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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2017-12-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:02 tahr240591 joined ##friendlyjava
00:02 tahr240591 butts
07:31 nanoz joined ##friendlyjava
08:27 nanoz joined ##friendlyjava
08:35 nanozz joined ##friendlyjava
09:33 nanoz vello aditsu pdurbin pulsar mr_lou
09:34 mr_lou Hello nanoz
09:56 CatButts joined ##friendlyjava
12:06 pulsar joined ##friendlyjava
12:10 pdurbin o/
12:31 nanoz whats up pdurbin ?
12:31 nanoz what project your working on ?
12:33 kirua joined ##friendlyjava
13:15 nanozz joined ##friendlyjava
14:21 pdurbin nanozz:
14:23 nanozz awesome !
14:25 nanozz how to commit frequently on github?
14:25 nanozz i have done only 2 commits past 2 months
14:34 pdurbin nanozz: do you want to work on a "low hanging fruit" issue?
15:19 nanozz yes
15:19 nanozz kindly let me know on that
15:19 nanozz pdurbin
15:29 kirua joined ##friendlyjava
16:47 nanoz joined ##friendlyjava
17:10 aditsu hai
17:11 mr_lou Hey aditsu
17:36 aditsu mr_lou: how's it going?
17:47 mr_lou Still stuck in bed with the flu sadly.
17:48 mr_lou I must have broken some kind of record in boredom at this point.
17:48 mr_lou There's nothing interesting on Netflix.
17:52 aditsu aww
17:55 aditsu hope you get well soon; as for Netflix, I find that kinda hard to conceive
17:59 mr_lou I guess I'm just too picky then.
18:00 mr_lou And how are you doing?
18:07 CatButts meow
18:08 aditsu tired, I did a bunch of work today..
18:08 aditsu I think I hate react js
18:09 aditsu fortunately I never used it :p
18:09 mr_lou I hate frameworks in general. There are too many of them.
18:10 aditsu some frameworks are ok, but others are just ridiculous overkill
18:11 aditsu CatButts: purr
18:11 CatButts murr
18:13 aditsu anyway, just chilling now, btw that Peter Pan thing is really funny; would probably be even funnier if I was familiar with the original :p
18:16 mr_lou :-)
18:18 nanoz hi mr_lou
18:18 aditsu I have a java question.. is there a library that can parse a fragment of a big json thing? (for speed and low memory)
18:18 nanoz why hate reactjs? aditsu
18:20 aditsu nanoz: it makes everything super-complicated, and pushes most of the page generation stuff into the browser, with mountains of js and json and whatnot
18:21 nanoz you look in vuejs :) aditsu
18:21 nanoz i like reactjs since its so simple
18:21 aditsu what happened to simply sending html from the server? is that old-fashioned now?
18:21 nanoz the only thing i hate is state maintaince
18:21 nanoz where redux comes in
18:22 nanoz yes old fashioned
18:22 nanoz bye to jsp jsf
18:22 nanoz and bye to who uses it :P pdurbin
18:23 aditsu well, screw that
18:24 nanoz hahahahahaha :D
18:26 aditsu it's not worth making an application 1000 times more complicated, slower, more memory- and network-intensive, just to gain a couple of brownie points
18:26 CatButts just write in C
18:26 nanoz ^
18:26 nanoz aditsu
18:27 aditsu C is kinda complicated though
18:27 CatButts it's more complicated and more simple at the same time
18:27 aditsu and tedious
18:27 CatButts it comes closer to the way the machine works than OOP
18:28 CatButts you call C tedious
18:28 CatButts I'll continue calling
18:28 CatButts return new File(MyClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getC​odeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath());
18:28 CatButts tedious
18:28 CatButts :p
18:29 mr_lou I've always wanted to try doing a website with Java. Never had a chance yet.
18:29 * CatButts throws in some exception handling
18:29 nanoz mr_lou java sucks
18:29 mr_lou I like it.
18:29 nanoz it sucks
18:29 mr_lou Some complain that you have to write a lot in Java. That's part of what I like.
18:29 mr_lou Why nanoz?
18:29 nanoz its verbose
18:29 aditsu probably 99% of the sites I made in the last 10 years were in java :p
18:30 mr_lou Awesome aditsu
18:30 CatButts that's what I'd call "overtly ver.... what nanoz says
18:30 mr_lou I like the  readability.
18:30 nanoz functional interfaces made me to leave java for good
18:31 mr_lou Ah, so you leave a language because it offers something you don't have to use. Ok then.
18:31 nanoz its crap way of doing something simple and elegant
18:31 mr_lou Well I disagree.
18:32 CatButts I'm here because there is stuff relevant to my interests in Java
18:32 CatButts and I have some work to do
18:32 nanoz i'm here bcuz the world is not allowing me to change the carreer
18:36 mr_lou :-)
18:36 mr_lou I had a "debate" with an anti-java dude earlier.
18:36 mr_lou "I hate Java".
18:36 mr_lou Why?
18:36 mr_lou "Because it's slow and bloated".
18:37 mr_lou I'm pretty sure a Java app on a Windows machine runs just as fast as a C# app on a Linux machine...
18:37 mr_lou "....yea....   to be honest I picked C# because I wanna be able to target the consoles".
18:37 mr_lou I just created 8-bit Memoirs with Java, and it runs on both PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
18:38 nanoz i hated the many of there design flaws
18:38 mr_lou Also created Ukko's Journey the same way. One disc runs on all.
18:38 mr_lou Then he left the channel.
18:38 mr_lou There are flaws in anything.
18:38 mr_lou Everything.
18:38 mr_lou Everywhere.
18:38 nanoz you know what ?
18:38 mr_lou I'm sure you're about to tell me.
18:39 nanoz java sucks beyond and they want patch via 8,9
18:39 mr_lou It kinda seems like you're just repeating yourself.
18:40 nanoz okay
18:40 mr_lou But if that's how you feel, then just leave.
18:40 mr_lou See ya!
18:40 nanoz see ya
18:40 mr_lou :)
18:40 nanoz :)
18:40 nanoz hi guys
18:41 aditsu so about the C discussion, I wasn't talking about optimizing like making string concatenation run 3 times faster, but rather doing stuff like string concatenation instead of constructing, transporting and deploying a very complex page-generating engine and a mountain of json and making 20 ajax requests and processing more json, to achieve the exact same goal
18:41 nanoz i met some guy called mr_lou , he is fanatic about java :D
18:41 mr_lou Btw aditsu....   have no idea why I suddenly remembers this, but... could I have OP status? :->  I wann be able to invite poeple here. Apparently it requires OP status.
18:41 nanoz you may mis-use it
18:42 mr_lou Probably.
18:42 aditsu mr_lou: you could just tell them, come to ##...
18:42 nanoz if mr_lou gets OP so do i
18:42 mr_lou aditsu, That's what I did.
18:43 mr_lou But an invite would be cooler.
18:43 nanoz lol mr_lou
18:43 mr_lou When noticing people being bashed in a certain other channel.
18:43 mr_lou Probably by nanoz
18:43 mr_lou Sounds like something he's do.
18:43 mr_lou He's evil.
18:43 nanoz lol you know evil , your corrupted b!
18:43 aditsu meh, I'm not sure op status is warranted just for cooler invites
18:44 mr_lou How about my cool personality then?
18:44 mr_lou No you're right.
18:44 mr_lou I would abuse my powers.
18:44 nanoz its like saying girls to get naked in public so i dont want to see nsfw during office hours :P coool!
18:44 mr_lou CatButts would be a better choice.
18:46 aditsu I think the first person I'd op is pdurbin, but probably only if kicking people becomes necessary
18:46 mr_lou Can we vote on the kick issue? :->
18:47 nanoz i dont find reason making anyone op other than aditsu pdurbin
18:47 aditsu you want to vote to kick people? that sounds weird
18:47 mr_lou Anyway....    change of topic.
18:47 CatButts what'd I miss?
18:47 nanoz miss mr_lou what next ?
18:48 mr_lou aditsu, I have a small question about JavaEE. There are Servletts on these Java servers. My question is: Does a server create a Servlett instance for each visitor, or will there always be only one Servlett running?
18:49 aditsu mr_lou: there's only one t in servlet, and from what I remember, there's one instance of each servlet
18:49 aditsu I seldom use servlets directly though
18:49 mr_lou Really? Servlets are what I find cool about JavaEE.
18:49 nanoz i never used servlet but my framework did use while back!
18:50 aditsu mr_lou: I use them occasionally, for simple stuff
18:50 mr_lou mkay
18:50 mr_lou Well..... I'll never have time to look into that world anyway. :-/
18:50 mr_lou Life is too short.
18:50 nanoz have an affair mr_lou
18:51 mr_lou Yes, that'll surely give me more time.
18:51 mr_lou You're very wise non
18:51 CatButts put cat on chest
18:51 mr_lou Na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!!
18:52 CatButts get cat to fart on chest and whisper that everythign is going to be ok
18:52 mr_lou And CatButts
18:52 CatButts fart away the blood clots
18:52 CatButts :P
18:52 mr_lou Any chance your butt is that of Cat Woman?
18:52 mr_lou Because that would totally chance my view on you.
18:52 mr_lou :-)
18:53 CatButts
18:54 CatButts
18:55 CatButts who's Halle Berry?
18:56 aditsu use the google
18:57 * CatButts uses google rhetoricallt
18:57 CatButts y
18:57 nanoz she has good B!
18:59 CatButts I kinda wanna ask java questions, but at the same time I don't because I'd have to get off me bum and brush with Java
18:59 CatButts I feel in no state to write code, currently
18:59 aditsu I did ask a java question
19:01 CatButts I'll go rest on bed, instead
19:01 aditsu g'night then, I guess
19:06 CatButts I don't even feel like resting on bed
19:07 CatButts I'll go ahead then
19:07 CatButts I'm shopping for parts, for a simplistic drawing application
19:08 CatButts first up, the storage medium where RGBA values get stored
19:08 CatButts I am looking at Array
19:08 CatButts does not allow resize, though
19:09 CatButts for speed(lots of reads and writes), probably the best
19:09 CatButts I assume I can get away with allocating a new Array, copying contents accordingly, ditching old one, ok
19:10 CatButts what are ways to copy data between arrays or different location of same array?
19:10 CatButts is there anything like C's memcpy?
19:10 CatButts for large chunks at a time?
19:10 aditsu CatButts: System.arraycopy
19:10 CatButts as opposed to itterated copy per int32
19:11 aditsu it's up to the jvm how it implements/optimizes it
19:11 CatButts ah
19:11 CatButts so might or might not bring a boost
19:11 aditsu there's also Arrays.copyOf
19:11 aditsu but I think it uses arrraycopy
19:13 * CatButts notes that down
19:13 CatButts right
19:13 CatButts next up, by looking at a few screencaps
19:14 CatButts of AWT in action
19:14 CatButts can you take good guess what goes wrong?
19:14 aditsu 1. you're using AWT :)
19:14 * CatButts fetches screenies
19:15 CatButts well then
19:15 aditsu mr_lou: hey, are you from Denmark?
19:15 CatButts let me test and see if this specific shittyness is consistent accross platforms, aditsu
19:15 mr_lou aditsu, Yes.
19:16 aditsu huh, I went there in August
19:18 aditsu I had no idea..
19:18 aditsu nice place :)
19:19 mr_lou Cool. Where were you?
19:19 aditsu Copenhagen and Odense
19:20 CatButts [21:14] <aditsu> 1. you're using AWT :)
19:20 mr_lou Ok. :-)
19:20 CatButts well, that's about right
19:20 CatButts I don't have the screencaps handy
19:20 CatButts but I can tell you the bug
19:21 mr_lou aditsu, I live quite a bit away from the capital. :-)
19:21 CatButts
19:22 CatButts see the widgets on the left?
19:22 CatButts when dragging screen, they leave gunk behind
19:22 CatButts likewise, the drawing cursor is likely to leave itself behind
19:23 aditsu mr_lou: Jutland?
19:23 aditsu CatButts: checking
19:23 mr_lou aditsu, Yes
19:23 CatButts the mobile JRT(Java 7) does this
19:23 mr_lou aditsu, Northern Jutland.
19:23 CatButts on PC, less gunk
19:24 mr_lou aditsu, Get 8-bit Memoirs to read more about it. ;-) hehe
19:24 CatButts with only the flashing around the widgets
19:25 CatButts JRE 8
19:25 aditsu CatButts: I'm not sure where's the gunk
19:26 CatButts [21:20] <CatButts> I don't have the screencaps handy
19:26 CatButts the mobile screencaps
19:26 CatButts this is PC
19:27 CatButts so I verbally described gunk instead
19:27 aditsu ok.. it could be due to a bug in the program
19:27 CatButts or maybe crappy of AWT?
19:28 * CatButts tries to take some screenies on phone
19:28 aditsu but it's hard to tell exactly where the problem is
19:29 aditsu could be a race condition, that manifests more on a slower cpu
19:34 CatButts I appear to be unable to take screencaps at the moment
19:37 CatButts looks like I got a bigger problem on hands :<
20:05 kirua_ joined ##friendlyjava
20:25 CatButts joined ##friendlyjava
20:26 CatButts sorry for wait aditsu, I sorted out some partitioning woes
20:26 aditsu it's ok, I wasn't waiting
20:26 CatButts
20:26 CatButts :p
20:27 CatButts I am half tempted to believe this is either due to JRE 7 or the Embedded's implementation
20:27 CatButts hmmmm, I have a JDK 7 around
20:27 CatButts I should try it in that
20:29 aditsu I suspect a bug in the code, as I said
20:30 aditsu anyway, just get an android tablet and install a paint app ^__^
20:30 aditsu it will be fine :p
20:32 CatButts android sux, lol
20:33 CatButts so, if I can rest assured it's not AWT's fault and it's programmer's fault
20:33 CatButts then I can get crackin
20:34 aditsu I can't be 100% sure, but I think it's a safe assumption
22:56 kirua joined ##friendlyjava
23:14 kirua_ joined ##friendlyjava
23:40 kirua i want to execute this : but i(m afraid its not going to work, i should add ARTIKELNR  in the select but if i do so, the insert is not going to work+

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