ?
19:36 Naros I was always asked that question and most of the interviewers expected you to say something to the affect of removing objects from the collection via iterator was more accceptable.
19:36 Naros whartung: no
19:36 xll11 Oh, thats a fine idea
19:37 Naros for(int i = 0; i < collection.size(); ++i) { /* remove object based on criteria */ }
19:37 xll11 Thanks for the tip, naros
19:37 whartung yea, iterator.remove is probably the primary benefit.
19:38 Naros I'd argue it's probably more efficient than testing scalar against size of collection too
19:38 Naros where tight performance in a loop is critical
19:38 whartung then don't do that :)
19:38 Naros aye, the new construct you showed is another alternative :P
19:39 Naros effectively an iterator under the scenes iirc.
19:39 whartung it helps that the iterator delegates access to the collection, rather than the assumption that col.get(i) is actually efficient.
19:39 Naros hehe, yep
19:40 Naros But interview questions are so much more complicated these days than 15 years ago
19:40 Naros hehe, speaking of loops :/
19:40 whartung yea
19:41 Naros one of my jsps does a triple inner loop and sucks
19:41 Naros gotta fix it LOL
19:41 whartung :)
19:41 whartung start running out of letters..
19:41 Naros that stuff runs fine on server side action/controllers but not in JSPs
19:41 whartung for (i … for (j … for (k ...
19:41 whartung is it the <c:forEach tag?
19:41 Naros It's sad that taglibs are so inefficient in loops
19:41 Naros nah; it's struts2 iterator tags
19:42 whartung omg
19:42 Naros <s:iterator value="x"><s:iterator value="y"><s:iterator value="z"></s:iterator></s:iterator></s:iterator>
19:42 whartung how does the struts tag differ from c:forEach
19:42 Naros afaik it really doesn't except struts uses a valuestack concept for objects rather than the page context directly.
19:43 Naros but when you have nesed tags inside iterators with nested iterators with nested tags inside those, performance sucks
19:44 Naros To show the last 5 years of usage data for a material (basically 13x5 grid) takes 21 seconds
19:44 Naros and that's just on the JSP execution phase.
19:45 Naros IDK if it's Jasper that is slow or what.
19:47 whartung gah..guh..geep...
19:47 whartung "unacceptable" :)
19:48 Naros yah, if render takes more than 300ms, it's unacceptable.
19:48 whartung see i'd at least make that a custom tag file and I'd do it in java wrapped by the tag file
19:48 Naros Aye or just have the controller prep the data in a bean that can easily be streamed in the JSP without all the iterators.
19:48 whartung right
19:49 whartung that's a silly number
19:49 whartung 21s for 65 cells...
19:49 Naros Aye, I've noticed that displaytag 1.2 and some of the struts2 tags are inefficient
19:49 whartung so what is this value stack from struts?
19:49 Naros particularly if the tags have nested tags which it must evaluate
19:50 whartung yea
19:50 Naros
19:50 Naros It's based on OGNL
19:51 whartung we use stripes, the stripes guys absndoned OGNL due to performance -- but that was so long ago.
19:51 Naros The stack allows you to find a value and it does a top down lookup
19:51 whartung I don't see how it's any different from EL :)
19:51 whartung it has it's own stack with the scopes it searched.
19:52 Naros nod
19:52 Naros We've used strings since like 1.1 or 1.2 here and never really noticed it until lately with some of our more complicated screens.
19:53 Naros Displaytag's taglib isn't very efficient either when the columns contain nested content rather than using properties & decorators.
19:53 whartung see, I wonder if  <s:property value="name"/> is dramatically slower then ${name}
19:54 Naros good question, idk.
19:54 whartung I would think it is simply because the call mechanism of a tag is heavier than EL.
19:56 Naros Most likely.
20:16 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:30 Quest joined ##javaee
20:31 * Quest is back after some days of inactivity. missed friends :)
20:31 Quest quite room. well new rooms are.
20:36 sfisque it's actually been sporadically lively
20:36 sfisque i think i found a whopper of a feature in the javaee platform.  details to come after i run more tests
20:50 Quest hm..
20:50 Quest whopper ? sfisque
20:50 Quest you mean a bug?
20:50 sfisque not sure if it's a "bug" or a "feature" , still testing
20:51 whartung I'm all tingly in anticipation
20:51 Quest hm. I was think some thing similar. machines dont make mistakes but are not intelligent. they cant think. humans are opposite.  so bugs are normal in apps
20:57 sfisque basically depending on how testing plays out, it's either a "hole" in the spec, or "undesirable outcome" in the implementation
20:57 Naros hehe, bugs are features just waiting to be loved
20:58 sfisque "loved"
20:58 sfisque :P
21:04 caverdude joined ##javaee
21:07 caverdude well, I got eclipse working with my github account, setup a project and pushed the source up to github
21:07 sfisque yay
21:07 caverdude next I need to start two phone projects and do the same
21:07 caverdude these are private projects
21:07 caverdude I hear bitbucket is good too
21:07 caverdude I may get a bitbucket account
21:07 Quest joined ##javaee
21:08 caverdude I'm almost ready to release version 3 of
21:08 caverdude but my phone app will be an editor for two xml files.. journal.xml and accounts.xml
21:08 caverdude javaledger at this point will use those two to generate reports
21:09 caverdude later the phone app may use the javaledger project to generate html and csv reports
21:09 caverdude csv for spreadsheets
21:09 caverdude html for browser on phone
21:10 caverdude the phone app itself may even be able to browse the html it generates
21:10 caverdude I'm going to put a basic version of the phone app up for free on google play for general accounting puposes
21:10 caverdude purposes
21:11 sfisque why?  every smart phone has a browser built in.  in a "constrained env" you should be leveraging solved problems
21:11 caverdude then workon a specialized one for truckers
21:11 sfisque re: able to browse the html it generates
21:11 Guest12288 why dont just use html based GUi
21:11 caverdude sure, I'm saying the app would browse the html instead of bringing up the browser
21:11 Guest12288 it works on all plateforms
21:11 caverdude but sure I will probably do that first to keep things simple
21:12 caverdude ya
21:12 sfisque seems counter productive.  just sublaunch the built in browser
21:12 whartung he just going to embed the web viewer in to his app
21:12 caverdude well android api is android specific for some thigns
21:12 sfisque and let's face it, html5 is not as "x platform" as they make it out to be
21:12 sfisque same promises as html4, same failures
21:13 Guest97266 well javascript / jquery will solve much of the problems with some basic css. to produce a gui that can run on any platform.
21:13 caverdude well I'm not worried about running my app on an iphone
21:14 sfisque well, that's the hype.  i've yet to see that materialize.  our designer wrestles with that every day
21:14 caverdude maybe I should be but I'm not
21:14 Quest I have really left JavaFx / swing or android (else than andoid apps) and moved to web based apps
21:14 Quest caverdude,  then whats the problem
21:14 caverdude well thats one way to go too that I may do later on along with the phone app
21:15 caverdude but I will have to maintain a server for that
21:15 caverdude no problem, just talking
21:15 Quest caverdude,  where do you put your data?
21:15 Quest no need for server
21:15 caverdude quest with the phone app on the phone
21:15 caverdude on the sd card or wherever
21:15 Quest where are the accounts data and chart of acounts etc. book entries
21:15 sfisque aye, android has an embedded sql db
21:16 sfisque in the api
21:16 Quest caverdude,  i mean in what form? database, xml,  files?
21:16 caverdude Quest, well the xml files can be emailed to a desktop
21:16 sfisque and you can "roll your own" with random access flat files
21:16 caverdude or the user can use some sync tool
21:16 Quest sfisque,  yes.
21:16 caverdude Quest, right now I have a report generator on desktop
21:17 caverdude but with csv the data could be imported into a spreadsheet
21:17 Quest caverdude,  just tell me one thing. where is your all data? and what platforms do you target (even at extension of app)
21:17 caverdude all data is in a single xml file journal.xml
21:17 caverdude and accounts.xml
21:17 Quest hm. platforms?
21:17 whartung the data remains on the device
21:17 caverdude so 2 xml files
21:18 caverdude what do you mean platforms?
21:18 caverdude just android and windows and linux and osx
21:18 Quest caverdude,  for what is the app for.   pc, android, iphone, ?
21:18 sfisque i think he's asking if its "android", ios, etc.
21:18 caverdude android
21:18 sfisque aye, what he said
21:18 caverdude pc/android
21:18 caverdude sorry
21:19 Quest caverdude,  you can use jQuery based web based UI. all the other things can remain as such as you already have (javascript / jquery can talk to databases and xml files)
21:19 Quest caverdude,  java can talk to xml files too
21:19 caverdude sure if I want to maintain a server
21:19 Quest the choice is yours
21:19 Quest no
21:20 Quest caverdude,  you dont need to have a server. let javascript talk to .xml files
21:20 caverdude oh, for iphone app
21:20 Quest same
21:20 Quest javascript runs on iphone ,android, mac, pc
21:20 caverdude ya well, I'm not interested in getting that far away from Java alone right now
21:20 sfisque you still need a process on the server doing r/w, regardless of whether it's smb, http, direct socket, etc
21:20 caverdude so iphone users suffer but
21:21 Quest sfisque,  that proces can be java based
21:21 Quest caverdude, ^
21:21 caverdude I don't see what you are getting at
21:21 caverdude why?
21:21 Quest caverdude,  you can do that with java alone. the business logic.  all i meant was to make javascript/html take care of view part
21:21 caverdude I'm not interested in iphone
21:21 sfisque aye but he's saying he doesnt want to support a server for now.  no matter how you slice it, if you centralize the file handling you need a process running on a server
21:22 caverdude sfisque, right
21:22 caverdude or write some server software they can run on their pc
21:22 caverdude if hey choose
21:22 caverdude which I don't want to mess with either
21:23 Quest you would only need a server if you run jsp  / servlets. that you dont need
21:23 Quest caverdude,  the app you already have would do what its already doing.
21:23 sfisque though, i will say for the record, if you leverage the embedded sql db, it would allow you to scale out to a client/server with less refactor.
21:23 caverdude Quest, ok I guess I sortof see what you are getting at, you are only talking about the view part
21:23 Quest all i meant is that make the view part go with webpages
21:23 caverdude but all I need for that is html
21:23 Quest as every platform has a browser
21:24 Quest i thought the problem was the view part?
21:24 whartung you can do standalone web apps on the iphone
21:24 caverdude I think I don't care about iphone because they didn't care about Java so **** them
21:24 Quest caverdude,  and by the way. for an accounts app. i would never recomend .xml.    a small database shoould be used
21:25 * Quest agrees with whartung
21:25 caverdude naw there is no problem I was just talking about what I was working on
21:25 sfisque lol, caverdude (re: iphone and java)  /grin
21:25 caverdude quest, basic accouning is pretty darn simple
21:25 Quest caverdude,  do you intend to sell this ap?
21:25 Quest caverdude,  huge data will not make it simple
21:26 caverdude quest possibly yes
21:26 Quest I would just make a web server then...............
21:26 caverdude a trucker version
21:26 Quest or make each version of app for the specific platform.
21:26 caverdude well hell it depends on the scale
21:26 caverdude you can say that about any app
21:26 Quest built in db for android.   postgres for pc and mac
21:26 whartung the trucker version should shave a pr0n easter eg.
21:26 caverdude yes true my app may not be bought by corporations but I'm not targeting them
21:26 whartung *have
21:27 caverdude ha
21:27 * Quest needs to go
21:27 caverdude xml is working just fine for small scale stuff like home accounting for someone like a trucker
21:28 Naros whartung: the issue with performance was because devMode=true, which forces a lot of reloading of things and debug mode internally in the framework.
21:28 caverdude now however i have not tried to process the file on a phone yet so, only on my netbook
21:28 whartung not sure what you're referring to Naros
21:28 Naros setting devMode=false, performance is near equal to that of EL expressions.
21:28 whartung which issue?
21:28 whartung oh
21:28 whartung OGNL
21:28 whartung doh
21:28 Naros Yah :P
21:28 whartung oh good
21:29 whartung so you found the GO FAST switch
21:29 Naros I forgot I had it set to devMode cause it allows me to avoid unnecessary restarts for property file changes and hotswapping of java resources.
21:29 Naros so yah, found the turbo switch
21:29 whartung nice
21:29 whartung heh
21:29 whartung I remember turbo switches
21:30 Naros same on my old 286
21:30 Naros when cases were made out of real metal
21:31 whartung we had fun trying to play some games on our "new" 286 (12 MHz!!! )
21:31 Naros that thing weighed like 50lbs easy.
21:31 whartung we used to cart around a full tower 486-66Mhz to do demos. We were able to convince the clients to supply a monitor however :)
21:31 Naros I believe my father still has that old thing too, runs some crazy MSDOS-based BBS on it or some such with a modem :)
21:31 caverdude my first pc was a 486-66mhz
21:31 caverdude build it myself from parts
21:32 whartung speaking of trucker pr0n...
21:32 Naros lawlz, a 486 :o
21:32 Naros those were super-computers compared to the 286s and 8086s
21:32 caverdude maybe 486-dx66
21:32 caverdude paid $200 for 8 gigs of ram
21:32 Naros The old Com64s :P
21:32 sfisque first computer == ti99-4a with a WHOPPING 16k of memory and a tape drive
21:32 caverdude :) I grew up on c64
21:32 Naros You mean 8 mb of ram?
21:33 whartung yea, no kidding
21:33 caverdude lol yup 8 megs sorry
21:33 caverdude now I feel like Scotty in star trek when he said "I can't believe I've traveled millions and millions of miles. " bones "100's 1000's"
21:33 Naros hehe, I remember going out and buying an 8-disc cd changer for my desktop back in the day.  The cable to the PC was thicker than a power cable :O
21:34 sfisque oh man, no doubt.  scsi?
21:34 Naros yah
21:34 whartung I was giddy when I got my 120MB drive for under a $1/meg
21:34 sfisque yah scsi was terrific, except for the fraggin cables
21:34 Naros I had a SCSI flat-bed scanner too
21:35 Naros now those things are integrated into printer/fax machines lol
21:35 sfisque i know.  it's hilarious how the tech has become "invisible"
21:35 caverdude I wonder if anyone makes a modem anymore
21:35 caverdude ha
21:36 caverdude I'm sure they do of course for faxing and phone systems
21:36 Naros When I got out of college, went to work for Bank of America and it drove me crazy that even then with all the technology, they still used green screen mainframes
21:36 sfisque oh yah, you can get usb thumb modems.
21:36 caverdude ya
21:36 sfisque they're TINY
21:36 Naros AS400 :/
21:36 sfisque i think the RJ11 connector is bigger than the on board circuitry
21:36 sfisque eeewwwwww as400
21:36 caverdude government has gone to terminal sofware and still use cobol apps from 40 years ago
21:36 whartung as400s are amazing.
21:36 sfisque wells fargo still uses them
21:37 whartung they're not pretty, but really amazing machines
21:37 whartung they're not dead for a reason
21:37 sfisque yah, except for the doc's.  ibm couldnt document a 123's book if they wanted too
21:37 Naros rofl
21:37 whartung yea
21:37 caverdude well, I think we should still be able to buy any scale computer we want, if you want 8 bit you should be able to get it, 16 bit, 32 bit 64 bit
21:37 sfisque you can.  e m u l a t i o n
21:38 sfisque you can run a appleiie or a commie64 anytime you want
21:38 sfisque or similar
21:38 Naros Just isn't the same tho
21:38 Naros Need those big loud keyboard keys
21:38 Naros No mouse
21:38 sfisque well, yah.  i know you lose the "viceral" feel
21:39 Naros god I'm old :o
21:39 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
21:39 * sfisque feels your pain :P
21:40 Naros Ouch, Quest and this is why you must be careful with your ORM object graphics :o
21:40 whartung you can hang out at if you want to build a 6502 based micro computer
21:40 cavemanlg ok cool
21:40 Naros 13 left outer joins and 2 inner joins on a table
21:41 Quest Naros,  hi :)
21:41 Quest Naros,  sorry what did you meant?
21:41 Naros I have a query that runs and because of all the @ManyToOne relationships on an object, it's doing EAGER loads in Hibernate of 13 left outer joins and 2 inner joins
21:41 sfisque i wonder how small they could shrink the entire hardware of a IIe (updating where appropriate of course because who even makes 5.25 floppy drives anymore)
21:41 sfisque ACK!
21:42 Naros Rule of the story: Be careful of your @ManyToOne mappings :P
21:42 sfisque that's a lot of eagerness.
21:42 sfisque give that object graph less caffiene
21:42 Naros sfisque: sad part is the view doesn't use any of those fields either.
21:42 sfisque Tuple<> is your friend
21:42 Naros the final output is an aggregate
21:43 Naros idk what the hell I was smokin when I wrote this code
21:43 sfisque must have been good, please share :P
21:43 whartung what do you mean "Tuple<> is your friend" sfisque
21:43 sfisque in stead of trusting the graph walk, cull it down to the bare minimum needed to answer the question and pull back a Tuple of what's needed
21:44 Naros Aye, tuple queries are much more efficient
21:44 Naros puts a bit more work on the developer in some cases
21:44 sfisque aye there is the trade off
21:44 whartung boy what am I missing, I've not heard of Tuple queries.
21:44 Naros o.O
21:44 whartung yea
21:44 whartung zakly
21:44 sfisque ORMS can promote laziness on our parts (myself being guilty as well)
21:45 sfisque though beware of "bugs" on the fringes.  eclipselink has a nice bug in one of it's "coalesce" calls
21:46 sfisque someone pasted the code from one method to another and didnt bother to make any changes..  BOOM
21:46 Naros One of the things I've been doing is removing unnecessary joins/fetches in queries lately.  it tends to happen when you design things under 1 paradigm, business shifts and certain crumbs get swepped under the carpet.
21:46 sfisque i know that story all too well...  /cry
21:47 Naros Here's one for you that you'll laugh at
21:47 Naros Query is suppose to return an aggregate of values from a table
21:47 whartung just gonna leave me hanging or give me a hint about Tuple queries?
21:47 sfisque
21:47 Naros But instead of allowing the DB to do the aggregate, the code does it on the java code side once all the records have been fetched from the DB
21:48 Naros >.<
21:48 * Naros shoots himself
21:48 sfisque i can understand that... jpa does not have Union operator.   GRRRRRRR
21:48 Naros Not when you want to aggregate data across 45 million rows :P
21:49 Naros But when this was first written, we had a measly few thousand rows :P
21:49 sfisque aye but what else can you do if the API doesnt allow you make the db do it.  unless you go the SProc route and JPA can s*ck it on supporting Sprocs
21:49 sfisque another source of "GRRRRRR" for me
21:49 Naros API can support it, I was just too lazy to add it :)
21:49 sfisque how so?  there's no union in jpa
21:50 Naros why do I need a union?
21:50 sfisque i'm assuming by "aggregate" you mean sum the records from 2+ queries
21:50 Naros select fielda, fieldb, sum(fieldc), avg(fieldd) from entity group by fielda, fieldb
21:50 l1ght- left ##javaee
21:50 caverdude joined ##javaee
21:50 sfisque OH, you meant aggregate the data values
21:50 sfisque gotcha
21:50 Naros Yah
21:50 Naros lol
21:50 sfisque i thought you meant aggregate the records
21:51 * sfisque bonks self
21:51 Naros hehe, that term gets used differently depending upon context :0
21:52 sfisque yup
21:52 sfisque i was "out of scope" :P
21:52 sfisque sfisque == NullPointerException;
21:53 sfisque supposedly JPA 2.1 is adding better sproc support, but i'm not sure if union made the cut.  i'll have to check the white papers
21:54 Naros :)
21:55 sfisque aye JSR 338 describes some better sproc support, but i don't see anything regarding unions.  i guess we wait for 2.2 for that   /sad panda face
22:02 Naros alright, nite ladies & gents!
22:02 Naros see you all in the am
22:02 whartung nn Naros
22:07 caverdude joined ##javaee
22:09 caverdude you might have go tme interested in a 6502 project ha
22:09 whartung :)
22:09 whartung I had the itch, an unqualified itch, to "do something" like that.
22:10 whartung for the time being, I scratched it by writing a 6502 simulator and assembler in Java
22:10 whartung then I ported a Fig Forth to it
22:10 whartung good times debugging 3000 lines of assembly with a buggy assembler AND CPU lol
22:11 caverdude wow, is this emulator open source?
22:11 caverdude ha
22:11 whartung I haven't published it
22:12 caverdude I see
22:12 whartung I'd be happy to give it to you, I jus tghaven't published it. It's an "organic" development -- rising to my exact needs at the time :)
22:12 whartung but I'll tell you this
22:13 whartung it's a lot of fun being able to write code that doesn't use a single library :)
22:13 whartung or framework
22:13 whartung (it uses the java standard stuff, and swing, but...)
22:15 whartung and i'm glad I didn't have to debug my forth on a actual 6502 board
22:15 whartung there's a lot to be said about putting breakpoints in the cpU
22:17 sfisque the cute aspect of that is if you ran apple basic on it, you'd be running a byte-code emulated language on a platform that emulated hardware on a byte-code emulated platform.
22:17 whartung yea
22:17 whartung there's an apple ][ simulator in javascript floating around on the web -- really pretty amazing lol
22:18 whartung played LodeRunner pretty well as I recall
22:18 sfisque i bet
22:18 sfisque even "bad" emulation would fly since you're emulating a platform that run at 1-4 mhz
22:18 sfisque **ran
22:20 caverdude ha
22:22 sfisque OH MY!  there's a google project for hosting perl on java.  i think i might swoon
22:26 whartung haha
22:26 whartung PJs?
22:27 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
22:31 cavemanlg whartung, c64 emulator would be cool for running c64 programs on android
22:31 sfisque Jerl
22:31 cavemanlg turn my android into a c64 and I'd be in heaven
22:32 sfisque i'd take a IIe emulator on android.  so i can play wizardry on my phone :P
22:32 sfisque or tablet :P
22:33 cavemanlg ya I liked a game called Questron
22:33 cavemanlg rpg game
22:33 whartung i can't imagine someone has not done that yet cavemanlg
22:33 cavemanlg me either
22:34 cavemanlg there are pc c64 emulators of course
22:34 whartung of course
22:34 whartung I read the details on a atari 800 emulator
22:35 whartung it's an amazing piece because it goes deep deep deep into the details of the atari
22:35 whartung my simulator is at the instructions
22:35 cavemanlg ya
22:35 whartung i.e. it just dispatches ADC to the "add" routine and calls it a day
22:35 whartung the good ones are cycle perfect
22:35 cavemanlg I remember a game on the atari 800 called 7 cities of gold
22:35 whartung watching the clock ripple through all the harware
22:36 whartung yea, that was a great game, back when EA were gods.
22:36 cavemanlg yup
22:36 cavemanlg Archon Chess
22:36 whartung yea
22:36 whartung MULE
22:36 cavemanlg yup
22:36 cavemanlg  is a Java version
22:36 cavemanlg sadly it won't run on this netbook
22:37 cavemanlg screen is too short and I can't resize the game frame
22:37 whartung gah
22:37 cavemanlg that planetmule has great net play
22:38 cavemanlg you can always find an oponent just about
22:43 whartung I haven't played the game in 30 years
22:44 whartung I used to play defender on my atari 800, I had to put the computer on the floor so I could use my foot for the space bar (smart bomb) before I broke -- before I would slam it down with my hand
22:46 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
22:48 cavemanlg whartung, you can play  it today then
22:48 whartung :)
23:16 jxriddle joined ##javaee
23:21 sfisque so here's the "feature" i've uncovered.  (keep in mind, this isn't my code, so withhold judgement).  we have a bunch of controllers that inherit down a chain.   Ca -> Cb -> Cc -> Cd -> ....     and each one has a postConstruct method that is annotated appropriately.    they also do   super.postConstruct() to make sure each layer is marshalled properly.  the interesting thing is, since the method is overridden, the call is to the annotated method by the fra
23:22 sfisque i'm going to try and "break" the @Override aspect, and make each postcontruct method uniquely named (annoying)
23:22 sfisque that way the virtualized call should be "in scope" rather than relocated
23:24 whartung wait what?
23:25 whartung so the framework calls ALL of the postContruct methods?
23:25 sfisque sort of.
23:25 sfisque you would expect it to call all of them and it does, BUT
23:25 whartung well I wouldn't, no :)
23:25 sfisque it then virtualizes the call and enters at the top each time
23:26 sfisque if a method is anotated @PostConstruct it BETTER get called
23:26 whartung I would expect the super.postConstruct to do the work
23:26 sfisque that's to spec
23:26 whartung but it's ONE instance
23:26 sfisque right but the container doesn't know that
23:26 sfisque remember, methods do not "really" inherit
23:26 sfisque they're all called virutally
23:26 whartung what do you mean they don't "inherit"?
23:26 sfisque even via this, it's still a virtual call
23:28 sfisque if A -> B and B has B.x().   if you call A.x()... if you look at the decompiled byte codes, it's actually a virtual call to B.x()
23:28 whartung yes
23:28 whartung you mean
23:28 whartung A = new B(); A.x -> calls B.x
23:29 sfisque right.  it's not A.x().  it's just A passes the call down to B
23:29 sfisque or more specifically, A gets ignored and B.x is called unless A overrides it
23:29 whartung A a = new B(); a.x -> invoke x on B
23:29 sfisque right
23:29 whartung B extends A
23:29 sfisque A extends B in this example
23:30 sfisque (sorry about that)
23:30 whartung then you can do A a = new B()
23:30 whartung *can't
23:30 sfisque A a = new A();   a.x() is really a call to B.x() at the byte code level and A is totally ignored
23:30 sfisque no
23:30 sfisque TypeCastException
23:30 sfisque or compile error
23:30 sfisque depending
23:31 whartung if A extends B and does not override x, then yes, B.x will be called
23:31 whartung if A implement x, then A.x will be called
23:31 sfisque right but at the byte code level, if there is no override, it doesnt even pass through A.  A's not in the equation.  if it were truly inheritence, A would get the call and pass it down
23:32 whartung you might be thinking that's one way it could be implemented
23:32 whartung if A implements x, it's up to A to delegate to B via super or not
23:32 sfisque i'm not saying it's "wrong", it just yielded unexpected behavior in this case
23:32 whartung A is not obligated to super.x() in its implementation of x
23:33 sfisque so now i think i have to "break" the override chain and make each PC method uniquely named so i don't get the virtual short circuit to the top level impl
23:34 sfisque i will report my findings if this "fixes" it.  ultimately it will have to be refactored, because they're doing "bad things" in a PC.
23:34 whartung to me, personally it does not make any sense to have, or want, the framework to call postConstuct on the parent classes. I think that should be the purview of the implementation (A,postConstruct may well not want to invoke B.postConstruct)
23:35 sfisque taht would be one way to fix it, but i do not have the time to submit a "fix" to GF, especially since 3.1.x is goign to EOL now that 4.x is out
23:36 whartung I must go read the CDI spec and see what is says about calling lifecycle methods :)
23:36 sfisque the other fix is to refactor so that the inheritence chain is less "questionable"
23:37 sfisque we really should not be calling PC methods directly.  they're supposed to be provided for the container to use
23:37 sfisque a sane API would scope them all private
23:37 whartung certainly, you shouldn't call them yourself (save for super.PC…)
23:37 whartung IMHO
23:37 sfisque i woudl even posit that is potentially an anti-pattern
23:38 sfisque i would prefer the spec were changed to require them to be private
23:38 sfisque but that's an opinion :-)
23:46 whartung Ah HA!
23:46 whartung 4.2. Inheritance of member-level metadata
23:46 whartung lets see what that ssays
23:47 sfisque read through that the other day, when i started down this road
23:48 whartung so this rings true to me, I think it might even be relevant...
23:48 whartung If X declares an initializer, non-static observer, @PostConstruct or @PreDestroy method x() then Y inherits x() if and only if neither Y nor any intermediate class that is a subclass of X and a superclass of Y overrides the method x().
23:48 sfisque so it might be a bug in GF then
23:49 sfisque it might be "trying TOO hard to run the PC's"
23:49 sfisque and because "this" points to the top most class, everytime it finds an annotation, it jumps to the top of the stack
23:50 whartung yea it's not super clear
23:50 sfisque i'll have to dig through the Glassfish code on this one.
23:50 sfisque hopefully it's sorted out in 4.x
23:50 whartung see I don't know what "Y inherits x()" means in this ase
23:50 whartung because there's @Inherited as well
23:51 sfisque @inherited is TYPE only
23:51 crimsonfubot sfisque: Error: "inherited" is not a valid command.
23:51 sfisque @Inherited is TYPE only
23:51 sfisque it even says in the source code it gets ignored if the annotation is used on a method if it is tagged @Inherited
23:52 sfisque in fact netbeans will complain
23:52 sfisque if you create an annotation tagged @Inherited and then apply it to Methods
23:53 whartung ok
23:56 whartung then there's this
23:56 whartung The method annotated with PostConstruct MUST be invoked even if the class does not request any resources to be injected. Only one method can be annotated with this annotation.
23:56 sfisque if you want to see somethign really wonky WRT inheritence.. try this one.   class A { private int x = 0 ;  public getX() { return x; } }  class B extends A { private int x = 1; }    -- create a main() that instantiates one of each, and compare what you get when you call  B.getX() and A.getX();
23:56 whartung that tells me there shouldn't be "multiple" ones
23:57 sfisque aye
23:57 whartung heh - nice, what does that do?
23:57 sfisque try it out
23:57 sfisque it was surprising to me
23:59 sfisque or any similar permutation where you have a method that exposes a private var and the subclass creates a similar private var with same name

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