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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2017-07-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:20 abba joined ##friendlyjava
07:36 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
07:42 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
09:16 pulsar guys. i am evaluating low latency high throughtput cache backends to basically pass an byte[] stream across jvm instnaces without buffering too much.
09:18 pulsar i was thinking about redis and implementing a kind of a a blocking byte array output stream (unblocking when the consumer has read enough data to make room for another chunck)
09:18 pulsar any other ideas, perhaps something less hacky?
09:20 pulsar i am not so eager to implement chunking myself and would rather use an existing, well tested backend to handle the stream multiplexing for me.
09:20 aditsu pulsar: there are many options.. are you sure you want a cache and not just a queue of messages?
09:21 pulsar amqp / mqtt / stop - on my radar right now, did not look very deep into it yet.
09:21 pulsar and yes, forget i mentioned the cache word
09:21 pulsar conceptually it is about streams
09:22 pulsar and does not need to be cached. perhaps for debugging but not as a requirement for the system i need to implement.
09:22 aditsu well, you can check out things like Chronicle or Mappedbus
09:22 pulsar zeromq ... i worked with that once. might be also a viable solution.
09:23 aditsu there are various mq's too
09:23 pulsar thanks, i will take a look at these.
09:23 pulsar i like zeromq since it is a very basic, low level mq almost ideal for my needs... now that i look at it :)
09:23 aditsu I used ActiveMQ some years ago
09:23 pulsar at least from what i remember from a couple of years ago
09:24 pulsar i used / use rabbit. did not measure the latency though
09:24 aditsu oh, does it need to work over the network? or just on the same machine?
09:24 pulsar clustered, so network.
09:25 pulsar so no pipes or shm
09:25 aditsu ok.. Mappedbus might not be suitable then
09:25 pulsar and i would rather skip the manual chunking if possible
09:26 pulsar if i was going to use a mq -  i would have to deal with that most likely
09:26 pulsar and somehow impelment the buffer caps / blocking
09:26 aditsu you can also look into JGroups
09:26 pulsar either on the protocl level or by a secondard control channel.
09:26 pulsar jgroups... wow. that has been a while
09:26 pulsar like 10 years :)
09:27 pulsar and from what i remember: PITA to configure
09:27 pulsar due to multicast / network realted foo
09:27 aditsu it's been updated, but I also haven't used it recently
09:28 pulsar i think i will take a look at mappedbus and then maybe evaluate zeromq
09:28 pulsar thanks!
09:28 pulsar oh, mappedbus seems to be shm
09:29 pulsar so single machine
09:29 aditsu I'm afraid Mappedbus doesn't do network, try Chronicle
09:29 pulsar yeah, it doesnt
09:29 aditsu or the other things I mentioned
09:30 pulsar this one?
09:31 aditsu yeah.. don't know much about it, it also does memory-mapped stuff, but seems to support network too
09:31 aditsu I guess there's also stuff like Netty and MINA
09:34 pulsar i am familiar ... soft of with netty
09:34 aditsu btw I was considering Mappedbus or Chronicle recently for IPC on the same machine.. but in my case simplicity (and light weight) is much more important than performance
09:35 aditsu and just now I finished coding something with file locks and WatchService
09:35 aditsu (I don't want sockets)
09:46 pulsar file locks...  no trouble with that?
09:46 pulsar depending on the filesystem you might run into issues, been there, done that :)
09:47 pulsar and switched to zookeper
09:47 aditsu what kind of trouble?
09:47 pulsar the deployment target was running on nfs
09:47 pulsar and that had some issues with locks
09:48 pulsar like... delayed or something
09:48 pulsar cant remember exaclty, it is a couple of years ago.
09:48 pulsar basically i ran into race conditions because of that
09:48 pulsar and switching to zookeeper (even a single-instance-quorum) was quite easy to implement
09:49 pulsar and actually meant to be used for cluster-locks
09:49 aditsu nfs? I wouldn't touch that with a 20-meter pole
09:49 pulsar yeah, tell that to the guys managing the systems i had to deploy my stuff on :)
09:50 pulsar "it is just a filesystem, you should not care".
09:50 pulsar right.
09:51 aditsu my program is for end users to run on their computers, and I'm only locking files in the temp dir
09:51 aditsu if they have their tmp on nfs... well, they deserve it :p
09:51 pulsar or smb
09:51 pulsar or dokan/fuse
09:51 pulsar there is so much crap out there
10:06 aditsu anyway, in my case there's only one machine doing the locking
10:37 pdurbin pulsar: What problem are you trying to solve? The customer says your app is slow?
11:00 pulsar pdurbin: not really. i am thinking ahead.
11:01 pulsar implementing an prototype as we speak and try to keep the architecutre in the back of my head if want to push it live
11:01 pulsar and that would mean 3.000.000 clients
11:01 pulsar request comes in, server delivers a a promise with the url containing the result
11:02 pulsar client comes back and fetches the responses
11:02 pulsar the tricky part: it has to be streamed all the way through. i cannot precache the response and serve that to the client
11:03 pulsar but rather pass the result output stream to the client directly.
11:03 pulsar to be scalabe / fit into the deployment platform, i need my (micro) services to be stateless
11:05 pulsar so i cannot store references to the streams in the jvm but rather have to figure a way how to pipe it between instances
11:06 pulsar does that make any sense?
11:07 pulsar for the prototype i am using only one jvm, so i can/will store the input stream somewhere inside a map connected to the worker thread
11:07 pulsar and wait for client's to do the actuall response reading inside the worker thread.
11:08 pulsar either using a stream proxy / wrapper or by passing the output stream directly to the consumer
11:10 pulsar ... implementation details. anway. this will obviously only work when the initial request firing of the processing thread and the request asking for the result are bound to the same jvm. i could use some kind of sticky sessoins / distributed hashtables / whatnot to make every client hit the same server over and over again based on the user id or something
11:10 pulsar but this will have implications on the scalability and will not be as easy as firing up a few more instances behind the ha proxy.
11:21 aditsu damn, java still doesn't have a (cross-platform) way to get the application data location
11:22 pulsar yeah, not natively.
11:22 pulsar there is a whole ecosystem evolved around this question.
11:26 aditsu pulsar: do you have a recommended solution?
11:28 pulsar by the deployment architecture?
11:28 pulsar sort of, they have an actor model
11:28 pulsar but that would require my application to live within an preconfigured jvm environment
11:28 pulsar which is not an option right now
11:29 pulsar since i have to use http/2
11:29 pulsar and this requires a modified boot classpath as of jdk8
11:29 aditsu um.. I'm talking about the application data folder
11:29 pdurbin It's good to think ahead.
11:30 pulsar aditsu: come again?
11:30 pulsar pdurbin: thats what i am being payed for :)
11:31 aditsu pulsar: I need a way to get the application data location, to write data files in there, you said there's a whole ecosystem? or were you talking about your stuff?
11:31 pulsar oh, right. yeah, i was talking about my stuff
11:32 pulsar but i see you point now
11:32 pulsar actually i did experience that pain aswell
11:32 pulsar ended up putting everything into the jar and using class.getResource*
11:32 pulsar which is fine... for static stuff.
11:33 aditsu no go, I need to write stuff at runtime
11:34 aditsu most people seem to do some OS sniffing, env. variable juggling and sometimes JNA calls
11:34 aditsu unless they just dump things in user.home :p
11:34 pulsar sounds like a perfectly stable soltuion.... so, why not bite the bullet and pass it via -Dfoo.location=/home/foo/bar ?
11:35 aditsu the end user might not have any concept of command line arguments
11:37 aditsu (and no clue whatsoever about where applications are supposed to store their data)
11:57 pulsar enduser, right. i keep on forgetting.
12:05 aditsu windoze also has this concept of a "roaming profile"..
14:57 df0 joined ##friendlyjava
16:03 aditsu damn, I got pretty much everything working, now hit a java bug >_<
16:17 aditsu hm, that bug is benign, I had another bug in my code..

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