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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2019-11-11

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:31 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
02:41 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
05:11 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
07:13 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
07:43 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
08:13 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
08:43 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
11:12 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
11:25 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
11:39 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
11:45 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
11:56 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
12:14 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
12:27 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
13:26 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
13:43 aditsu hey, is there a generic "not authorized exception" I can use?
13:53 mr_lou aditsu, You do realize you're the master in this place, right?
13:53 mr_lou That basically means you only get to answer questions. You can't ask any. Coz the rest of us don't know anything.
13:54 mr_lou Well we know something obviously... but if there's something you don't know, then we don't know either.
13:54 aditsu hey, pdurbin knows stuff, and most likely kzisme too
13:54 mr_lou Hm....
13:54 mr_lou Prove it.
13:55 * mr_lou awaits pdurbin's guru skills.
13:55 mr_lou Oh, there are exceptions of course. I probably know a thing or two about blu-ray that you don't.
13:55 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
13:56 aditsu he works at Harvard, he gave talks about programming
13:56 aditsu and he sometimes answered questions in here
13:57 mr_lou Ok I yield.
13:57 aditsu incidentally.. I may be implementing something vaguely similar to his beloved command pattern
13:59 mr_lou Sounds interesting.
14:25 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
14:55 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
15:25 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
15:55 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
16:10 pdurbin aditsu: sorry, when I think "not authorized" I think HTTP status codes, not Java exceptions.
16:11 aditsu I just mean "the user is not authorized to do this action"
16:12 pdurbin Sure. I don't know if this helps or not but we use the command pattern and throw a CommandException when a user isn't authorized to execute the command.
16:13 pdurbin You are welcome to check out
16:15 aditsu so you just wrote your own exception basically
16:48 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
17:09 pdurbin yeah
17:25 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
17:41 digitalmichael joined ##friendlyjava
22:56 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode