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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2015-02-26

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:18 HEGX64 joined ##friendlyjava
04:44 lalalalala joined ##friendlyjava
05:52 RaviGupta joined ##friendlyjava
18:19 pdurbin huh. looks like I'm supposed to implement a CAPTCHA math question in Java:
18:26 pdurbin first hit is for
18:30 aditsu that is so much more advanced than TextCaptcha
18:34 pdurbin bummer
18:34 pdurbin harder to implement, I assume you mean
18:36 aditsu uh.. it's already implemented
18:37 pdurbin aditsu: you mean I should use that jcaptcha thing?
18:38 aditsu I'm not saying that, I was just laughing at that class.. from the description it just has an expected answer and it compares it with the given response... exactly what I would expect TextCaptcha to do
18:38 pdurbin oh
18:41 pdurbin yeah

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##friendlyjava on freenode