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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2019-07-11

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:18 nanoz joined ##friendlyjava
05:04 * aditsu is starting to use wicket 8
12:19 pdurbin Is it very different than 7?
14:08 nanoz joined ##friendlyjava
19:56 aditsu pdurbin: no idea, haven't tried 7 :p
19:56 aditsu not very different from 6
19:56 aditsu so I guess even less different from 7
19:57 aditsu at least so far it doesn't seem too different, just had a couple of small issues
19:58 aditsu I went from 1.4 to 6 to 8
20:01 pdurbin oh, does it support Java 8 or something?
20:03 aditsu from the home page : "A Careful Application of Java 8", "Java 8’s new idioms and types have been applied throughout Wicket’s API", "Java 8+ Required", "Lambdas in All The Right Places"
20:04 pdurbin That explains the numbering. :)
20:05 aditsu yeah they parallel java versions
20:06 pdurbin Our app sort of parallels Glassfish versions, which freaks me out a bit.

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##friendlyjava on freenode