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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2017-11-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:44 CatButts joined ##friendlyjava
06:44 CatButts hai guise
06:44 CatButts ##java is being a douche, so I am here
06:44 CatButts :P
07:08 CatButts I've got a bit of a problem with taming fullscreen windows spawning child windows
07:08 CatButts
07:08 CatButts
07:09 CatButts a fullscreen window will fail to switch in this example
07:09 CatButts in other cases, it will switch to something else from under the program
07:10 CatButts and you have to Alt+Tab to regain control
07:12 CatButts much like the above guy
07:18 CatButts I've tried replacing
07:18 CatButts defaultScreen.setFullScree​nWindow(applicationFrame);
07:18 CatButts with
07:19 CatButts applicationFrame.setExtended​State(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
07:19 CatButts followed by a
07:19 CatButts applicationFrame.requestFocus();
07:20 CatButts that solves the child window problem
07:20 CatButts but creates focus problem with the desktop
07:20 CatButts this is on J2SE embedded
07:21 CatButts but the problem is similar on desktop
07:21 CatButts *Embedded
07:22 CatButts any idea how to tame the fullscreen beast?
07:22 CatButts and yes, the application uses AWT
07:25 CatButts it's a desktop port of a web applet
07:26 abba joined ##friendlyjava
07:29 CatButts jabba!
08:34 kirua joined ##friendlyjava
08:45 aditsu CatButts: hi
08:45 CatButts hello
08:45 aditsu reading..
08:47 aditsu wow, AWT..
08:47 CatButts it's what's for dinner
08:48 CatButts but the problem described in above stackoverflow for swing seems to match mine
08:49 CatButts it's an old, early 00s applet ported to desktop, so yes, AWT
08:51 aditsu I ran your code, what is the problem?
08:51 CatButts fullscreen java window getting along with child windows
08:52 CatButts *not getting along
08:52 CatButts in trying to fix that I bump into
08:52 aditsu more specific?
08:52 CatButts fullscreen java window not getting along with desktop
08:52 CatButts well, in the code, there is a 5 second timer to spawn a child window
08:53 aditsu right, there's an open dialog
08:53 CatButts without fullscreen, the open dialog gets deserved focus
08:54 CatButts with fullscreen, focus not given
08:54 CatButts and in other cases, focus misplaced
08:55 CatButts in using instead
08:55 CatButts applicationFrame.setExtended​State(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
08:55 aditsu it gets focus here, but maybe it doesn't work properly in other environments?
08:55 CatButts hmmm
08:55 CatButts mind if I give you actual app?
08:56 aditsu but the same test code doesn't focus for you?
08:57 CatButts lemme retry
08:57 CatButts in the meanwhile, I give you application
08:57 CatButts that is not test code
08:58 aditsu ok, if you want
08:58 aditsu source code, right?
09:00 CatButts precompiled jar to test focus
09:00 CatButts
09:00 CatButts I will try example again
09:00 aditsu um... how can I trust that?
09:01 CatButts hmmmm
09:01 CatButts tehnically speaking, you can't
09:01 CatButts the sourcecode is a clusterfuck of multiple modules in IDEA
09:02 CatButts coughdecompiledjavaappletscough
09:02 CatButts fuck it, I'll zip that up too
09:05 CatButts
09:05 CatButts right, time for some pointers around this clusterfuck
09:06 aditsu I suggest taming your language a bit :p
09:06 CatButts jaba.applet.Applet
09:06 CatButts this word perfectly describes the state of the code
09:06 CatButts it's appropiate
09:06 CatButts goFullScreen() does the fullscreen switching
09:07 * CatButts picks one
09:07 CatButts let's say PCHViewer
09:07 CatButts child windows are spawned from...
09:07 CatButts [PCHViewer] GUI.OpenFile
09:08 CatButts the main class resides in...
09:09 CatButts [PCHViewer] port.Main
09:09 aditsu are these 2 different applications?
09:10 CatButts 3 modules
09:10 CatButts [PCHVIewer] [ShiPainter] [AppletEmulation]
09:11 CatButts the first two have main classes
09:11 aditsu the binary has 2 jars
09:11 CatButts either of the first two are combined with the third
09:11 CatButts yes
09:11 CatButts oh, forgot to mention
09:11 CatButts best to open from console, not GUI
09:12 CatButts because ShiPainter will not have convenient exit
09:13 CatButts the whole sourcecode is an abomination that I want to interact with as little as possible, until I do a full rewrite
09:13 aditsu but PCH uses some code from SHI
09:14 CatButts PCHViewer from ShiPainter?
09:14 aditsu yeah
09:15 aditsu specifically, SJpegEncoder and SPngEncoder
09:15 CatButts ah wait
09:16 CatButts you have lib folder
09:16 CatButts there are precompiled classes there
09:16 aditsu anyway, I can run ShiPainter
09:16 kirua are you guys good in bash scritpting ?
09:16 CatButts what does opening child windows behave like?
09:17 CatButts I just started with bash, so no
09:21 CatButts you know what's missing from my arsenal?
09:22 CatButts tools to compare sourcecode and compiled binaries, showing differences
09:22 aditsu kirua: not really
09:24 aditsu CatButts: the open button seems to work as expected
09:25 aditsu I have to go soon, will probably be back in a couple of hours
09:26 CatButts hmmmm
09:26 * CatButts tries example on J2SE embedded
09:27 aditsu I wonder if mr_lou can help, he's done some embedded java stuff
09:27 CatButts he's done J2ME
09:28 CatButts different beast
09:28 mr_lou J2ME is a 3-headed beast.
09:28 CatButts :p
09:28 CatButts so how many does J2SE have?
09:28 mr_lou MIDlets + Xlets + another kind of Xlet.....   just to trick the enemy.
09:29 mr_lou Good question.
09:29 mr_lou 3 million probably.
09:29 CatButts does cutting one make more grow in its place?
09:30 mr_lou Yes.... it's called C#
09:31 CatButts oh no, this is different
09:31 CatButts you cut the head off, and the head turns into a new beast!
09:31 mr_lou Different name, same thing though.
09:31 CatButts same difference
09:46 CatButts aditsu, my example appears to be working correctly now
09:46 CatButts something more insidious is going on in my sources
09:46 CatButts and I am on my own
09:47 CatButts from meow on
09:47 CatButts since it's I who got in this mess
09:50 CatButts the best thing to do is to separate core features off the application into a headless console app
09:51 CatButts drawing can be done programatically via the PCH file
09:52 CatButts (file with commands of what to do)
09:52 CatButts and work back up from there
09:58 CatButts I have no idea what I changed in my example to make it work :P
10:50 CatButts ah, it's probably the order of setting fullscreen and validation
10:53 CatButts in that case, I am a derp
11:25 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
11:33 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
11:40 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
13:01 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
13:12 aditsu CatButts: well, ok then, good luck
13:17 abba joined ##friendlyjava
13:18 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
13:44 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
17:14 xBADDA555 joined ##friendlyjava
17:25 CatButts what API would I look for in an AWT application for listening to keyboard?
17:26 CatButts so I can grep through files
20:26 CatButts tadaa
20:26 CatButts KeyEvent

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