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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2019-10-05

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:22 enrio joined ##friendlyjava
04:58 codi joined ##friendlyjava
04:58 codi is this java channel
04:59 aditsu yes
04:59 mr_lou A friendly variant.
04:59 codi do you use java 8
05:00 aditsu I do
05:00 codi why do we have reduce as terminal operation
05:01 aditsu is that a stream thing?
05:12 codi do you know java
05:13 mr_lou O_o
05:14 codi is there any java channel out there?
05:16 aditsu no need to be rude
05:17 codi okay
05:21 codi have no time for this
05:21 codi anyone know java 8?
05:22 aditsu .....
05:25 codi are you mocking me? aditsu
05:26 codi left ##friendlyjava
05:28 aditsu ¯\_(o_º)_/¯
05:30 aditsu he could have gotten an answer 25 min ago if he wasn't so snobbish
05:30 mr_lou Weird guy.
05:30 mr_lou The world is full of them.
05:32 mr_lou Speaking of weird guys....  I've noticed nanoz is throwing more and more minor personal attacks my way.
05:32 mr_lou Any idea what that's about?
05:33 aditsu I don't know.. it seems that he wanted to ask you something and he was frustrated that you weren't answering
05:34 aditsu (because you were not on)
05:34 mr_lou hm
05:34 mr_lou Well I do ignore him now.
05:34 mr_lou So...
05:35 enrio you should ask enrio mr_lou
05:35 mr_lou Why is that?
05:35 enrio not aditsu
05:35 aditsu oh, enrio = nanoz
05:36 enrio yes
05:36 mr_lou Damn. Thought I succesfully could talk about him behind his back.
05:36 aditsu lol
05:36 enrio btw this channel has logs too
05:36 aditsu it's not like you said anything bad
05:36 enrio thanks to philbot
05:37 aditsu enrio: btw, I do kickstart sometimes, but didn't catch recent rounds
05:37 * mr_lou should get out of bed...
05:38 * enrio keeps eyes on mr_lou
05:38 * enrio spying on him
05:38 enrio aditsu, thats cool
05:38 mr_lou I'm a bot.
05:38 mr_lou They call me bottie.
05:39 enrio no chessy words now
05:40 enrio watching documentary , if you say nanoz
05:40 enrio my irc chat box starts blinking
05:44 enrio recently folks started spying on me , thought it was mr_lou men so changed my nick
05:44 enrio on otherhand love japanese
05:45 enrio aditsu, how many you were able to complete on codejam?
05:46 aditsu I got to round 2
05:47 aditsu then I failed hard :p
05:47 enrio how many rounds are there?
05:47 enrio only 2 rounds?
05:48 aditsu there's qualification round, 3 attempts at round 1, round 2, round 3 and finals
05:48 aditsu so 5 rounds and round 1 has 3 sub-rounds
05:49 aditsu I did better in other years
05:54 enrio do you teach?
05:54 enrio not for free
05:54 aditsu I'm not a teacher
05:55 mr_lou Atari Jaguar homebrew gamedev just sent me a link to a WIP of the game he's making, using about 10 of my old Amiga mods. :-)
05:56 aditsu cool :)
05:58 enrio hmmm
06:02 enrio aditsu, the algo and ds has been same for decades
06:03 enrio so if you master , why it be hard to clear rounds?
06:10 aditsu I don't know all the algos, and even if I do, I can't always figure out what and how to apply
06:10 aditsu and then there are bugs and edge cases that make me fail even when I basically solved it
06:21 enrio when i solve the problem there over 10 varation of it
06:22 enrio there was recent interview problem updated in leetcode
06:22 enrio the soln was too simple using stack but never occured to my mind
06:33 enrio although found have profound interest on 2 sorts radix sort and shell sort over classical sort quick sort and merge sort.
06:35 enrio
07:14 aditsu pdurbin: haha, you would recognize that:
07:30 enrio :p
08:05 enrio weird algorithm
09:22 enrio having 1 second as time limit makes it hard
09:22 enrio left ##friendlyjava
09:23 enrio joined ##friendlyjava
09:23 enrio aditsu how often you get TLE
09:27 enrio rarely?
09:28 aditsu sometimes.. not very often
09:49 enrio i often get TLE :(
09:49 enrio in every 5 problem 3 goes to TLE
10:36 enrio before use to get all TLE now its reduced
10:47 pdurbin enrio: yes, I do recognize that :)
12:47 enrio was watching documentary on female master minds
14:08 evlaa1990 joined ##friendlyjava
14:51 evlaa1990 joined ##friendlyjava
16:09 codi joined ##friendlyjava
16:09 codi is this java channel
16:10 codi crap same channel
16:10 codi left ##friendlyjava
16:13 aditsu lol
16:44 mr_lou lol
17:48 enrio who is this guy?
17:48 enrio mr_lou how are you doing?
17:49 enrio do you use golang?
17:49 enrio its quite popular these days
17:50 enrio aditsu, do you use golang at you're work place?
17:50 aditsu "your", and no
17:53 * enrio google thanks :P
17:53 * enrio googled
17:55 * mr_lou is trying to finish his Blu-ray game, in a "lite" version, realizing he'll never be able to make the "full" game he originally thought he would - simply not enough time.
17:56 mr_lou And making some Amiga music inbetween
18:29 enrio wow
18:29 * enrio filled with joy for mr_lou game
18:29 mr_lou Yes you are.
18:30 enrio mr_lou, do you believe in vegan?
18:31 mr_lou I have no idea what that question means.
18:32 enrio well been trying to demolish vegan :)
18:34 aditsu that makes no sense either
18:54 enrio watch this video guys
18:56 enrio Soon, vegans will only eat air and sunlight
19:11 aditsu no they won't
19:30 pdurbin heh, that guy cracks me up
19:51 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode