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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2014-10-11

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:05 pdurbin heh
04:17 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
07:35 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
09:23 aditsu_ joined ##friendlyjava
10:20 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
10:39 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
15:18 pdurbin aditsu: I just showed our conversation yesterday to a room full of indieweb people:
20:47 aditsu pdurbin: have you solved that puzzle? :)
20:49 pdurbin nope. haven't been working on it :)
20:51 aditsu hmm, there's no log link on that page
20:52 aditsu and the only reference to you is a twitter link?
20:53 pdurbin aditsu: here you go: :)
20:53 pdurbin these are mostly PHP people anyway :)
20:54 aditsu wait what, I didn't request it :p
20:54 pdurbin whoops. sorry :)
20:54 pdurbin some perl 6 on JVM chatter at
20:56 aditsu ewww
20:56 pdurbin heh
21:04 neversleepz joined ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode