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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2021-03-23

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:11 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
06:31 mr_lou wtf...... did Oracle seriously change the licenses, so that anyone making e.g. Java games now has to pay a license to use it??
08:31 aditsu you don't need to pay if you use openjdk or old java versions (I think)
11:23 mr_lou aditsu, Every thought about turning this channel into a Discord server?
16:11 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
17:20 aditsu not really..
17:23 mr_lou I has #IndieGameMusic on EsperNet for years. Every now and then a single dude would join... stay for 4 minutes.. leave.
17:23 mr_lou I never had a larger group of people there.
17:23 mr_lou Then I decided to try out Discord. Made a server for IndieGameMusic there.
17:24 mr_lou Within 2-3 weeks it had 500 people.
17:24 aditsu :O really?
17:24 mr_lou Ye...
17:24 aditsu how did they find it?
17:24 mr_lou Currently 624 members, it says.
17:24 mr_lou Well I put the invitation link at the top of the site.
17:26 mr_lou Currently 7 gamedevs online, 56 musicians online, and 46 other people online who hasn't been assigned a role.
17:27 aditsu I guess I could try.. pdurbin what do you think about it?
17:29 mr_lou Then, because it was a succes, I made another server for
17:30 mr_lou It currently has 166 members.
17:30 mr_lou You just won't get that amount of interest on IRC.
17:30 mr_lou It's not that I was/is a fan of Discord. I really like and prefer IRC. But you gotta be where people are...
17:30 aditsu you did mention it before
17:30 mr_lou I did?
17:30 mr_lou I mentioned Discord before?
17:31 aditsu
17:31 mr_lou Ok, well I'm still not a fan as such. I'm just there. :)
17:32 aditsu and I also mentioned something about "open platforms" :p
17:32 mr_lou How about that. The logs say I made a server for blu-play first, and then for IGM. I remember it the other way around. I'm getting old.
17:33 aditsu discord is more user-friendly indeed, though it's proprietary
17:36 pdurbin For a short time I hung out in the Discord channel for but it didn't stick with me. I've heard good things about
17:38 aditsu if I make a discord server, will you join? :p
17:39 aditsu or you're just not using discord in general
17:40 aditsu I am actively using it (mainly for a game), so since I'm already there, I guess making a server is not a big deal
17:40 pdurbin Ah, no, I'm not actively there. If there's a weechat plugin, maybe. :)
17:42 aditsu yeah that's where "not an open platform" issue comes in..
17:42 aditsu
17:43 pdurbin yikes
20:13 aditsu_ joined ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode