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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2014-03-31

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:06 searchbot` joined ##friendlyjava
14:07 searchbot` joined ##friendlyjava
14:09 searchbot joined ##friendlyjava
16:27 firebird1 joined ##friendlyjava
16:27 tjsnell joined ##friendlyjava
16:28 firebird1 left ##friendlyjava
16:28 firebird1 joined ##friendlyjava
16:30 sajjadg joined ##friendlyjava
16:33 firebird1 hi sajjadg
17:01 mebigfatguy joined ##friendlyjava
17:02 Matthijs joined ##friendlyjava
17:03 Matthijs left ##friendlyjava
17:09 acuzio joined ##friendlyjava
18:15 mebigfatguy left ##friendlyjava
18:42 sajjadg joined ##friendlyjava
19:07 sajjadg joined ##friendlyjava
19:38 sajjadg joined ##friendlyjava
20:04 Matthijs joined ##friendlyjava
21:07 pdurbin this was really good: ▶ Project Lambda: Functional Prog. Constructs and Simpler Concurrency in Java SE 8 - YouTube -
21:07 pdurbin by Simon Ritter (speakjava) on Twitter -
21:09 pdurbin huh. usually they post the IRC log but I don't see it there or here: Project Lambda: Functional Prog. Constructs and Simpler Concurrency in Java SE 8 - virtual Java User Group (London, England) - Meetup -
21:11 pdurbin interesting how he gets into the "why" of java 8 lambdas using invoke dynamic under the hood
21:11 pdurbin that you should never have to recompile your code for better performance when a new version of java comes out
21:13 firebird1 ill do sample task in java 8 before go into it.
21:14 firebird1 i worked on lamda in functional lang :/ never in 00
21:20 Matthijs left ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode